Chapter 6

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Rainwhisper sighed as she padded over to the medicene cat den to get herbs for her bellyache. She winced as she remembered Beechpelt's final words before he sprinted away.

"I love her! I'm going to join Brightclan!"

Her thoughts were interrupted when Swiftear poked his head out of the den and meowed, "Do you need something, Rainwhisper?"

"Yes, please. My belly aches," She replied. Swiftear gazed at her gently, then turned to go in the den. He came back with a wad of herbs in his mouth.

"Eat these, and your belly will feel better," he murmured, quickly nuzzling her.

"Thanks, Swiftear," Rainwhisper meowed.

She reluctantly swallowed the bitter herbs, the taste making her gag.

"Oh, come on! It isn't that bad!" Swiftear purred, gently cuffing Rainwhisper over her ear.

"If that's what you think, then you eat them!" She retorted light heartedly, purring.

"Come back if you need more watermint," he purred, slipping back into the den.

Suddenly, Sunblaze bounded over to Rainwhisper.

"I thought you were better than that!" He hissed, glaring at her. "I would've never thought that you would be in love with a medicene cat!"

"What?! I'm not in love with Swiftear!" She angrily replied, arching her back.
"What makes you think that?!"

"Don't pretend like you weren't nuzzling and purring with him!" Sunblaze hissed.

"Just shut up!" Rainwhisper yowled. "You don't know what it's like to lose a mate, so don't even talk to me!"

She then raced off to the woods, her brother furiously calling her name. She felt her eyes blur with grief. She finally sat down and stared into a puddle.

"All of this happens, and I still don't know what the prophecy means.." She sighed.

"And on top of that, Grasspelt is dead.."

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