Part 1 - Him And Her

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Eyes open. Blinded by the harsh light of the moon taking up the night sky. The moon was brighter that what she had ever seen before, but at the same time it was still darker than the endless void. She looked around at her surroundings. She was laying down. She was laying down in the middle of some sort of farm. Nothing like the ones she had seen in the picture books. Well, she'd never actually seen a real farm before, since she had been trapped in an urban jungle for as long as she could remember. She stood up. The farm was filled with mystical creatures that vaguely represented livestock, with unusual tall maroon coloured grasses and blood red coloured crops lacing the dark magenta soil she stood on. She wore a puzzled, no, fascinated look on her face. She had no idea where she was or how she had gotten herself in this situation, but there was one main thought on her mind: what was she going to do about it. A land beyond earth, she questioned to herself. It wasn't warm, nor cool. She was neither happy nor sad. She didn't know what to do about the emotions and feelings she was experiencing. She was Tyler Kathryn, age twenty at the time, in a town she couldn't quite identify. Or perhaps, remember.

He stood on the edge of the underground train platform, staring. What he was staring at, he didn't know. He felt like he had suddenly regained consciousness to his mind and soul. He looked around a bit, and noticed he was on train platform negative two, in a station that hadn't been in use for what looked like years. The tiled walls covered in splashes of mysterious dried substances, and the power lines above the rusted tracks were untwining and untangling with tiny blue sparks spurting out of the broken wires. The yellow bulbs, tinted with age, filled with innocent corpses of insects and other doomed souls, flickered with the sound and movement of civilisation above. He's never seen a train station like this before. Why would a train need wires for an energy source when they're powered by steam? Maybe it was some sort of incredible, world changing invention that hadn't been introduced to the town he was from. Small creatures, about the size of a mouse, were scurrying along the edges of the station, emitting repetitive small red flashes of light that lasted only just long enough to be noticed, producing a weak second light source in the dark forgotten tunnels. He thought for a bit, but something didn't feel normal. He felt young. He was young. Exactly seventeen years on the twentieth of February. He could remember some things, like that his name was Leonardo Smith, but couldn't remember many other things, like where he was specifically or why he was there. He knew he wasn't anywhere he'd ever been before, in a time he wasn't familiar with.

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