Play for Me

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Min Yoongi sat at his piano running his fingers along the cool keys before placing them in position to play an endearing piece. One that was close to his heart, closing his eyes to picture the notes. Yoongi exhaled softly his fingers slowly dancing along filling the air with an enchantingly delicate melody. He could sit there for hours playing the same song over and over.

Yoongi was about to start the song again when he felt a chill run up his spine and an overwhelming feeling to play a haunting tune took over him. It had been years since he had attempted to play such a piece, however he gave into the desire to hear the haunting dramatics of the cords and the keys groaned in earnest with each strike of his fingers. His breathing became rapid as he leaned harder into the melody. When he struck the last key, his hands dropped to his side. He felt as if though someone had taken over his body to be able to drain the song from his skilled hands.

"Play for me once more..." came a hushed voice. Yoongi turned on the bench to see who had spoken. That was when a slow clap filled the air. However, the person was unable to be seen.

"Who...Who's there?" He stammered his hands shaking slightly as he felt himself being turned back around to face his piano.

"Play..." the voice demanded. Yoongi swallowed hard steadying his nimble fingers upon the keys once more delicately stroking them to play a sad song that ran deep to his core. His head fell back as he continued to play the notes sounding of sweet sorrow and a longing for a love once lost. When his hands stopped moving. The clapping began again, and a joyous laugh could be heard.

"You play beautifully..." the voice praised. Yoongi wanted nothing more than to run from the room to escape. However, the audience he had drawn wasn't going to allow that. He could feel their cold hands upon his shoulders as they whispered in his ear once more.

"Keep playing for me..."

Yoongi shivered ice-cold fear falling into the pit of his stomach. He recognized the voice, but he thought that the person was a myth. Made up in a book. Why the hell was he here terrorizing  him!? The Phantom of the Opera.  He wasn't the Opera!

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