chapter 2

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jason was an front of karen as he was still chain up


karen:you know there is somethings you need to answer


karen:silent treatment huh?..listen you don't have an good situalation right now is the osf are suspect you murden one plattoon an kikuchiba not to metion the energy you posess is unusual


karen:you know i you know about the dead platton you should talk it mild help to get you out

jason:..........i didn't kill then the others did..

karen:how soo

jason:.they heads....are gone..i have edge weapon i can't cut then the wound was like someone take an big bite

karen:...fine i come back to the report 

he leave


quinella:{don't worry what you said is enough to prove you didn't kill the platton}

erin:{but the big issue is karen suspect about our power we can't let him know about it}

izanami:{well he}

erin:{and no kill izanami that make the matters worse}

quinella:{don't worry i deep up the powers data i mild find something i can use to cover up}

jason:{do it quick that man sure want answer}

after an while he hear footsteps and look foward as karen appear

karen:well you were right the autopsy confime the platton were killed by others not you


karen:still why you were an kikuchiba an the first place take an break

karen:you were travery where

jason:this city....

karen:for what

jason:to live

karen:{this guy sure doesn't like long coversations}

karen:now what is the power you posess


quinella:{i got it tell him this}

jason say as quinella explain to him

karen:i see an strong variant of psychokinesis and tekekinesis combine along with photokineis

jason nod

karen:i wonder you take out others like that..but how someone like you was never report

jason simply give an glare deep of hate

karen:i don't like the center of attetion..well that confirm..but you have to stay here for an while until the release papers are done and

an osf soldier come

osf:major karen we have situalation

karen:what is it?

osf:the others appear an zuzaku area the area is currety busy but they need extra support 

karen while quiet and then look at jason and he have an idea

karen:prepare an trasport

osf:how much

karen:one for one person


karen look at jason 



inside an armored vehicule jason was inside free but he heave an hoodcoat as he was an the backseat

jason:{i should expect he would something like this}

quinella:{look the bright side if you pass this you are free}

erin:{but have to join the osf soo constant watch}

izanami:{an least is not chain up like animal}

driver:we almost close to the area the others are you just need to pass the barricade and that's it


driver:uhh i sure karen put faith on you to take this task alone{damm that guy is too scary i mean i feel is like stare dagger an me ready to kill me if i do something stupid they don't pay me enough for this}

the vehicule stop

driver:we are here

the back door open as jason come out into the rainy night an the city as he walk toward the barricade as the osf members notice him

osf:you are the guy karen send?

jason just nod

the osf members look each other as they nood

osf:pass the barricade then foward you find the others we stay here an case they come 

jason just walk pass then and pass the barricade

osf 2:everyone feel an deep creepy vibe from that guy

osf f:yeah i swear i feel it was stare dagger at us and i can't see his face at all 

osf 3:for some reason i gonnad feel bad for the others

osf 4:yeah

with jason

he keep walking until he see an massive group of others as they notice him

jason:well then

he remove his hood expose his original outfit

jason:let's finsh this already

the others charge at him

red lighting cover jason's arms

jason:all right then

he look an the swarm of others and once they were close enough

jason:dust to dust

he lauch an giant red thudner hit all the thunder and turn then into ash 


quinella:{more others coming}

he see another swarm coming as he prepare his aramasa and turn into scythe and grab his knife as he cover both blades with vatista energy as the scythe blade have an dark and red color and the knife an red and white color as he got ready


he begin to slash the others

as he keep hack and slash an group of others try to attack him from behild but

jason:za wado

he use izanami ability to stop time and then back to normal as jason was behild the others and they were cut by izanami weapons who was mentally comand by jason mild

jason:{maybe i can give theses an good use}

he make an command an the pieces to cut the others as jason keep slash more as he make an jump and make an double stab to the ground cause an big explosion

as he look up more others came down

jason:tch za wado

he use izanami time ability again and begin to slash then along with his pieces by mental command

now there was rain blood along with the water as jason see another group coming

jason:tch soo persistent

izanami:{they won't last soo end it quicky}


he dash an high speed while cut the incoming others along the way

he was close to the swam and begin to tear then apart as nothing even the bigger one with his powers

he slash then until an major others appear 

jason:that one is big

quinella:{is an major other thoses are others who kill osf on the past}

jason:i see....well

the other try to crush him with his arm

jason:it will die by me

he stop his arm with his powers only use one hand

he then use both hands to hold the other and move both hands to the side as the others were rip open and both sides fell to the ground and turn into particules


he turn and see more others and keep slash but have enough he unleash an desvating pulse to wipe the others out

jason look an the ash


he turn aroud

he see another major other make an big jump and try to crush him

key world try

but jason extend his hand and use his power to stop the ohter on his tracks as the ohters was an the air as jason use izanami weapon pieces to cut the others members as teh beast roar an pain


he look an the body before it turn into particules as the remmains others were shaking an fear..yeah fear as they back away but

jason:where you goin

he glare at then

jason:i didn't finish to kill all you

he walk toward the others as the others back away but jason hold then and lift then up with his powers


he use his powers to grab the rock and cement from the gorund and smash agaist the others and end up an rock cube

jason:now to end

he command izanami weapon's to cut the cube

the cube explode as the weapons return back to jason


but notice something behild and see orbs and land into his hand to take an shape of sphere

jason:what is this

quinella:{looks like is remmains of others energy probaly the ones who eat other osf}


quinella:{looks like you can use that power to boost you abilities more}

izanami:{soo we use the energy of the dead osf..fitting for me}

erin:{and what you think}

jason:{i use what method i get if i need to use i i want to save the worlds}

he crush the orb as it absorb it

jason:there i feel now stronger..i should keep look for others once this over

erin:{witch is almost imposible as the osf keep you an tigh leash}

jason grown as he walk away but

quinella:{uhhh jason}


quinella:{crows behild you}

the crows where behild him

crow:and the scarlet guardias won once one and this time by one osf member now can you tell how you feel

but the crows quciky shut up and back away as jason glare then


he clunch his hand as the crows explode into pieces

jason:{quinella remind me to find the place wher the crows are made soo i can destroy then}


izanami:{you already hate it do you}

jason:{yeah but i have to bear for long they don't push me}

erin:{i sure the city will have no crows soon}

jason just grab the coat and put it back on as his aramasa turn back into sword move as both weapons glow dissapear


he walk back to the checkpoint and use his powers to force open the door suprise the osf inside

jason:{wow vatista powers sure give me an super boost}

erin:{but you have to learn it how to use it and don't forgot our powers you know}

jason:{right right i use the next fight....and the others as well}


he look an the osf


the osf look the masacre and warzone jason left as they gulp as jason walk past then into vehicule

osf:does everyoe is gonnad nightmares about that guy

the rest nod an fear


back an the osf base

karen was waiting an the entrace along with fubuki

fubuki:you sure is wise to send one person and more that boy

karen:i have the feeling he is capable

fubuki:what makes you said that

fubuki got an call

fubuki:yes...wait..what!? all then!?!? kidding!?...i see..thanks

karen look at fubuki with i told you soo face

both look to see the vehicule arrive as the back door open to reveal jason with his hood and coat on and walk toward the duo

karen:soo you finish test

he nod

karen:well by the reports i see you have no issue..well welcome to the osf..and base and you test you been an septretion but you been an test until you get the official rank

jason just nod

karen:all right you stay an the hq until anything arrange and tomorrow you have you first task

jason just simply walk inside but

karen:olso you fight was recorder

both karen and fubuki feel and deep preasure as they turn to see jason glare with his purple and yellow eye glow intense as it flush red for an second but it fade as the pleassure dissapear crows

he continue walk away

fubuki:w what was that!?

karen:seems like he have more power than we trough

fubuki:is that wise karen..i feel he can been more an treat

karen:maybe but then again he could kill the osf back an kikuchiba he sure have the power to do soo but he didn't i guess he doesn't trust people

fubuki:soo you think the osf is an chance for him to open up

karen:i sure soo{maybe he can been useful for my plans but better stay sharp as he can been an treat}


yuito and nagi were watch the recoding of jason's fight..and they watch it over 10 times

nagi:dude that guy face then like nothing!

yuito:you tell me i mean know linne was strong but this is ridiculous! 

nagi:yeah he stop an major other with one hand i mean did you ever do that

yuito:*sweatdrop*nagi i hardy douth soo 

nagi:right but you think is gonnad been an the osf



both turn to see naomi and kasane

yuito:oh hey there

naomi:what are you watching

nagi:linne masacre the others

naomi:oh i see it as well..i was suprise i trough my sister power is strong but that linne sure outclass her

kasane:is odd and more his weapons specially thoses weird peices they kinda fuction like my blades

yuito:now you metion you kinda right it kinda work like that but linne seems more like into close range

kasane:olso he take out two major others without problem and the others fear him

nagi:heh? fear him like how?

kasane show the part when the ohters were shaking and back away as jason glare then

yuito:oh god

nagi:jeez the guy must been superpowerful to make an others scare

naomi:ye yeah now i nervous

kasane:don't worry sis i protect you

naomi:but can you? i mean the guy just prove how outclass we are

yuito:maybe he doesn't get use to people i sure he get better....i hope

kasane:i just odd how someone like him wasn't scout before

yuito:maybe he doesn't like people..he seems like that type

nagi:well i just hope we don't have to work with him i think i dead

if nagi knew, now as osf member how jason deal with this specially with he have recounter with yuito,nagi,naomi and kasane?

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