Chapter 4: An Old Enemy!

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(Meanwhile in New Orleans, all of the Violating Megaforce Villains, along with Violator are seen walking around the town, and people are terrified of them.)

Colonel: Why are we here?

Alice: I wonder that as well, what is our mission?

Violator: Yeah, what's the point of coming here in New Orleans?

Harry: Mechagodzilla told us there is some remaining energies from an old archenemy of Ben Tennyson.

Daido: Indeed, I also felt it. Mechagodzilla detected it ever since Lord Dormammu rebuilt it after its defeat at the hands of Kamen Rider Den-O.

(Then Mechagodzilla detects the energy at the space station.)

Mechagodzilla: Hahaha. Here it is, the Space Station.

Harry: Where Ben Tennyson defeated Zs'kayr, Victor, Yenaldooshi and the Mummy.

Violator: If they want monsters, we'll give some to them.

(Both Alice and Daido place their drivers in their waist.)


Alice: (smirks evilly) Shall we, boys?

Mechagodzilla: (chuckles darkly) Yes, let's go to the Space Port!

(Then Alice pulls out her progrisekey while Daido pulls out his Gaia Memory.)



Alice/Daido: Henshin!



(They become Fighting Jackal Raider and Kamen Rider Eternal while Violator reveals his true form. They walk in the space station, but then some soldiers try to shoot them. Mechagodzilla shoots missiles to blow them all into pieces. More soldiers then come in.)

F. J. Raider: Eliminating targets!

(Fighting Jackal Raider slashes the soldiers in half with her scythe while Eternal slashes the soldiers with his Eternaledge. Harry activates his Patrioteer suit, and grabs one of them before slamming him down. Colonel slashes another soldier in half.)

Colonel: Hahahahaha! You call yourself a soldier? I just can't wait to kill Riser Shirogane soon, and then ZERO IS NEXT!

Patrioteer: Calm down, Colonel. You will still kill Zero.

(Violator starts devouring some other soldiers while Eternal prepares to finish the male soldier.)


(Eternal slashes the male soldier and turns around.)

Eternal: Now, enjoy your hell!

(The male soldier screams in pain as he explodes. Fighting Jackal Raider dashes at a female soldier.)

F. J. Raider: Let's see you like THIS! HAHAHAHAHA!!!


(Fighting Jackal Rider slashes the female soldier who screams in pain as she explodes. She laughs maniacally while some officers come in to help the soldiers, only to be stomped my Mechagodzilla.)

Mechagodzilla: You vermins must die!

(Mechagodzilla shoots a beam from his mouth which pulverizes the officers, and then he opens a portal revealing another Mechagodzilla.)

Copy Mechagodzilla: (roars)

(Copy Mechagodzilla attacks the soldiers while the real Mechagodzilla walks towards the hangar, where he kills the other soldiers.)

Mechagodzilla: No wonder you humans try to control things beyond your miserable comprehension. You're reckless, wretched, uncaring sinners. Lord Dormammu will turn your world into his empire soon. But don't worry. Your suffering will be over soon. Right, Mr. Hyoudou and Susanoo?

(Issei/Zaurus (Dark Union-Verse) and Susanoo come in.)

Issei/Zaurus: Yeah, and I always hated being a human anyway. They're nothing but worthless weaklings. Now I've become more superior.

Susanoo: We all are now.

(Then Mechagodzilla goes to the basement, where he sees the machine Victor used to revive Zs'kayr.)

Mechagodzilla: This is where Victor revived Zs'kayr. Let's see if I can do the same.

(Then he activates the machine, and an old archenemy of Ben 10 is revived.)

Mechagodzilla: Lights, camera... action!

Zs'kayr: I am alive...

(Back to the Space Station, the Kaotic Avengers are still destroying and killing as they suddenly turn to see Zs'kayr.)

Zs'kayr: Hmm, who knew I got some allies...

Mechagodzilla: (walks towards him) My friend Zs'kayr. I am Mechagodzilla, made by cybertronian technology. My friends and I revived you. Now you can destroy those ignorant humans.

Zs'kayr: Yes, this world will become my domain. I'll join you in your quest to destroy humanity. 

Mechagodzilla: There are enemies around here. Much worse than Ben Tennyson.

Zs'kayr: Who might it be?

Mechagodzilla: Edward Simmons, the Omni-Hellspawn. He wants to ruin our plans.

Zs'kayr: (stern) I won't let that boy follow Ben Tennyson's legacy and ruin my plans.

Mechagodzilla: Come along, Zs'kayr. Time to show humanity what we're made of.

(Then they resume the destruction of the city while laughing maniacally, and after they're done, they leave the destroyed city.)

(As the screen fades out, Zs'kayr's laugh can be heard.)

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