Chapter 11 - The Real Face

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The next morning...

Y/n woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"Ah! My head feels like it'll explode any minute. What happened yesterday?"

Y/n tried to remember what had happened. Everything was coming back. How Tae believed her in the situation, how he carried her to the home and treated her wound. And all those things she'd said to Tae.

"No! What have I done? I said all those things to him and I called him Tae-tae.

Please bury me 7ft below the ground where no one can find me. Wait, last night we even ki.. kii.. k-kissed."

"Aah!" That was my first kiss. He stole my first kiss!" I say to myself.

Ding! Huh? I got a message from Jungkook. He was asking me to meet him at a coffee shop.

In the last three months, he has been a great support to me. He became my best friend. Whenever Tae treated me coldly, he always supported me. He is a good friend and a good brother. Why, he has asked me to meet him suddenly. I have to get ready and meet him.

In Mr. Song's office...

"Shall we talk about the issue, Mr. Song?" Tae said with a demanding tone. The look on his face makes people fear him.

Mr. Song and his son looked at each other, and he opened his mouth to talk.

"Um.. Mr. Kim, you came. I talked with my son about the issue, and the fault is on our side. My son didn't know she was your wife. Can you forgive him? And please don't make this a big deal," Mr. Song said in a pleading tone.

"I'm not the one he crossed the line with," Tae told him.

"I understand. I will make him ask forgiveness from your wife. You will ask, right, Jong-Hak?" Mr. Song said with a 'please-say-yes' " tone.

"Yeah, I will ask her."

Mr. Song's POV:

"See, my son is ready to ask for forgiveness," I said to him. He looked at me with a sharp eye. I am doing this only because if the news spreads, the loss will be ours.

"Oh, Mr. Song, we are businessmen. First let's talk business. Hm?"

He is not ready to let this matter go easily. He planned something evil.

"Yes, so tell me what you want, Mr. Kim."

"Ha. Now I like it. So I heard the biggest company in the US is going to tie up with a Korean company to establish their products here."

"Yeah, I heard about that too. What can I do about that?"

"Ah, Mr. Song, don't act like you know nothing. I know you have connections."

"No, no, I think you heard the wrong information. I don't have any connections, Mr. Kim."

"So you don't know Zach, who is the CEO of that company? Look. At. Me. And. Tell." he said with piercing eyes.

He knew I was friends with Zach. He came here knowing the truth. There is no way I can lie to him. If I say no, then the shareholders will hear about what my son did, then I can't make him the next CEO. I have to do something.

"Oh, you mean Zach. Yeah, I know him. We are good friends."

"Let's not beat around the bush. I know he gave you the authority to choose the best company for them to tie up with, and I want you to finalize the deal with my company. You know it's a good deal, right?"

I knew he would come to this. He's not asking me to finalize the deal, he is ordering me. He would do anything to make this deal. Dammit, I was about to make this deal with another company in which I would make 20% profit. Because of my good-for-nothing son, I have to make this deal with this evil man.

"I would love to. I will prepare the documents for that. Maybe we can make the deal next month."

Yes, this is the best I can do. Within one month, I have to plan something.

"I don't want to make this hard for you, so I came here with the required documents. Yeri, give the documents to Mr. Song."

"Mr. Song, here is the document. Sign the papers, please.. I prepared the documents, there is no need to check it twice."

"You came here prepared." I don't have a choice. I signed the papers. I want this matter to be solved.

"So, let's talk about the issue that happened yesterday," he shoots me a smirk.

Shocked, I stammer. "W-what are you talking about? You said if we made this deal, you would never talk about this matter."

"Me? I never said that. I just asked you nicely about the deal and you signed the paper with your own interest. Now you are talking like you signed these papers because I blackmailed you with the issue. Psh," he said with a casual tone.

This bastard, he tricked me. He used me as a puppet. Now I understand why others call him a business monster. He is pure evil.

He stood up and walked over to my son. He slapped him. Twice, to be exact.

"Mr. Kim, are you insane? My son is bleeding."

"You see, Mr. Song, business is business, and private means private. This is for what he did yesterday. if I see him around my wife again, it will be his last day."

"And Mr. Song, don't forget to invite me for the next shareholders meeting."

"Why should I invite you? I don't want to see you in my life again."

"Then what about my 20% share? Yeri, I think Mr. Song is confused, explain to him."

"Mr. Song, you have 55% share of your company. Now as per the documents, you gave 20% of your shares to Mr. Kim. Now, he is one of the biggest shareholders in your company. you signed these papers now. You can verify it with your lawyer."

"Y-you tricked me, Kim Taehyung. You said there was no need to check the documents. That's why I signed these papers."

"Mr. Song, my secretary said that, not me. Please forgive her, she still has a lot to learn. Let's go, Yeri," he turns with another smirk.


Tae's POV:

In the Car...

I want to kill that bastard for what he did. How dare he lay his hand on her.

"Um, boss, I prepared the documents you asked for, but are you sure you want to proceed with this?" Yeri asks me.

"I don't have a choice. I want to make things right, Yeri. Also, thank you for preparing these documents at the last minute."

"If you are so thankful, give me a vacation leave. I've been working day and night for the last few weeks."

"Of course. Your wish is granted."

"But boss, please think twice before doing anything."

At Home...

Y/n's POV:

I was getting ready to meet Jungkook when Tae opened the door and shouted, "Y/n, y/n! Can you come to the living room?" After hearing Tae's voice, I went downstairs.

"You came home early today." I was shy to speak because of what happened yesterday.

"Yeah, I want to talk to you about something."

"What is there to talk about with me?" Is he gonna talk about what happened yesterday? Oh, god.

Tae placed some documents on the table and told her simply. "Read this and sign the papers."

"What is this?" I ask.

"Our divorce agreement".

Thanks for reading.

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