Potential, Free verse poetry

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If I could set words on flame potential would be the first word to go,
I know I shouldn't hate but that word makes me bite my tongue,
Potential to be this and potential to be that,
It's the only reason people care,
And then they see that what I am and where I am will stay a while,
So they shake their heads and leave me to burn,
Leave me to fall,
As the word mocks me,
Laughing in my face,
It's all so funny how everyone I cared about, utters their disappointment as they turn away, shove me aside,
All because they judged me,
Seeing someone who I could become,
Not who I am,
And it breaks my heart,
I'm miss understood,
I know where I am and that I may stay a while,
But they think I'll get better,
Shine in the end,
Calling me a diamond in the rough,
But that is not what I am,
I'm a sinking rock,
Someone you can mock,
Someone who can run,
but can not hide,
It's hide and seek,
But I'm too week,
Too keep these sobs silent,
Too keep my mind silent,
Too keep my heart safe,
i can not fail apparently,
But all I have to say is;
"I'm Sorry, but I never promised you anything"

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