Chapter 2: Open Book

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The next day of school is worse because Edward is absent.

Bella goes grocery shopping. Comes home and cooks steak and baked potatoes. Reads Wuthering Heights for fun. She and Charlie eat dinner and talk. I don't understand why she's in Washington, but this part is enjoyable.

A week passes. Bella makes some friends. Edward still hasn't come back. Bella visits the library but finds it so poorly stocked she doesn't get a card. I am disappointed. All libraries are good libraries. Plus they can always have things sent over.

Then Edward reappears. Ew. Go away. Bella has been pacing, thinking he was gone for a week because of something she did. Um. You didn't speak to him. Also, people get sick. And another also, he has a major problem. Edward is less pale now and the bags under his eyes are gone.

In science, Edward speaks to Bella. Ew. Go away. Bella thinks he looks like he just finished shooting a commercial for hair gel. Unexplainably, Edward calls her Bella when she's only introduced herself at school as Isabella. He smiles a crooked smile that makes Bella stare like an idiot. Actual quote from the book.

Edward's eye color is ocher. What the frick frack crackerjack is ocher.

49 pages in and we finally learn why Bella is here. Her mom got remarried to a travel ball player. Her demeanor clued Bella in to the fact that she would be happier traveling with him than staying with Bella. So Bella decided to leave. This also depresses me. My mom would never choose some stupid man over me.

Bella leaves school at the end of the day with Edward staring at her from a distance. I literally feel unsettled just reading about him.

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