Chapter 1

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Clint and I had finally made it back. We were greeted back warmly, Eric and Bruce nearly crushing my ribs when they hugged me. We had already been to Director Fury about Derek Sandfurrow and are currently waiting for him to wake up. Yes, he was still unconscious from when I knocked him out. I can understand why though, since I didn't really hold back my strength when I punched him. I was outside, cigarette in my lips, a trail of smoke curling into the air. It was dark, the only light was when I would breath in the smoke and the end of the cigarette would light up with fire, my lighter, which I would take out and start lighting over and over again when bored, and of course the moon.

The door opened, and I heard Bruce's voice. I quickly took the cigarette out of my mouth and dropped it to the ground, squashing it so it would go out.

"Bruce, hey." I said, trying to not obviously wave away the smoke that still hung around me.

"Were you smoking again?" Bruce asked.

"What? No," I said.


"I wasn't smoking."

"I can smell the smoke, Tammy." I huffed.

"Fine, I was. But what's the big deal?"

"I hate that you smoke, you know that." Bruce closed the door behind him, the moon's rays made Bruce look old and stressed.

"But what's the big deal about it? I heal every time something happens to my body. I won't get cancer, and I won't die because it." I said.

"Tammy, I know that. I just, I don't like it. You know that dad used to smoke, and he got real messed up because of it. Look, I know you can heal yourself and smoking doesn't really affect you, but it still makes me feel like you're hurting yourself by smoking." I looked at Bruce and sighed.

"Alright, alright, I'll quit." I said.

"That's what you said last time." I sighed again, I pulled out my lighter and my pack of cigarettes, and gave them to Bruce.

"See? There, I'll really do it this time. But Bruce, I'm warning you now. If I get a little whacko because of this, don't give me the cigarettes, no matter what." Bruce was a little surprised at my comment.

"O-okay," Bruce opened the door, and I walked in, Bruce following me.

"So, we have a deal then?" I said, looking at him and holding out my hand. "I quit smoking and you keep the cigs away?" Bruce took my hand and we shook.

"Can I have my lighter back though? It's my favorite." Bruce reached in his pockets and pulled out my lighter. It had a design of a wolf that was formed out of smoke, I have a tattoo of it on my upper right arm. Bruce smiled, I smiled back.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow. You need your rest and there's going to be a meeting so, later." Bruce said heading toward the lab. I waved to him as he left and headed toward my room. As I walked, a couple of agents passed by with a, 'good job', I would smile my thanks. I finally got to my room and I hurriedly unlocked it and went in, shutting the door behind me and flopping on my bed. I kicked off my skater shoes, (even though I can't skate for shit,) and tried to fall asleep, not caring that I was still in regular clothes and not my pajamas. I wanted to fall asleep, but I alas couldn't. Not to sound cliché but, Clint was keeping me awake, I couldn't stop thinking about how he had kissed me. So, I got back up and slipped my skater shoes back on and headed toward the training room.

I wasn't planning on training or anything, more like just going there to hang out, I might pass out on the mats in there I don't know. Once I neared the training room I heard something like arrows being shot at a target, so my mind went straight to Clint. I peeked into the room and it was Clint, he seemed to just be carelessly aiming and shooting arrows. He didn't seem to have noticed that I had walked in. I walked up beside him and he still didn't notice me. I was confused on how the trained master assassin didn't notice me standing right next to him. I tapped him on the shoulder and Clint looked over. He held up a finger saying to hold on a minute. Clint dug in his pocket and pulled out a small container, he opened it and pulled out a pair of hearing aids. He put one in each ear.

"Sorry, hey." He said.

"Clint, are you, deaf?" I asked. Clint nodded.

"Yeah, didn't you know? Sorry that I didn't tell you."

"Oh no, I'm just disappointed in myself for not knowing." I said. Clint smiled.

"Ah, don't be. So, you couldn't sleep either?" I shook my head.

"Nope, couldn't sleep at all."

"Well, we can hang out until we are tired enough."

"Sounds good to me."

(A/N: Wow, I totally lied when I said that this would be up by the end of the week. LOL
Anyway, I decided to add Clint being deaf in here since its a big part in the Marvel Universe and I thought that I should put it in since I would probably be mad at myself if I didn't do it.
I am legit serious when I say it guys, Deaf!Clint is a thing, okay, it's not an AU thing. It is in the comic books and it will hopefully be added to the movies.
Now, I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas! Bye my little proxies and enjoy reading!
[This is your Christmas Present BTW]

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