Part 8: Harley's suspicion

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(A/N: alright I'm in a terrible weekend right now. My town is having a terrible flood kick in to our homes and and sorted are closed down do people are finding it hard to get food and healthy water. Luckily my house isn't flooded or no where close to it and so my family is opening our house to any body who needs a place to stay, so far no body has made it to us... We need prays for our town, pray for Denham Springs. Now I hope you enjoy this and it will be in the Pov of Nightmare Freddy/ Harvey's only daughter named Harley.
Enjoy my homies, stay safe)

Harley's Pov:
It's been a couple of weird days. My brothers or father doesn't know this but I've been hearing strange noises at night. He sounds like muffled groans and moans, gives me the chills. Now of course, since in the only girl out of my siblings Father had to tell how..."Birth" happens and how it came to be. I shiver as I stood lurking in the dark night halls. I was hearing those groans and moans again, it's was coming from Fredbears bedroom. I now felt something go down my lip. I wipe my hand and saw blood,"Bullcrap!" I whispered hissing, I was having a nose bleed and I bet my face was red. I put my back against the wall and breathed heavily. Fredbear is having some "magic" in his room but with who?!? Who is having god dang sex with Fredbear now these nights!?!? I put my hand to my head, so many thoughts buzzing past my head I felt dizzy. I then looked at bottom floor of the house. I saw my bedroom door was still open when I left to see where the sound was coming from. I started walking wobbly to my room. I felt as if I was my drunk dad coming home on Friday night. I got to my door and wobbled in my room and closed the door with a creek. The room was a dark shade of rosy pink. My pink tuft hair fell over my eyes. I blew at it but I didn't move. I grunted and brushed it out and then wobbled to my camo pink bed and collapsed on it face first. I did a long load grudge into the sheets. I lifted my head and looked solemnly out my window. The moon shone in and danced on the floor. I moved my arm and put my finger tips in the light. I felt the nice cool of it and felt it run through my body. I signed in relief," It's nice to see you, old friend." I said as I moved my fingers in the moon light. Then I didn't realize it but my clock dinged. It was midnight. A whole hour past with just me and my dancing fingers in the moonlight. "Gosh darn it! I need to get to bed before Father finds out I stayed up again." I shrugged off another memory and got under the covers. I rested my head and got warm. I closed my eyes but then light by my eyes. I opened them and saw the moon glaring it's light at me."Oh I'm sorry, dear friend. I must rest, we can play longer in another full moon, alright." I said and seconds later the light dimmed and the moon seemed shady as if guilty. I gave a pouty face to my dear friend."It's alright. Good night, dear friend." I said as I rested my head again and closed my eyes, let darkness consume me...

~next day~
I was up and in the kitchen with Chizzle. She gave me some coffee looking at me. She sat down right next to me,"Didn't get sleep, did ya?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee. I took some sips too,"Yeah... I guess. It was more like, dreams." I said drinking my coffee again. Chizzle nodded and took some gulps of her coffee. Crazy chicken... I'm glad she isn't my mother! I did a shiver in my thoughts thinking of her as my mother. My father said that our mother was certainly smart and clever like I was. She has the fur mixture of blue and pink, or some where in between. I guess that's where me and Alfred got our blue and pink stitched patched of fur from. Father never told us what happened to her, and I don't think he plans to. I then heard a yawn and the dirty golden and neon orange bear monster came in. I felt alert and my eyes opening bit more than I should in my condition. I sipped my coffee but didn't tear my gaze off him. He went to the food pantry and opened it. " Morning Chizzle. Morning Harley." He said growzily and put and hand to his back. Chizzle eyed him but more with worry."Are you alright Fred? You look in pain." She asked but I forced my self to not look at her stubbornly. He turned and groaned." I-I'm just not feeling good this morning." He said in that raspy voice again and I did a smug face. Sure you are, suffer from having unprotected sex you idiot! She said in her mind hoping it would relax her from saying it out loud. Fredbear then grabbed a full cereal box and closed the door. He then walked out of the kitchen and went up stairs. Chizzle looked back at her coffee,"He must finally be starving from not eating so much." She dribbled her coffee again. I stared at the door way that Fredbear walked out of.i hope he thinks twice of what he's doin.... The others will find out sooner or later... I said to myself as I took a drink of the last of the coffee and jumped off my chair. I headed straight out of the kitchen and looked up the stairs. O shrugged the feeling off and tuned towards my bedroom which was the first door before the bottom hall way started. I put my hand on the door nob until I heard loud and fast foot steps. I turned and saw Fredbear run straight to the bathroom and closed the door. Then the big black scary monstrous bear come down with a worried expression. I gapped my mouth and let a surprised gasp play in her head. I can't believe Fredbear has been having sex with him?!?!

Dun dun dun!!!!!!! So now Harley is the only one that knows Fredbear and Nightmare have been having sex. But anyways it's been a day since I've been working on this and right now a family of young girls and women.(one pregnant too) is staying at my house cause they're house is flooded. I can't believe it! This great flood is actually making bistro trigger now and I jut heard a few people have drowned.... Please we need prayers, pray for my whole state of Louisiana...

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