Part 6: Plan in action

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(A/N: alright I actually didn't know the plan that Neshie and Pushtrap made until last night XD I'm sorry I really don't want to think ahead cause I'll mess up. But on with the story! I'm writing on an iPad so it's gonna be hard)

Fredbears Pov:
Me and Nightmare talked as the night went on but around 11, Neshie came around the left door and knocked. "Come in", I said as me and Nightmare stopped talking and turned our attention to the door. Neshie opened it and popped her head between the door."Could you come here for a sec", she said with a stitched smile. Me and Nightmare both got up until Neshie shook her head," No, just Fredbear!" And Nightmare looked at me with a questioning look and I just shrugged. He sat back down with his arms crossed as I walked to the door. Fredbear followed Neshie down the hall until it go to where the two halls became one and Neshie stopped. She turned around and waved her fingerless paw to show for me to kneel down. She whispered," Alright, we got a plan! Me and Plushtrap planned a way to get you and Nightmare together!" She beamed, her button eyes twinkled in the dim lighting in the house,"What?! What if Nightmare doesn't like me??" I asked her. Her stitched muzzle made out a smirk,"Don't worry a thing honey, me and Plushtrap got it ALL taking care of."

Plushtrap's Pov:

This is so stupid but if it works, that would actually be awesome. I had already tied a string to the bed all the wall to the wall, without Nightmare seeing me. The plan was for Fredbear to trip on this then Nightmare catches him. Then me and Neshie will play a slow dance song, which aka I will tell Nightmare about, and Nightmare will start slow dancing with Fredbear. Then at the end Nightmare will dip Fredbear and then hopefully one of them will kiss. But if they don't Neshie made a plan B( which really she is going to use anyway) is to give them both a drink. I finally got the string done then exposed my self and Nightmare looked up startled."Plushtrap! I didn't hear you come in! What are you doing here?" He asked as I started towards him. I looked at him and got up to whispered in his ear, he seemed ruffled and bewildered as I told him his part of the plan but I didn't wait to hear if he was going to do it but I got off the bed and went out the right door. Running down the hall to give Neshie the signal. It's almost about to go into play...

Fredbear's Pov:
I heard the patter of feet and me and Neshie turned to see Plushtrap running from the opposite hall and giving the thumbs up."that's our cue!" Neshie started pushing me down the hall. So I speed walked down the hall to my door. I was nervous cause walking in here not knowing what Neshies plan was kinda scary. But I opened the door anyway and nightmare was still in the same position but he looked up and brightened up too. I started walking towards him in something caught my foot and I tried to regain my balance but I couldn't,"Ahh!" ..."Gotcha ya!" Nightmare said as I  felt his big hands grab my shoulders.  I also grabbed his shoulders. I looked up to see I was a fox muzzles length away from his face. I started to blush across my face and Nightmare had pink rise from his cheeks. All of the sudden slow dancing music started playing and I turned my head to see an old radio type deal and the eyes of Neshie and Plushtrap and there silent laughing. Those little twerps!! Then Nightmare boosted me up and grabbed my right hand and slowly moved his hand down to my back. I blushed more across my face. Nightmare then started slow dancing with me and I didn't stare in his eyes cause then I would straight up look like a tomato if I do. The slow dance and the song seemed like it went on for hours, but the song was starting to come to an end and when I turned I stepped on his feet and started to fall back as gone groaned in pain."Oh! I gotcha ya!" He grabbed my back again and he was right in front of my face. We were in the position of a dip and we were both blushing. He then started leaning in and spout noses touched and my nose squeaked. Nightmare laughed as he heard it. I blushed and turned my eyes to where Neshie and Plushtrap were. Neshie was giving me this stare as if to go for it.
This had better work. He then pressed my lips to his giving him a kinda forceful kiss but also a nice one. I blushed more red than ever I know. After that we broke apart and I saw that we both were blushing and our eyes wide from what happened. Then I heard a door slam and me and Nightmare looked to see that someone had went through the right door and closed it. I noticed two drinks on the table where the radio was supposed to be and me and Nightmare straightened up and departed. We went over to the drinks and Nightmare picked it up. I studied it,"What's this for??" I asked and thought. Neshie and Plushtrap obviously left it for us, but why?? Nightmare looked at me,"Eh but I'm thirsty." Then with that he started drinking it.  I just shrugged my shoulders too and started drinking. Nightmare  chugged the whole thing then slammed the drink on the table. I then felt that I had drink the last of it. I slammed the drink down too. We then both made this weird face. Something about the drink didn't taste right. "What was that??" I asked sticking my tongue out. There were more drinks now and Nightmare started drinking more. I then notice there was a note, I picked it up and read it.

Dear Fredbear , me and Plushtrap left a couple of drinks for you! And if it taste funny don't worry a thing about that!! It's just some alcohol !! Heheheh
                             Love, Neshie~

I put the note down and realized what was happening but then Nightmare gave me another drink and I started drinking it. Then it became a big blur as we continued. That was all I can remember...

Thanks for almost 300 views on this story!!! Please go check out my new fanfic called "Bonnie X Freddy:The Key to Heart" it would really help and make me happy!! And sorry for not updating so much!! School is about to start so that means I won't be spending so much type on here.
6 days before school starts...
Bee meh Lil Ribbons! JD out!!~

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