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Ace stroked his hand over my face. I instantly woke up. "Let's go. We're here." I take his hand and walk towards home. Slowly, I opened the doorknob and shut the door behind me. When I turned around, I almost screamed. "Ruby!?" Her hands were crossed and she was tapping her foot against the hardwood floor. "Where were you? I was so worried. You sneak out like this everyday?" "Ruby...I..." There was a knock on the door. Ace and Jax were standing outside. "Ruby." "Ace? What's going on?" Jax stifled a yawn and said,"Don't freak out. Meathead is not human." "Meathead?" Ace looked at Jax and sighed. "He means Arty." Ruby didn't look a bit freaked out. Instead, she took my hands in hers and said,"I'm sorry, Arty." "Why? You knew about this." She gulped. "Yes. Mom told me about you being half wolf. She told me about promising your Dad that she would keep you safe. When she died, I felt so angry...I blamed it on you. I didn't want to keep you. But then you were so small and vulnerable... I used Mom's money in the bank, but it was only enough until I was 18. For taking care of us both, I had to start working part time. I'm so sorry for acting so heartless when Mom died." She covered her mouth with one hand and wept silently. I hugged her and my own cheeks felt wet. "It's okay. You still took care of me. Even though you were so young." "I don't want you to go with the Night Howlers. I practically raised you." Jax looked sad too. Either he felt sorry or he was acting and was a very good actor. Ace said,"Not right away. She needs to get into the Night Howlers first. You don't mind if we train her at night, right?" "But when will she sleep?" Ruby asked with a concerned voice. Those were the last sentences I heard before my body shut down.

"Morning, Rubes." I said to Ruby who was sitting beside me on the bed. "More like afternoon." I gasped falsely. "Oh no. I missed school." Ruby slightly pushed my shoulder. "I know how happy you are right now." "Shouldn't you be at work?" "I took a leave. You looked really weak." She looks outside the window, distantly. I threw my arms around her. "You helped me in every moment of my life for 5 years. I don't know how I can thank you." "Don't go. There will be nobody for me." I mimicked her voice. "What if you find a cute guy?" She chuckled half-heartedly. "What do you want to do today? We've got until night." "Are you sure you're not weak?" "No. I had enough rest." I picked my phone from the nightstand and snorted. "20 missed calls and 15 texts from Ace." "He's worried about you. Call him." There was a text from Jax too.

JAX: The cranberry juice, bubblegum and tree branch potion was supposed to turn you back to human not make you unresponsive, meathead. Ace is getting paranoid, here. I'm texting you to be my 911 (for now) and answer him. PLEASE.

I smiled and called Ace. "Why didn't you come to school!? Why didn't you answer my calls and texts!? Are you okay!?" "Easy there, worry-wart!" I could feel the smile spreading across his face. "Did you just call me a worry-wart?" "Yeah. Stop worrying so much." "I missed you." "Hmm. I'll be there tonight." I hung up and walked to my cupboard. Hmm... what should I wear? I pulled on a white shirt and beige pants. After brushing my hair, I put on combat boots and picked up my black hoodie. "Arty! You ready?" "Yeah." I looked at the mirror once more and trudged down the stairs.

I gripped my coffee cup tightly and checked my phone for messages. After Ace finally talked to Artemisia, I got a message from her.

MEATHEAD: I saved you...😄

I looked up once and started looking at my phone again. I looked up again. Meathead! I tried to escape, but then she noticed me. "Jax!" I sighed and turned around. She ran towards me. "What are you doing here?" "I should ask you that. You were passed out." "I'm fine now. I came here with Ruby."
"Okay, then. Bye." "You're already going?" "Uh, yeah. I have some work to do." I looked into her choclate brown eyes. Her eyes begged me to stay. No. Not this again. I won't. Resist it. "Maybe, I can stay here for a little time." She grinned. I cussed myself under my breath. Ruby came towards us. "Hey, Jax!" She looked at me and Artemisia."I think I should leave you two alone." "No, you can stay." Ruby smiled. "I'll be back." She left us two alone. "You wanted me to be here." "Maybe I did. But I would have preferred Ruby to stay here." "And you complain about Ace bringing me to your date that never happened." "This is a totally different situation. We're not on a date." "Yeah, obviously. You want coffee?" "Now you're making it sound like a date." "I'm not. I'm just asking you because I feel guilty drinking coffee in front of you without offering anything." "I would like hot chocolate." I ordered for a hot chocolate and waited for the cup of hot chocolate. "Jax?" "Yeah, what?" "Where is your house?" "Safe House. It is the home for all Night Howlers." "You don't have a family?" I gritted my teeth and bent my head. "My Dad went missing with yours. Mom couldn't make it." She placed her hand on my shoulder. "I lost my Mom like that too." "95% of mothers who bear werewolf kids mostly survive. Ours happened to be in the unlucky 5%." Her eyes assessed my face and she looked away, tears in her eyes. "I didn't want to make you cry." She sniffled. "It's just that why did I have to have such a crappy birthday. I find out that I'm a werewolf. An Alpha. My Mom happened to be in the unlucky 5%. Is it because I'm an Alpha?" "The werewolves of higher ranks are a lot stronger and the chances of survival reduce." Tears stained her cheeks. Ruby appears from a shop. "Arty, what..." She flashes me an angry look and wraps Artemisia in her arms. "You made her cry?" I tried to protest. "Go! Stay away from her!" I backed away and ran to my car, feeling like crap.

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