Chapter 10

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Katniss (And is going to be unless noted from now on in this story)

Placing my hand shakily on the walking bar, I step forward, feeling my leg and it's movements beneath me for the first time in over a year. I look down and notice how the rubber of this leg looks so much more like my skin than the other one ever did. Taking another step forward, I feel my heavily atrophied leg  shaking beneath me. 

"Careful," I hear my doctor say and I feel someone grab onto the strap attached to my waist. I flinch, using my elbow to swing at the person. 

"Don't you dare touch me!" I hiss. 

"We don't want you to fall, Katniss," My doctor says gently and I look over at her, taking notes. 

"If I fall, I fall," I say, looking over at the soldier holding onto my belt. "No one touches me without my permission. I don't let my husband touch me. I'm certainly not going to let you. Let go before you lose a finger." Dr. Jane nods and I feel the soldier let go of my belt. 

"Miss Everdeen, you do know that we are lining up a group counseling effort for the women who were imprisoned," She says and I shake my head. 

"Seeing them on either side of me, it will only remind me of the nights that I spent in a concrete cell, thinking they had broken my leg from dragging me by it and how many times they would stick something inside me," I look at her, turing my body. "Because it wasn't always a body part, I'm sure that you, having delivered my child knew that." She looks down and sighs. 

"I understand that, but speaking with a doctor who will be able to interpret what happened to you and how you are processing it, I believe that can help you, Katniss," Dr. Jane replies as I take another step forward.  I don't answer  her as I step out of the bars and move my weight from foot to foot, adjusting myself. "How do you feel about walking on crutches for a little while?"

"They'd probably be considered weapons," I say. 

"Yes, that is unfortunately true, but I was wondering, when they decide to move you into your living quarters with your husband, if you had thought about how you would be getting around," she says. "You might find it easier to move around and strengthen your legs on a pair of crutches or maybe even arm stilts." 

"I'm moving out of the hospital?" I ask and she nods. 

"You've gained enough weight back, which means no more feeding tubes, and your pain is manageable with pills, so we can take you off the morphling drip," She says. "Besides, the sooner you can spend some real time with your family and getting used to living with your baby, I think that it will be better for you in the long run." I look down and flex my toes. 

"With Peeta?" I ask and she nods.

"He volunteered, seeing as thus far, he's been taking care of your daughter," She says. "He wants to make sure you feel safe though, so it isn't set in stone."

"What if I hurt him?" I ask. "Or worse, what if something happens and I hurt my child?" She shakes her head. 

"The blood transfusions that you were given have been working, seeing as actual episodes of violence from you are no longer common, we feel that it's safe," She says and I shake my head, sitting back down into my wheelchair. 

"I've been told I'm safe my whole damn life, and I never have been," I say. Dr. Jane nods and looks at me gently.

"I understand that Katniss," She says. "And if you show any symptoms of the aggression returning, we will bring you back in and flush your system again and treat you for the toxins." I look at her and nod slowly. "If you want, I can get the lieutenant to take you to the mess hall." I shake my head and unlock my brakes. 

"No, I'm good," I say, a bitterness to my voice, "I have to learn to do things on my own, after all." I start wheeling myself forward through the door. I watch as people walk up and down the halls, carefully steering myself towards the exit of the medical center. My arms ache already adnI hear the doors swing open as Peeta walks through, Luna set up on his chest. He looks at me and smiles sadly. 

"They let you out by yourself?" He asks. I look up at him defiantly and he sighs.

"They wanted to take me down into the mess hall," I say. "But seeing as I'm released from medical care, I decided to go on my own." He sighs and carefully moves the baby from her place, holding her out to me. 

"Hold Luna," He says softly and I carefully take the sleeping baby. "I'll push you to our dorm. I was coming to get you anyway. I made lunch." I think of objecting for a second, but Luna starts  crying and I sigh. I lift her up onto my shoulder and softly hum to her as Peeta starts pushing me forward. I keep my eyes closed or on her, not wanting unnecessary attention as Peeta pushes me down the halls of the compound. 

"How's she been sleeping?" I ask and he chuckles.

"About as well as her mother did when I slept next to her," He says. "And I don't have your talent for lullabies, so I'm really not all that effective in soothing her as well as I coul imagine you to." I smile at the baby in my arms and run my knuckles down her peach fuzzy cheek. "You know I got your guitar right?" I stop looking at the baby for a moment and look over my shoulder at  him.

"You did?" I ask and he nods. 

"Yeah," He says. "I raided your house not long after you were captured so I could make sure that you had something to make this place feel a little more like home." 

"Does it work?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"Kind of," He says. "But not really." He reaches a door and unlocks it, wheeling me in. He closes it behind me and the room is dark and the lights flicker unnaturally. I look at Peeta and he sighs. "I wish I could give you more." 

"Like you or I have any control over how this place looks," I look around and lock my wheels. "Take her. I want to stand up."He carefully takes the baby and sets her in a crib in the corner as I stand up. 

"Do you need help?" He asks.

"I can walk for short periods," I say, pushing myself the rest of the way up. "It isn't my first time walking on a leg that isn't mine." I take a couple of steps forward and look around. I see my guitar leaning against the corner and my parents' wedding photo on the nightstand. Walking over to the bed, I see the warm duvet from my bed laying on it. I run my fingers over the embroidery , letting out a deep breath.

"It used to smell like you," Peeta says walking up to me and I chuckle. "That lilac soap you used. Heck, even that oatmeal scrub from your shampoo that I used to hate reminds me of you. " I feel a tear run down my cheek and I turn towards him, sitting down on the bed."

"Not so much anymore?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"It lost that after so many night laying awake, trying to think of a way to get you home," He says. I lay back and look up at the concrete ceiling. I feel myself trembling and Peeta sits down next to me. "What is it, Katniss?"

"It looks like home," I say. "The bedding, it smells like you, and the belongings I hold dear, they're here too. But then I look up," He follows my eyes and I take a deep breath. "and all I see is the ceiling of my cell bearing down on me. It all comes crashing back down." Peeta nods and gets up, holding out his hand to me. 

"I can fix that," He says. "Just get up for a second, and I'll fix it." I take his hand and let him pull me up. He carefully shucks the quilt from the bed and then the top sheet, leaving the bed bare except for a thin sheet. He walks around me and pulls things from the closet, a broom and and easel. He carefully takes it apart, making it into three poles.grabbing a pile of dirty rags, he walks around the bed and ties up the poles and broom, making it look like a poster bed. "Hand me the sheet." I look at the crumpled grey fabric at my feet and bend over, picking up the end of it and shakily hand it over to him. He gets up on the bed and ties each corner to the poles, making a makeshift canopy over the bed. He looks at me as he crawls of the bed and stands beside me. 

"You really think something as simple as that would help?" I ask and he shrugs. 

"It was worth a shot, right?" I step back over to the bed and crawl under the low canopy, looking up at the fabric. The wrinkles in it make my eyes wander and despite the cold, dull grey color, I can feel myself relaxing against the still mattress. "Is that better?" 

"It looks," I pause and realize something. I sit up a little and hold out my hand at him. "Come here." Peeta looks confused but lays down next to me. 

"What is it?" He asks. "You saw something?" 

"The cave," I say. "The wrinkles, they look like the way the top of the cave ran together." Peeta looks at me and smiles. 

"That was a terrifying time," He says but I shake my head. "Or not?" 

"No, it was," I say. "But you were there,. I look at the ring on my finger and clutch my hand over my heart. "You would have died before you would have let anything worse happen to me back then. Hell, I didn't even know it, but you would have, right?" He carefully, as though afraid of hurting me, reaches over and lays his hand over my fist. 

"I promised you then and I'm promising you and Luna again," Peeta whispers. "I would have to die before I would let anything like what happened to you happen again." I look at him and he leans over me a little. "We are going to get through this, Katniss." 

"We are?" I ask and he nods.

"Now that we are all three here and breathing the same air," He says quietly. "I'm never letting you go again."

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