"When he Saves you/Asks you Out/First Kiss"

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(Sorry for any spelling mistakes in this story I'm not the best speller even though I'm 15 and in high school)

Y/N's Point of View:

I was walking in Aqua Gardens with out NiGHTS near cause I needed to think for a bit. Why was he pulling my heart strings so much, I can't be in love with him. Can I? I sighed pushing a piece of hair behind my ear making my tiara tilt a bit. I felt breathing on the back of my neck making me turn around punching the creep in the face feeling scales on my hand making me open my eyes seeing a legless camilion with a magions hat, cap, and had a wand in hand and he was rubbing where punched him "Fisty? I like that~" he purred making me gag inside, pervert much? He grabbed me by my waist with one arms and my butt with the other making me struggle since I was VERY uncomfortable and reminded of that 'prince'. "Now. You better stop struggling so I can enjoy this~" he purred, "CHAMALION! LET HER GO, NOW!!!!!" I heard NiGHTS snarl behind us making him turn around seeing NiGHTS with an angered look on his face but his eyes were pitch black as night.

"NiGHTS. Nows not the time when your interrupting my enjoyment of you little crush." Chamalion said, wait. NiGHTS has a crush on me! Ok I'm confused. NiGHTS growled as his coloring slowly started turning from his purple and white to a black and grey. I felt Chamalion's grip loosen as he looked at NiGHTS in fear. He muttered something that was barely audible but I heard it clearly "D-Dark N-NiGHTS......." He muttered. Wait, Dark NiGHTS? Is this like a dark form of NiGHTS? Dark NiGHTS summoned a black crystal sword in his hand as he kept growling in anger. He charged at Chamalion knocking him to the ground making him drop me in mid air which made me scream closing my eyes bracing for impact. I felt something soft catch me and wind blowing making me open my eyes seeing Dark NiGHTS had catched me, was carrying my bridal style, and his sword was behind his back. Chamalion was chasing after us but NiGHTS was faster. He flew into a cave leaving Chamalion confused of where he went. Dark NiGHTS set me on my feet and went peaking out the cave entrance seeing if he was gone, come on NiGHTS take back control. He sighed probably meaning that Chamalion is gone. He flew back to me and changed back to normal making my fear go away. I crossed my arms across my chest "Ok you have some explaining to do. Of your dark form and what Chamalion said of you having a crush on me." I told him, he sighed rubbing the back of his head "I had my dark form when Wizeman was experimenting on me to make me stronger when I still worked for him. The experiment went wrong and my dark form only comes out when I'm REALLY angry. I'm still working on trying to making it come out at will so I can protect the visitors." He said, at least he's using it for a good cause.

"And my other question." I said, he stayed silent looking at his feet making me worried "NiGHT-" I said before I got cut off by him kissing me holding my face in my hands making a rose blush creep on my face. I ignored the blush and kissed back placing my hands on his chest making him shiver a bit as my hands touched his Iydea Shard. The kiss was gentle and sweet making me not want to break, but both our lungs betrayed us making us break panting a bit. My rose blush returned but dark but it was hard to tell with the caves darkness. NiGHTS was still holding my face in his gloved hands, (Y/N) I liked you since I first saw you, princess or not I love you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said making me smile. I tackled him in a hug wrapping my arms around his neck "YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!" I squealed, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist quickly as he spun me around in the air making me laugh.

I guess I finally found my TrueLove.

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