Chapter 22: Taking the reins

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          No... this didn't just happen... How dare an armed adult kill a defenseless child? In the back! The last thing that boy saw was me! He gave me his trust and I failed him... I had never been so outraged in my entire life, so upset and sad, not even when the victim was me... such a pure soul, taken away like that! I'm fed up and I can see everyone else is too! I tremble from shock and also from anger... I can't contain my tears of helplessness and rage. I'm going to avenge this death! Greg, you were a wonderful person and I thank you for illuminating my life even for a brief moment.

          Lumiere: Take the body to the house, we'll give it a proper burial after I take care of this.

          The anger in my voice is so palpable that Lehman immediately obeys me and takes the body away.

          Lumiere: The rest of you, go with him!

          Johann: Lumiere...

          Lumiere: I need this, it impacted me in a different way.

          Johann: Okay, we'll respect that, but be very careful.

          Johann, Pierce and Tundra return to the house, but Etoile stays by my side.

          Etoile: It impacted me as much as it did you, so let's move on.

          I nod in silence and in less than a blink, a group of guards begin to burn in white flames. Did you think my light was only used to transmit messages? Well then, feel all its fury! A few others were already completely massacred by Shadow and those remaining, who were trying to flee, were blocked by my sister's third eye... slowly their heads swelled until they finally exploded, I never thought I would see Etoile do something like that, she previously regretted causing harm... but we are so tired of all the shit we've had to go through and Greg's murder was the trigger, he really made a very big impact on our lives in the short time in which we were able to interact, people as special as him have that effect... which makes me remember that now, more than ever, we have to protect and give all our support to Gina... she is crying in her mother's arms but as soon as she sees me approach, she lets go of her and runs to hug me.

          Gina: brother.

          Lumiere: I'm so sorry, I should have anticipated and reacted in time, it's my fault... but I swear I will make everyone responsible pay.

          Gina: He was the only one who understood me.

          Lumiere: Now you have a new family that understands you, loves you and supports you... come with us, let's go give him a decent burial.

          She doesn't hesitate for a moment and remains clinging to me... but before I return, I have something to tell her parents.

          Lumiere: You shouldn't even dare to cry for him, it was you who brought the guards... your son's blood is on your hands.

          They both look at me with hatred but are unable to articulate words, because although they consider me a terrorist, deep down they must know that I'm telling the truth and that their son died because of them.

          Lumiere: Let's go, Gina... don't look back.

          We take a couple of steps when I realize that more security elements are arriving... from all directions and also by air; I notice how even the people who are in the surroundings and have been recording from the beginning are also surprised and murmur among themselves, I manage to hear them mention the army, so my state of alert increases.

          A helicopter launches a missile towards the house where our people are taking refuge, but this time they won't take us by surprise... I extend my arms and a beam of light emerges from my body, stopping the missile in the air, Etoile then redirects it with her third eye towards the vehicle from which it was shot.

          Etoile: What's wrong with these people?! They don't even deserve to be called humans.

          Lumiere: They are not... they are a group of heartless people who only seek to do harm.

           Someone else speaks again through a speaker, but it's a different one, it's integrated into the metal armor that these soldiers wear... I can see it clearly because the sky has lit up, but not because it has already dawned, but because the night lights are shining with more intensity than ever... something very big must be coming.

          General: Citizens! The order was to return home! Those who disobey will also be treated as terrorists!

          Without warning, the soldiers began shooting at the civilians. No! What's your fucking problem? I have to protect them, they are innocent people and some of them have video evidence... I cover Gina with a luminous shield and tell her not to abandon it, once I make sure she is safe, I feel calmer and can continue.

          Lumiere: Come on! We have to help them!

          Etoile accompanies me and we immediately begin to repel the attacks, but this time they are stronger because not only the armors are more advanced, but also the weapons... they remind me of those I saw in the elite facilities when I was attacked there. 

          Shadow: Protect these people? That doesn't interest me at all, plus these deaths don't contribute anything to our plans... they are too quick and obviously I can't open dark portals in front of the rest.

          Voice: Go back to the house, maybe something more interesting will happen there... also if they attack it again and you stop them, you will be better positioned in this group.

          Shadow: Exactly... and it's time for everyone else to get their hands dirty too.

          Shadow returns to the house and informs the rest of the situation.

          Shadow: Hey! Those who come from Sekthor, this time they do need your help out there... these soldiers have more lethal weapons than the previous ones, I came here to protect the shelter from another possible attack, since more planes and helicopters are approaching.

          Johann: I have to help Lumiere! But it's also important to protect this place... Pierce, Tundra and Lehman, stay here. The rest come with me!

          The inhabitants of Sekthor followed Johann and came to support Lumiere and Etoile, who were having difficulties since they were facing many soldiers and had to cover several fronts... with light and energy barriers they protected the citizens of Enthem, but they couldn't prevent some of them from being hit by bullets and falling to the ground dead; when they were being overwhelmed, Johann and his squad appeared behind the soldiers and killed them from there.

          Lumiere: Thank you very much! We have to spread out to gain more ground!

          Etoile: Be careful!

          They were barely able to instinctively avoid the firing of a very particular weapon; the ammunition was not like the others, but rather it attacked with circular waves that, upon contact with a surface, caused large explosions.

          Etoile: Okay, we can do that too... People of Sekthor! Fire your weapons and my third eye will strengthen your ammunition.

          Lumiere: I will temporarily blind them with my light! Take advantage when that happens! Now cover your eyes so you aren't affected too!

          Etoile and the others closed their eyes, but Lumiere did the opposite and opened them as much as she could while stretching her arms, a blinding light was expelled from her body and the soldiers momentarily lost their sight... Johann and his men took advantage and fired their weapons, wich were strengthened by Etoile, causing the soldiers to fly into pieces upon receiving the impact... but more reinforcements continued to arrive, so they couldn't stop for even a second.

          From inside the shelter, Shadow could see several planes and helicopters pointing in his direction... destroying one would be easy for him, but facing several would really test him.

          Voice: These vehicles seem resistant, be careful.

          Shadow: Hey! The ones from the Enthem dump! Lumiere, Etoile and I can use our powers outside the simulator, you should do the same instead of just standing there.

          Heat: We haven't learned how to do it, and don't think you can give us orders, we haven't forgotten what you did.

          Shadow: Okay, that being the case, save yourselves, goodbye.

          He mockingly turned around and headed for the exit, but a voice made him stop.

          Punkette: Shadow! Please don't go! I don't like it when you turn to darkness but right now... well... we need it, these people deserve to pay for what they did.

          Shadow smiles to himself and turns around so he can look Punkette in the eyes.

          Shadow: Do you understand now? Since we were children I only used it to protect us... and I still do.

          Punkette: Do it... now I see that some really deserve it.

          Voice: The death of the pussy redhead benefited us a lot, finally these people are behaving as expected in this type of situation.

          Shadow: I'll do my best to take down those vehicles... but I could use some support, at least do something to distract them.

          Pierce: Let's go up to the second floor and shoot to divert their attention! Tundra! Lehman!

          They both nodded and followed him, Shadow left the house and threw a powerful attack of black smoke at the nearest helicopter, but it was repelled by machine gun bursts that, although they only passed through it, were so many that they ended up dissipating it.

          Shadow: Wow, maybe we should take this a little seriously after all.

          He transformed into a giant shadow and put one of his arms into the ground, opening a portal behind the helicopter through which he came out and took it with his huge hand, but the vehicle continued to resist, so two more arms emerged from the shadow's body and also managed to hold it... however, it called for backup and all the air vehicles fired at Shadow, forcing him to let go of the helicopter and hurting him a little.

          He changed his strategy and turned his entire body into black smoke, his intention was to sneak through some hole and kill the pilot... but to his surprise, he was also repelled in that state since all those vehicles had an insulating barrier so that nothing could enter by force.

          Shadow: What kind of technology is this? This army was sent directly from the elite, the previous soldiers were ordinary, guards of the normality and that is why we killed them easily.

          He threw a powerful black flame from his arms and this time his attack did have some effect, the helicopter began to burn and fly erratically... but several planes began to fly around it and extinguished the fire with giant extinguishers that emerged from one of their compartments... they all focused on Shadow again and fired with a weapon that was identical to that of the soldiers attacking on foot, with circular waves but on a larger scale.

          Shadow was barely able to react and covered himself completely in darkness to protect himself from the impact... but he still received several wounds and realized that killing unarmed and terrified people is not the same as killing armored and well-organized vehicles... he still doesn't have that much power to do that.

          Shadow: What's going on?! I thought I was powerful enough!

          Voice: Your power increases when there is terror and desperation in the air... and even though we're executing a plan, what you're doing at this moment is intended to protect other people... the darkness would never do something like that and that's why you are limited.

          Shadow: If I do this it is because it will benefit us in the long term!

          Voice: I know, it's part of our facade... but in order to use these people we need them alive and darkness as an element seeks the opposite, death and blood... it doesn't understand long-term plans and seeks immediate satisfaction... your power comes from that dimension and we are subject to its rules.

          At that moment, Pierce, Tundra and Lehman fired through one of the windows to distract the aerial vehicles, which responded and forced them to take cover again... Shadow noticed and smiled evilly.

          Shadow: If the darkness seeks death, blood and despair, then I will give it that... and so that it doesn't confuse my intentions, I will ensure that a few of those inside the shelter die... accidentally.

          He once again transformed into black smoke, drawing the attention of all the vehicles, which began to shoot at him... Shadow began to make evasive maneuvers until he finally descended and flew next to the house, causing the shots to go through the walls and break the windows... many of those inside were hit and died instantly, causing the survivors to begin screaming desperately.

          Shadow: That's better, a lot of blood was spilled in there, the floor must be full of corpses and the survivors have to suffer more painful losses... I can feel their desperation, they surely think I was defeated and are panicking knowing that they too will die soon.

          Voice: Do you think Punkette is among the victims?

          A harsh blow of reality hit Shadow, who hesitated for a moment but was able to continue speaking.

          Shadow: I don't know, we'll find out later... now I have to take advantage of this monstrous increase in energy.

          The night lights that illuminated the sky were covered by clouds and black fog, the entire area where the aerial vehicles and the remains of the shelter were located became dark... the pilots couldn't see anything and couldn't communicate with each other because the equipment was damaged... their blood ran cold when they went from being in absolute silence to hearing a macabre laugh.

          Shadow: Elite soldiers.

          All those boarding both the planes and the helicopters looked around nervously but couldn't see anything... they were slowly panicking and that would allow Shadow to play with their minds.

          Shadow: I did this within the Mind Games, it's time to transfer it to reality.

          The soldiers began to tremble and their faces turned pale, they felt chills all over their bodies but they were unable to control or understand it... the darkness had penetrated the depths of their minds, their five senses were suddenly taken away and they felt an overwhelming loneliness... this method was new, Shadow was no longer doing anything at all, but the soldiers themselves were delving deeper and deeper into madness.

          Helpless and in an eternal dark void, the soldiers began to cry in despair... there was literally nothing they could hold on to and although in the real world only a few seconds had passed, they experienced that sensation for years, decades, centuries... their minds were so corrupted that they lost track of time and went through that eternal torture completely blind, deaf and without the ability to feel, taste or smell.

          Shadow snapped his fingers and they came back to reality... the soldiers regained control of their bodies and the dark clouds disappeared, it was already dawn too so the night lights were replaced by the sun; after having been alone for an eternity and surrounded by darkness, the soldiers began to scream desperately, banged their heads against the walls and pressed all the buttons inside the vehicles... there were no minds in those bodies, now they were just shells full of madness; planes and helicopters began to plummet, crashing to the ground and exploding, causing passengers to burst into flames.

          Shadow: What a great show!

          He approached the remains of the vehicles to delight in the image of those bodies writhing because of the pain caused by the fire... he remained watching until finally the flames went out and everyone died, but before returning to the shelter, he approached one of the corpses and touched its head, depositing a little darkness into that empty shell.

          Shadow: I have a job for you, you better be precise.

          The burned body moved slightly and Shadow returned to the shelter... even though it was filled with bullets, the walls were still holding and the house had not collapsed... pretending to be worried, Shadow called out to those inside while knocking on the door.

          Shadow: Open the door! It's me! The vehicles were neutralized.

          Pierce, Tundra and Lehman were the only ones who came out and they closed the door behind them, but Shadow managed to see several bloody corpses on the floor and many people crying around them.

          Shadow: Thank goodness you're fine.

          Pierce took several steps forward and Shadow, following his role, stepped back to make him believe that his presence commanded some respect... they were face to face.

          Pierce: Why did it take you so long to eliminate the vehicles?!

          Shadow: They were stronger than they looked, they had quite advanced armor and weapons... it wasn't as easy as you think... and in fact it took you a long time to shoot and provide me with support.

          Pierce: We had to be careful because we knew they would counterattack immediately.

          Shadow: Why do you offer to do it then? The important thing is that this problem is solved.

          Pierce: But many lives could have been saved if you had acted faster! Also, why did you allow the shelter to suffer so much damage? You were supposed to be here to protect...!

          A bullet pierced his heart and he fell to the ground, a trickle of blood came out of his mouth.

          Tundra: NO!

          Lehman: Pierce!

          Voice: Thank goodness, I was already starting to get fed up.

          Shadow feigned surprise and turned to see the person who had shot, it was the burned soldier to whom he introduced darkness, enough to reanimate that body so that it could get up and fire a weapon... appearing to be disconcerted, Shadow threw him a powerful attack of black smoke that tore off his head, he had already fulfilled his function.

          Tundra: Please hold on!

          Shadow looked at Tundra, who was crying uncontrollably as she held her boyfriend's hand... Pierce was gasping desperately for air.

          Shadow: And this is where you come in.

          Voice: Go ahead.

          Shadow: Move aside!

          After saying that, he pushed Tundra and Lehman out of the way and placed his hand on Pierce's chest, more precisely in his heart... he began to apply pressure to give him some of his energy and while that was happening, Pierce's soul was transferred to the dark dimension and he found himself face to face with the shadowy entity that lives in Shadow's body... in that place it can materialize and appear in its natural state.

          Entity: Hello Pierce, I have a proposal for you.

          Pierce: Who are you? Where am I?

          Entity: You were shot in the heart and you don't have much time left, you are going to die at any moment... but I can help you if you allow me, I can heal you in exchange for the darkness taking over you.

          Pierce: I would never agree to something like that!

          Entity: Okay, then die and abandon your family... leave them alone and sad, without someone to take care of them and completely destroyed.

          The dark entity turned around and began to leave, but stopped when Pierce called it... a smile appeared on that macabre face.

          Pierce: Wait! Can you really help me?

          Entity: Of course, but only if you allow it.

          Pierce: You know what? Do it! I know I'm strong enough to not let the darkness take over me.

          Entity: That's what you think? When you wake up you won't remember having this conversation... your heart will heal but instead of pumping blood, it will spread darkness throughout your body... so do we have a deal?

          The entity extended its hand and offered it to Pierce, who hesitated for a moment but was aware that he didn't have much time left and didn't want to abandon his family... so he ended up giving in and shook the shadowy hand... despite what it said, he still believed that his will was strong enough for the darkness not to take over him.

          The wound in his heart disappeared and after a strong inhalation, Pierce regained the air he needed and was able to sit up... Tundra, in disbelief, hugged him with all her strength.

          Tundra: Are you okay?

          Pierce: Yes...somehow my wound healed.

          Tundra and Lehman turn to look at Shadow.

          Tundra: Did you do this?

          Shadow: Yes, I gave him my energy.

          Tundra lets go of Pierce and takes Shadow's hands.

          Tundra: Thank you... thank you very much.

          Lehman: I thought we were going to lose him, I really appreciate that.

          Shadow: It's nothing... and sorry for not finishing off the vehicles sooner, I did my best but it wasn't enough.

          Tundra: Don't worry about that, you just saved the love of my life and when you destroyed those vehicles, you also saved the ones left in there.

          Lehman: We are lucky to have you in our group.

          Voice: So lucky that when the time comes, Pierce himself will finish you off.

          Shadow: I appreciate your words... Pierce, stand up and let's enter the shelter.

          He offers him his hand and helps him up.

          Pierce: Sorry for talking to you like that, thank you for saving my life.

          The four entered the shelter and Shadow felt enormous relief when he saw Punkette among the survivors.

          Shadow: Punkette!

          Punkette: My friend!

          Instinctively, Shadow approached Punkette and hugged her with all his might.

          Shadow: I'm so glad you're okey.

          Punkette: Same thing, when they shot at the shelter I thought they had eliminated you and that we were the next target.

          Shadow: It's over, we're fine and that's what matters.

          Voice: What are you doing?! Stop hugging her!

          Shadow: Relax. Don't you notice something different this time? I'm not suffering any negative effects... and that's because Punkette now thinks like us, she agreed to me using my powers to kill those soldiers.

          Voice: That doesn't mean you should hug her and show affection... you just gained a lot of power and by doing this you could lose it again.

          Shadow: That won't happen and I'm going to prove it to you.

          He let go of Punkette and grabbed her shoulders as he looked her straight in the eyes.

          Shadow: Several of our people have just been murdered, those responsible don't deserve forgiveness or compassion... they must be completely eradicated.

          Punkette: I know, I didn't want to fall into this but we have no other option, I tend to be calm and even passive most of the time... but there are things that simply cannot be forgiven, from here I could see how they killed Greg, a noble and charitable soul... as if that were not enough, they shot at us from the air killing more innocent and unarmed people... we need justice as well as freedom.

          Shadow: And we'll get it, stay by my side and you'll be fine... I will protect you from any threat and together we'll achieve that justice that we long for.

          Voice: I hope you have your priorities clear.

          Shadow: I drew the shots to this shelter even knowing that Punkette was here... I was willing to sacrifice her to achieve our goals, now she sees things our way, so when the time comes, the darkness will take over her too and she will be a great ally.

          Voice: You weren't fully aware when you caused the vehicles to fire at the shelter... if you had been, would you really have done the same with Punkette inside?

          Shadow: Just like I said, I'll do whatever it takes.

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