you are your father's daughter, no matter how much you try to pretend otherwise.

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Slater Dixon was a damn fool, as her older brother, Merle, so lovingly put it.

Only a damn fool would fall in love with a guy they've known for a month, getting knocked up by him and then acting shocked when he up and abandons you and his unborn baby. Only a damn fool would decide to keep the baby, the only thing they've ever had that they could truly call theirs, despite the fact that they have a shitty job and live in an even shittier apartment. And only a damn fool would hold onto just a sliver of hope for survival when the world ends like something out of a low budget horror movie, the dead coming back to life and killing anyone still breathing.

Slater had been told time and time again that she was a fool, one who thought with her heart more than her mind. But if she wants to survive this new world where tomorrow wasn't guaranteed, she was going to have to be smart - both for herself and the baby still growing inside of her. As one might imagine, it was incredibly difficult to be on the run with a swollen belly and occasionally aching feet.

And so, Slater's savior comes in the form of a foul-mouthed woman who was thankfully great with knives and other sharp objects.

Tara Matthews had been visiting family out in Atlanta when the world ended. Forced to kill her very own family when they started to turn, Tara wasn't sure she had anything to live for anymore. Wondering if it would've been much easier to be killed, she finds Slater alone and desperate for help. Saving her from becoming walker bait, the two are now stuck together and determined to survive for however long they could. Neither of them expects to grow attached to each other in the way that they do. Especially not Tara who swore never to give a shit about anybody after realizing that she could lose them at any time.

And yet Slater Dixon proves to be an exception.

Olivia Cooke ✷ Slater Dixon

Emma D'arcy ✷ Tara Matthews

final notes...

✷ i wanted to bring back this story and change not only the plot but also the face claims because of rhaenicent's power

✷ slater is my precious little bisexual bean who deserves so so sooo much better. being pregnant in the apocalypse is far from ideal but i don't see a lot of fics with pregnant oc's so i thought i'd give it a try

✷ while slater is sweet to the point of being naive, tara is the total opposite. she is selfish and only cares for herself (it'll be explained later on) but that'll change when slater is around. she's really gonna be a better father than the baby's actual father lmao

✷ even though merle is a piece of shit, slater still likes her brother and is going to feel loyal to him. she and daryl are incredibly close and he's overprotective of her because she is so naive and easily taken advantage of.

✷ but as time goes on, slater will grow tougher and become a total badass milf

✷ this story belongs to me and only me so please do not steal and plagiarize it or else i'll be very pissed but also very sad, so just be kind please.

✷ this story contains mentions of sexual content (there's not gonna be any smut whatsoever but it will be mentioned), violence, blood, alcohol/drugs, mental illness, self harm, suicide ideation, hallucinations, death, etc.

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