Chapter 1

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***Yauna's POV***

I was so angry when I found out that we were moving. We were moving to Colorado. My parents said that they were sick of living in Alabama, and that it would give me a "new start in life" and that the schools were way better there, oh goody harder schools can't wait for that.

On the day of the move, I went to look around the empty house that would hold my old life in it. I walked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror, my long black hair, my big green eyes, my seven tattoos, my light brown skin, my nose piercing, my PINK shirt on with one of my flannels hanging on my waist, and the scar under my left eye. This was the girl I became.

We were finally there. The apartment was small, it was only 4 stories high, and it had obviously been here a long time. There were spray-paintings everywhere, to be honest, I kinda wish I could have been there, it looked like it would have been fun spray-painting the walls. My parents shared a glance, and at the same time they said

"Welcome to your new home!"

I rolled my eyes at them with a smile, and walked off into the building and went to the clerk.

"Welcome to Glenwood Springs Apartments! How may I help you?" she said cheerfully.

"Hi, I'm looking for room 302," I replied with a half-smile.

"Oh sure, that would be on the 3rd floor 2nd door on your right. You must be the Wilson's daughter. I'm Dianna." She reached her hand out to shake mine.

"I'm Yauna."

With her other hand, she gave me the keys to my room. After a short conversation about the move, I went up to see my small one-bedroom apartment since my parents got me a separate one. I put my backpack, duffle, and luggage on a chair in my bedroom, well except for my luggage, I left that on the floor.

Then I went to my parents' room to let them know that I was going to take a walk around town. I grabbed my phone and jacket and left. While I was walking I noticed a trail so I followed it. The trail led to a big barn, and there were people horseback riding. It looked so fun I kept walking and ignored the No trespassing sign to my right. I sat on a fence to watch them, they were training.

"Never seen you around here, ya new?" a short girl behind me said. She had short curly dirty blond hair, she looked around 17, she was wearing overalls with a plain purple shirt, and she had a cigarette in her hand.

"Yeah," I said back.

As I turned towards her she said: "Whew, what happened there?" She pointed at my scar with the cigarette, and I winced at the burning flame.

"House Fire."

"Did anyone die?" I made an angry glare at her and resisted the urge to punch her for asking a question like that.

"Little sis."

" I'm so sorry. I'm Victoria by the way but you can call me Vic or Vicky."

" Yauna," I said. After that, she left, and I stood there watching the people groom and ride the horses.

Then a few weeks later I went back, but this time I went through the front part (after I found it.) The building looked like it had three stories, who would need that much room for a horse camp? There was a glass chandelier on the ceiling. There was a man doing paperwork at a large desk. The walls were a light brown, and really shiny.

"Hi." He glared at me.

"And who are you?" Not the kind of reply I was looking for.

" I'm Yauna, I was just wondering if I could check the place out."

"Are you a tourist?"

" No, I just moved here from Alabama."

" Ah, are you looking for a place to train?"

" Well, I've only ridden a horse a few times before actually." I started to get nervous.

" Well, would you like it if I have someone show you around?"

"Sure." He went to his phone and started talking to who I think was two girls who were arguing about who would show me around. I was trying not to be awkward just waiting there. Then I heard him say something like "just do rock paper scissors, I don't have time for this girls. Fine, you can both go then, just please hurry up girls. Sorry about that there are two girls coming up to give you a look around."

"Um...okay thanks." He went back hurriedly to his desk to get some more paperwork done. I was looking out a window when I saw Vic, she was staring at the horses, her eyes traveling with the wind. Oh no!, She was in plain sight, was she going to get caught trespassing?! I could hear the girls' footsteps coming. I wondered if I should stand in front of the window so they wouldn't see that Vic was trespassing.

"Hi!" they said together in unison. One of them had long red hair the other with short red hair, they both had blue eyes, and yes they did sorta look like ariel. They had on leggings orange crop-tops and a jean jacket cut-off over that. They did not look like the people who would argue over who gets to show the guest around campus.

"There... you... are girls!" Alex sounded worn out already from all that paperwork.

"Ya..., sorry bout' that." the one with the short hair said.

"Well go on now, I have... quite a lot of work... to... get done... right now."

"Let's go over here." The short-haired one whispered to us. Thank gosh they didn't see Vic Yet.I thought, Yet.

"So now that we are away from Alex, we can get to touring."

"Tina you dummy."

"What the hell did I do this time Lina?!"

"Oh.. My...Goodness Tina, when will you ever learn to just shut the fuck up! Uuuuugh."

"Why can't you stop yelling at me in front of the guest!"

Then they stopped they're yapping and looked at me. Way to forget about me. Their look made it seem as if I was a ghost..., and they were seeing a ghost for the first time in their life.

"We are so so so sorry about that I'm Lina and this is my little sister Tina."

"I am not your little sister Lina." Tina Argued.

"Are by two and a half minutes." Lina declared.

"Whatever. So what's your name?." They both looked straight into my eyes, which was kind of weird.

"Uh, I'm... Yauna." Oh my goodness stop being so awkward Y.

"Oh my gosh, look Lina! I think that's Victoria, I told you she keeps coming here!" Tina shouted.

"That is her Tina!"

"How do you know Vic?" I asked puzzled.

"Well, she used to go here."

"Why not anymore?"

"She got into a huge accident with one of the horses, and she fell off her horse."

"Well doesn't everyone fall off their horse at one point?" I asked confused.

"Well ya, but this was in competition, in the middle of a jump her leg got caught on one of the bars and she broke her leg, and now she's scared to go back on a horse again."

"Oh jeez. That must have been so hard for her."

"It was. It really, really was." Lina whispered softly. And it seemed as if she was hiding guilt. What are you hiding Lina? Oh, Yauna shut the hell up she pry has nothing to hide, especially guilt.

After that, they gave me a really cool tour and told me about themselves, like Lina is obsessed with Alan Walker and Tina hates him. Also, Tina secretly is a total nerd. We would have seemed to have already been a great group of friends to most people if they didn't know us. Our friendship was coming along great. Then came the bad part, when I asked how much it was to enroll in the horse camp they said it would cost around a thousand dollars to enroll, and around four hundred dollars per month! I wanted to scream I can barely afford to pay my phone bills, and I would feel terrible to ask my parents for money like that. I had no clue what I would do.

That night as I was eating Ramen I thought about what I would do, the people were nice, and the place seemed great. But how would I come up with the money? Especially after I moved here just 2 months ago. This was going to be a long summer. 


The next morning after I woke up I went to check my phone, I had fallen asleep on the sofa again. It was 2:00 pm exactly. I went to my parents' apartment, last night I had decided I would ask them about camp, and what to do. I was already making a resume for a few jobs, but I didn't know if that would even help at all.

When I walked into my parents' apartment it smelled of smoke, right away I freaked out. I started to scream for the memories were trickling right back to that night. I pressed the palms of my hands to the side of my head, but those memories can never be erased  just like that.                  I ran to the kitchen, and there was a fire starting up, but it wasn't bad enough that a fire extinguisher couldn't put it out. The smoke was getting thicker and thicker. I ran to the hallway to get the extinguisher I always see walking to my apartment. The smoke and my tears were burning my eyes. I ran back the fire was worse. I got ready to put the fire out, but then I saw her, Lizzie was right there standing in the fire. Her scared blue eyes, her round pale face, and her favorite pale blue nightgown that she always said matched her eyes. She looked in so much pain as she did that night. Wake the hell up up Yauna! WAKE UP! Please Yauna wake up! I sprayed the fire extinguisher so hard, no matter how hard it was I needed to wake up from this nightmare. Lizzie was gone and I had to face it one way or another. After the fire was finally out I dropped to my knees and sat there, tears coming out of my eyes like waves. "Shit I'm so s-s-sorry L-Lizzie."

The next thing I knew I was in the hospital I had a hospital gown on and an IV in my arm. I pulled out the IV and got up. I must have passed out from all the smoke. I started crying again, I didn't know where my parents were, but then I saw them in the waiting room with Tina and Lina sitting by their side. They all were talking mom and dad looked so worn out, their faces wore with tears like mine. I started running to them, then I hugged both my parents, they looked as if they had been crying for a while. After some silence Lina said

"Well you look good." and we all started to laugh.

When I finally got permission from the nurse to go home I started to wonder why I had seen my little sister again, maybe because it would help me become my old self again. For a few days, I stayed locked up in my apartment. I couldn't even eat. My parents decided to get me a counselor, but I don't know if it'll help much since the counselor never had any experience with what had happened, but I still have hope.

Every now and then I can still see her nightgown when I go to sleep.

Authors note: 

Yes I know some of this doesn't make sense but it will soon and if there are some grammatical errors please ignore them. Otherwise, thank you sooooo much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Sorry, this chapter was so short.

                                                                                            Sincerely, humaniod505

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