Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen 

Even before Callan had left the room, Dane was leaning towards Oliver, moving the stool closer. "Now where were we?" he murmured with a smile. "Can I get you another ale, or something stronger this time?" 

But Callan's departure had broken the spell. With some reluctance, the Lieutenant realised he was in danger of becoming a little too relaxed. He'd enjoyed himself immensely but it was nearly midnight, time for him to go home. Alone. 

"Sorry," he apologised. "I should be going too. It's a working day tomorrow." 

Trenwith rose to his feet at the same time with a sigh. "You're right. I suppose I should head home as well. Sounds like there might be a job on the horizon." 

He followed the lieutenant out of the bar, and went up to the surface with him on the yellow disc. When they reached the top, Dane took a quick look around, checking that there was no-one in sight. The roof garden was empty, the dim artificial light creating shadows. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Dane sounded serious for once and Oliver stopped walking and waited. "Yes?" 

Dane moved as close as he could to Oliver without touching him. "I hear Ryan kissed you out here," he murmured. "Is that true?" 

His face was tilted up, looking teasingly into the other man's eyes. Their lips were only centimetres apart. He moved even closer. Oliver could feel his breath on his mouth, he smelt like ale and toffee, so sweet. Oliver couldn't think, his brain had turned to mush.  

Dane lowered his eyes to focus on Oliver's mouth. "Did you really knock him to the ground for it?" he asked, his voice almost a whisper. 

Without waiting for an answer, he brushed his lips ever so gently across the other man's. Oliver felt the tingle all through his body. He had to go, he knew he shouldn't do this. Dane eased back a fraction, "So, are you going to knock me down?" His voice was low and provocative. 

"I ... uh, I ..." the Lieutenant struggled to speak coherently. He wanted desperately to feel Dane's beautiful lips on his. He wanted to fill his hands with that silky hair, crush his mouth and suck his tongue down his throat. He couldn't move. 

Dane traced his clenched lips with the tip of his forefinger, then stepped back. "I guess not. Sleep tight, then," he smiled. For a second he thought Oliver was going to lose control and jump on him. He held his breath in anticipation, but the other man simply stood there, and took a deep breath. He shook his head. "God you're good," he said in reluctant admiration. 

Dane laughed, "You have no idea!" he said a little defensively. He started to walk away. "If you ever change your mind about having an affair on Asra, come and see me, I might be interested. Just don't leave it too long," he added over his shoulder. 


Ser Keating was waiting in his office, seated behind his desk when Callan went in. He had paid a quick visit to a refresher unit on the way, to wash his face and toss down a soberpill. The pill didn't remove all the alcohol from one's system of course but it absorbed what was still in the stomach. Combined with a brisk walk to Tinto's premises a block away, the pill had Callan feeling relatively alert by the time he got there. 

"What's the problem?" 

"I received this message about twenty minutes ago," Keating looked worried. "I thought everything was going smoothly, we all seemed to be on the same screen. All that was left to do was to sign the actual contract at our meeting next week, and now this. It doesn't make sense, what's the rush? Has something gone wrong?"  

He showed Callan the message he was referring to, he had brought it up on his console unit to make it easier for them both to read.  

'Require urgent meeting with you in person to sign contract immediately. Kapunda, Victory Hotel, room 201 tomorrow 14:00 hrs. J Chang.' 

"What's happened? Why the sudden haste?" 

"Have you asked him for clarification?" Callan asked, frowning.  

"Yes, but I haven't received an answer. I'm not sure the contact code I have for him is still valid. You know how we usually communicate via disposable wristcoms? Up til now we've only kept them active for forty eight hours. This one is well past that." 

"Are you certain the message is genuine?" 

Keating's brow was furrowed as he considered. "No, I suppose I'm not, not completely. This is the first time he's ever contacted me on my personal wristcom. On the other hand, he's signed it the way we agreed, with the 'J' not just 'Chang'." 

Callan paused for a moment, then spoke his thoughts aloud. "I don't like it. By the same token, the Victory is a well known hotel, near the spaceport on Kapunda, it's not like he's asking you to meet him in some alley or unknown dive. If this is genuine, we don't want to lose our chance at getting the contract finalised. I can't say I'm happy, but I think on balance you should go, find out what's happening. I'll come too of course, along with Talyor and Vinh. That's one thing that indicates the message is genuine, he hasn't asked you to come alone." 

"No," agreed Keating with a slightly nervous laugh. "I certainly wouldn't be considering going at all if he had said that!" 

Callan stared at him with an arrested expression on his face. Maybe he should ask Muller along as well, two to check out the hotel, two to stay with Keating. Better too much security than not enough. 

He sat down in the chair opposite while he sent out instructions to his three security guards, authorising them to draw an extra stunner each and gas canisters from the AISS supply stock for the mission. He sent a further communication to Trenwith, advising him to be ready to transport them all down to Kapunda in the shuttle at 10:00 tomorrow. A small, selfish, part of him hoped the message might disrupt any personal plans Dane had for the rest of the evening. 

This deal was important for Asra, he was prepared to make a considerable effort to ensure it came off successfully. Tinto was one of the biggest contributors to the local economy. It not only employed a good third of the population but the company was prepared to invest significantly in schools and infrastructure, helping to build Asra into a real town. If Tinto could obtain reliable and secure processing for its raw materials, the benefits would flow on to Asra. 

He had been reluctant at first to have any dealings with a man he suspected to be no better than a street thug, but Ser Keating had been adamant, convinced Chang was trustworthy. He had been negotiating with him for several weeks before involving Callan, and he had only brought him into the scheme when he needed his security services.  

Callan had to admit, so far Chang appeared to be a reliable and reasonable man. He had made no threats or outrageous demands, he'd simply treated the whole affair as an ordinary business deal. The attack on the Argos had shaken his belief somewhat, but that hadn't been Chang's doing, it had been the work of a rival presumably hoping to scuttle the deal. There had been no further trouble since and the governor had allowed himself to feel cautiously optimistic, that is, until the arrival of tonight's message.

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