Chapter 2

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"Oh yeah I'm not used to using my power." I said turning his shirt into a beautiful lavender dress. Which comformed to my body perfectly.

"How's this?" I asked, he picked me up.

"Baby honestly you look good in anything." He whispered in my ear.

"Nice view." He teased looking down at my breasts.

"Hey now none of that. That's for later." I whispered in his ear. He laughed.

"You crack me up. So sassy and fisty we'll come on it's getting late." He said, throwing his things and grabbing my hand weaving my fingers through his. Then he dragged me out the door. He kept me close to him. I noticed everyone staring as we walked by. When I seen James sitting alone just staring blankly at the necklace he gave me.

"Wait darling can I talk to him. He looks really upset?" I asked, stopped nodded kissing me passionately.

"Meet me in the front." He said, as I kissed him back. As soon as he let go of my hand I walked over to James.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier I lost my temper. I understand if you don't want to take my apology." I said hestintly, I could feel the knot in my throat.

"Why didn't you tell me. We're best friends I loved you and you never told me?" He asked, I let out a deep breath sitting down beside him.

"It's really complicated. I'm a mixed race. I'm the only one like me. My parents weren't allowed to be together so my mother abandoned me. I have no home and no family I'm an unwanted child. Anna's family physically abused since the day they adupted me. Besides you didn't tell me you came from a beast family either. I'm actually a new species all together." I informed him. He looked over at me.

"Why didn't you say anything I could have helped you?" He said, I shook my head.

"I got whipped or beaten bloody everytime I tried to open my mouth. What was I supposed to do you wouldn't have believed me anyway. I guess I was just to scared to tell you." I said, looking down when he put his hand over mine.

"I'm sorry I didn't know. It pisses me off to think they would lay a hand on you. Why would you be scared?" He asked, curiously.

"Oh come on like you don't know dork. You know I've liked your ass since we were kids." I chuckled, he flustered red.

"So you did like me?" He stuttered.

"Why you think I was so shy when we first met. Anyone could tell I was crazy about you." I giggled, he looked at me in disbelief.

"Did till I met Mercery of course and you've got Tiff. Man he seriously makes the beast in me show no matter how much I try to hide it. He wouldn't cheat will he? My species of demon only stick with one partner. We mate for life like the wolf. I just don't want to get hurt anymore. Pains the only feeling I'm familiar with since I was a child." I asked him honestly.

"I'm going to be completely honest with you. Cerberuses normally have more than one mate. I'm only warning you because he hurts you I'll kill him myself." He informed me squeazing my hand.

"Thank you for being warning I'll be watching out. But if he does you wouldn't get a chance to get ahold of him before my beasts do cause their wouldn't be anything left especially if Chaos gets to him. He's overly protective and feirce. Trust me I got this." I replied.

"I'll still stand by your side." He assured me kissing my head hugging me. I snuggled up against him.

"Thank you I can always count on you. I should probably go before my gardians start worrying." I said, he grabbed my arm.

"You have gardians they've been ex..." He stopped when I put my finger to his lips.

"It's a secret I brought them back." I whispered, whinking at him. I kissed his cheek and took off before he could respond. I walked outside of to find Mercery gone. But a tall muscular foreign man with tan skin with his head wrapped in clothe and baggie pants with no shoes or shirt. He was Jagger my Egyptian jackle guardian. He knelt down in front of me on one knee bowing and kissing the back side of my hand.

"Hello my'lady. I came to walk you home." He said, as James walked out.

"Who's this?" He asked looking up at Jagger even in his human form he was huge.

"I'm Jagger the jackle I'm the guardian of death." He replied.

"So your a guardian thats whicked I've never met one." He said, when Jagger turned his head and whistled. I ran over when I seen Gaberial in his guardian form landed. He was my guardian angel he was gorgeous. His skin was fair his eyes were royal blue like diamonds, his hair was bleach blond and as long as mine. But he had three sets of huge white wings. He was dressed like a Greek god. He gave me a gentle smile lowering his hand. I climbed on and he picked me up to his face. My guardians didn't really talk in front of other people and they all carried swords or some type of weapon. Gabs was an bow and arrow plus a sword. He kissed my cheek cratling me in his arms. I hugged him kissing his cheek. He was always so kind and nurturing to me like a mother. He always took care of me.

"Hello my dearest I missed you." He said, his vioce was always so soft and gentle. He changed into his human form when I remembered I had forgotten my huge purse I carry everything in my locker. But I was coming back so I'll just worry about it later.

"Well I should be getting back to my dorm you need a ride?" I asked, he nodded so I grabbed Gaberials and Jagger's hands leading them to my car. Where I'd found where someone had been keying my car leaving scratches all over it.

"You've got to be kidding I just paid this damn thing off." I groaned examining them. I unlocked the door when I realized someone wrote 'whore' on my windows with permanent marker. Not to mention they busted my side mirrors. I grit my teeth not saying anything because I'd probably scream like a damn banchy. I put my hand up when James tried talking.

"This is fucking bullshit I'm going to kill those mother fuckers. It's going to take me forever to fix this mess." I muttered to myself getting in. They got in Gaberial messaged my shoulders as I drove. When I got to my dorm I could see my sister in our room with Mercery. She was kissing him while sitting on his lap having whoopy. My heart ached but I just got out. Walked in and throw her out the door naked.

"Slut!" I said, slamming the door. I turned to him. I dug my claws right into my neck where he marked me as his. He ran over when he realized what I was doing. But I grabbed him by his thoat sending him flying through the window. Gaberial ran in through the broken window when he seen me covered in my own blood. He ripped my claws out gently trying not to hurt me. Then he ripped his shirt and put it against my wound to stop they bleeding. His expression was full of sarrow and guilt. He loved me more then anything in this world he hated seeing me get hurt.

"Jagger get me a first aid kit she needs badaged quickly before big brother sees her." He asked, Jagger nodded running into the bathroom.

"I would suggest you run like hell if he gets ahold of you well let's just say it be like you never existed." He yelled angerily at Mercery. I roared loudy when the ground began to shake. Something big was coming my way. I knew it was Chaos The King Of The Devils. He was my son beasts grow way slower then humans or guardians grow till they hit a certain age then they stop growing completely. Guardians age like humans till the hit a certain age. He was part guardian his father was actually Gaberial since he aged like a guardian he looked older than me even though he was my son he was a spitting image of me but way bigger like his father. I was so lonely that I went to Gaberial every night till I accidentally got pregnant. Then Chaos happened. But I didn't tell Gaberial Chaos was his son because no one knows he's my son. I didn't let anyone meet him till he was an adult. I loved his father to much to tell him the truth. My eyes closed when someone caught me. I knew it was my prince. He put his wrist up to my mouth pouring his blood into my mouth. I looked up at him. I touch his cheek making him change into his true form it's been so long since I've seen how handsome he really is. James walked over sniffing the air. He looked at me questioningly. I looked at my boy and he walked over.

"Care to explain Dreamer?" He asked I shook my head. He touched his hair. Chaos looked at him.

"He's definitely a spitting image of you. No denying him." He said, I kissed Chaos's head.

"He is isn't he. He's a good kid but he's not the only one." I said touching my stomach. I was pregnant but didn't tell anyone I even hid my swollen stomach. Chaos put his hands over my stomach as James knelt down.

"Dose the father know?" He asked I looked down shaking my head.

"Hell he doesn't even know Chaos is his. We're not even technically together. But it's okay I don't need a partner. I raised our first all by myself I'm pretty sure I can handle another." I replied.

"That's not the point they need a father. Now who is he or I'll find you one. You can't do it alone." He said, caressing my cheek.

"Then why don't you do it you seem very fond of my mother? Plus you care." Chaos asked.

"Because I know I can't make her happy. She deserves so do you." He said, I looked down. I rubbed my stomach after I got up.

"When I say I got this you bet your ass I know exactly what I'm doing." I blurted, getting up. I took off not looking back. I walked into the woods when I heard someone following me. I looked back see Gaberial trying to catch up to me. I ran to a nearby pond to when I touched the hill side causing a cave to appear. I climbed inside as the contractions started I laid down when Gabriel crawled in.

"Why didn't you tell me is he my son?" He asked not realizing I was in labor.

"Sweetie we'll talk about it later." I groaned.

"My dear I must know." He replied, noticing me tugging at my dress pulling up the bottom.

"Um darling what are you doing?" He asked finally noticing what was going on.

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