Part 1: Reality to me

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(A/N: eeeeek the first official part of the book, Enjoy ;3)
Fredbear's Pov:
I was awake in my bed. I was in the bed of which the kid that had lived here at once slept here. The sun still wasn't up, but I was. I got up and looked back at the bed at the little plushie of my self. I remember that plushie was close friends to the little kid. I remember naming the plushie "Neshie" short for a nightmare plushie. I walked out of the room and closed the door silently.i walked down the hall and turned a corner where it showed stairs going down. I made sure no one was up and started walking down the stairs. It then opened up to the living room where on the left side there were two door ways that opened up to the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen and opens the pantry for some breakfast."Hey Fred!" A voice called behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Chizzle sitting at the counter that was in the middle of the kitchen. I let out some air and just waved at her shyly. She was also drinking some coffee but she looking at me , studying me. "Come on, not even a 'hi'??" Chizzle asked, tilting her head and looked at me with kind of like a sly look. I groaned,"hi..." I said softly and went back through the digging in the pantry."That's more like", Chizzle exclaimed and went back to drinking her coffee. I had finally found some bread and I decide to just eat that. Then suddenly loud clanking footstep came from up stairs and Chizzle jumped out of her seat. I jumped too trembling."We got to get you out of here, Fredbear!" She whispered and just shoved me under the counter, which was small. Chizzle try to act like nothing happened and started drinking her coffe again. A robotic fox with a shredded muzzle and chest... Riggs... Chizzle looked up at him and smiled ,"Good mornin Riggs!" She said putting her coffee down and Riggs walked in the kitchen. I was breathing heavily. If he caught me, I'm dead. Ever since the accident with the kid, Riggs as never forgiven me and has bullied me. I kinda looked to see what was going on. Riggs was standing right there at the pantry until he stopped froze. I put my back against the counter again and breathing even more heavily. Without knowing I had accidentally scooted one of the chairs and it had made a little screech when pushed against the floor. Before I knew it and hook was lodged in the counter wall right next to my shoulder fur and I turned to see Riggs shredded muzzle. I kinda screamed I closed my mouth. Riggs dragged me from under the counter by the neck. Chizzle was up and on the end of the counter, too shocked to move or say anything. Riggs moved his shredded muzzle close to my ear."your dead,lost boy." He whispered in his scratchy robotic voice and before I knew it he was punching me in the face. He then punched me straight in my left eye, hard. I started to weep and I tried to escape but I was too weak from restless nights. Chizzle finally came over and was trying to stop Riggs."Riggs he's had enough!" She said with anger in her tone. Riggs looked at her and groaned. He punched me one final time in the nose, making it bleed, and let go of me. "Fine! I have better things to do anyway!" Riggs walked to the pantry as I was coughing up blood. I got up limply and ran upstairs to my room. I locked the door behind me, got Neshie, and closed myself in the closet. I was weeping and blood dripped from my nose and lips to my knees. My knees were close to my chest and Neshie sat there beside me as still as a plush toy. My left eye felt swollen so I got up and walked out of the closet to looked at my eye in the mirror. I walked to the mirror beside the closet and saw that I had a black eye and blood splattered my muzzle and mouth. It was also smeared on my chest from when I was in the closet. I walked back in the closet right next to Neshie and weeped. Why..... I never meant to... How did my life turn out this way...I wish there was someone out there that was in the same pain as me and was wanting the same thing I wanted..
"I wish there was a person out there that wanted to find what there life was meant for...." I whispered to myself. This is somehow my life... This was reality to me. A place of pain and depression....

Yay!!!!!!!! The first official part!!! Now this was kinda a chapter that I didn't know at all. I only planned that Riggs was gonna abuse Fredbear for some reason and Fredbear would go to the closet wish for a friend. That's it really...
Thanks for 100 followers!!!! I'm really happy about it and I hope this was a good first chapter. Oh and don't worry.. Nightmare will come in his own time..
Bee Gamers! JD out!!!!~

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