~Poison: Gaara x Kitty ~

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{I don't own Naruto , I own the Oc though}


A girl was lying on the ground , her short icy blue almost white hair was around her she couldn't move it hurt to move, she had been poisoned yet not knowing what ran through her blood, she had yet to unlock it , something that belonged to the clan she never knew she was apart of.

She shut her eyes yet she wasn't ready to go she had to fight she had to help and she didn't want to hurt the one she loved the most by dying, she soon felt like something was going through her veins it hurt worse then the poison.

A mark showed up on her arm , it was a snowflake with a dragon around it , the snowflake was pitch black and the dragon was white but it's eyes red, if looking closer on the snowflake was a purple mark in the middle that looked like a plain line.

She couldn't hold it anymore and screamed, her eyes opened and they were not the normal icy blue almost white, or the color they turn when the best inside takes over, her left eye was black and right was white, her left looked almost dragon like, her right had a black snow flake.

She than fainted right then and there her eyes turning back to normal, but the mark on her arm stayed there.

-~A while later~-

She had woken up in one of the tents , a pink haired girl looked at her and sighed "Glad your finally awake you've been out for four days you had us worried you wouldn't wake up" she smiled "I'll go get Night,Silver and Soul Kun " she got up and left.

The flap opened to show three, yet not the ones she was hoping for "Your awake next time don't make us worry Runt" a boy told her, he was wearing face paint and his name was Kankuro older brother to Gaara the one who the girl was dating, and Kankuro happened to be dating one of her best friends named Silver.

"What happened?" the girl asked, she looked at them and than started rubbing her right arm which was hurting along with the rest of her body, but that arm just so happened to hold the mark which belonged to the clan of poison.

She never knew she belonged to a clan , she never knew the truth,if she ever found out the truth what would she do?, she was lied to she was taken from her home, she was one of the last and she happened to be apart of the head of that clan.

Poison was now running through her blood, she had activated her blood line with out noticing it, a girl looked at her, "You were attacked Kitty" she said "and why are you rubbing your arm?".

"It hurt's my hole body does" Kitty said, removing her had from her arm, "but my arm hurts the most and I don't get why".

They looked at her arm and Kankuro and his older sister Temari froze in shock, "She unlocked it" they said out loud, Kitty looked at them in confusion than at her arm and gasped seeing the mark.

"What is this?" she asked, she stared at it not knowing what it was, "where did it come from ?" she froze "don't tell me I was marked by some weird person!!".

"You weren't marked" Kankuro said "It's timed you learnt the truth".

"Don't tell her it's forbidden" Temari said "we were told never to tell her the truth".

"Kankuro,Temari what are you hiding ?" Gaara asked "and do tell or else".

"Fine the Runt's from That clan alright" Kanuro said "When she was younger she was taken from where she lived never knowing she was a princess or came from the head of That clan" he sighed "Temari you tell them the rest".

"She comes from the Main branch" Temari said "At a certain age they unlock something and Poison run's through their veins, their blood itself " she looked down "She has Poison now running through her , She unlocked it and now is a weapon , that is what Father wanted her for yet now he's gone, He wanted to use her as a weapon".

"Poison or not she's still Kitty" Gaara said "the girl I fell in love with and the girl I shall always love" she glared at them "And she shall never be a weapon to anyone as long as I live".

Kitty blushed, "I-I love you too Panda Chan!" she shouted "and Always will~".

"Than when this war is done will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" Gaara asked.

"I will, I want to be with Panda Chan and I don't care if I got Poison running through my blood!!" Kitty shouted, as she was blushing.

Temari and Kankuro were shocked yet happy.


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