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Dick groaned as he woke up. 

"Hey there, kiddo." Will smirked. 

Richard groaned some more, turning his head. 

He tried to move his legs only to find that there was something on his left leg. 

"Sorry, I couldn't exactly put the IV in your arm, so I put it in your leg." Will smiled kindly. 

Dick groaned some more, not able to move his leg without upsetting the IV. 

"I know. It'll be okay though. You're going to heal with a few more scars, but I don't think you care about that." Will said, petting Richard's hair in a soothing way. 

"Just tell me if you need any pain medicine and I'll get you some, okay, Dickie?" Will asked. 

Dick nodded, coming back to his senses a bit more. 

"Hello, little one." J'onn said, coming to stand by Dick's bedside. 

Richard groaned in acknowledgment. 

"Don't worry. Slade won't be around as long as I'm here." ManHunter said, petting Dick's head to make sure he knew that J'onn would block out Slade if he did come back. 

"Hallucination?" Richard asked. 

"Yes. A strong one. Black Canary is working on a new dosage and we've decided that you'll have therapy with the both of us now. And a little more frequent." J'onn informed him. 

Richard groaned in exasperation. 

"I know you don't like it, but this will help keep Slade away." ManHunter said. 

Dick turned away from him. 

"Dickie. You'll figure this out. Of that, I have no doubt. And any who look down on you will realize later that you should be the one looking down on them. You've gone through more than most on this world. But I ask that you do not allow it to taint you. You're more than what you've done and been through." ManHunter said. 

Dick found himself nodding. 

"And for what it's worth, I think you're getting closer to your uniform." J'onn gave a rare smile. 

Dick looked at him in questioning. 


Turns out, J'onn was right. 

Richard smirked, holding up his new outfit. 

It was a skin-tight black body suit with a blue bird and blue finger stripes going down the arms. 

Richard slipped on his new black boots. 

He slid his mask into place. 

Dick looked at himself in the mirror. 

He winked at himself. 

Oh yeah!

This was it. 


Everyone turned as he walked into the Watch Tower. 

"Wow! Who's the hottie?" Supergirl winked. 

"Dang! His butt in that though!" Several people were eyeing his suit up. 

"Dinner first, hons!" Nightwing smiled and flirted with them. 

Of course they giggled, but they didn't realize who it was.

"Who's the newbie?" Vigilante asked as he came into the cafeteria. 

"I don't know, why don't you ask?" Shining Knight suggested.

Vigilante shrugged and got up. 

"Hey! What's your name, newbie?" Vigilante asked.

"Secret." Nightwing put a gloved finger to his lips. 

"Why is it a secret?" Vigilante wanted to know his name.

Nightwing shrugged and then left with a piece of cake in his hands.

"Protocol Alpha Red. All JLA members to the main room." Martian ManHunter's voice called over the intercom.   

Nightwing rushed to the cafeteria to put down his cake, with a sign that it was his on it, and then ran back to the main room.

"And Stargirl, Green Lantern, Vigilante, and Shining Knight, you will be team Omega." ManHunter said.

All three of them groaned. 

"Well, seems like some of us have to get ready for a mission." Vigilante said, talking to Nightwing while Martian ManHunter kept pulling people to make teams. 

"Sure." Nightwing nodded. 

"Yep. I have a mission, newbie. What are you doing?" Vigilante asked. 

"Nightwing, Huntress, Bumble Bee, Cyborg, Kid Flash, and Aqualad, you're team Alpha." J'onn said. 

"Ouch. See yah, Omega." Nightwing walked up to be by the Alpha team. 

"NIGHTWING?!" Vigilante, and most of the other heroes, yelled in shock.

Nightwing gave a laugh. 

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