Poor Stevie

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"What did the ad say again?" Stevie asked taking a bite of his waffle eyeing his mom as she scrolled through craigslist for him.

"Sweetie, it says they are looking for a roommate to split costs on this house they are renting... 300 in total everything included. I think you can manage that since you got a job bartending close by."

She gave him a warm smile then turned to jot down the number on a post it. Getting up from the desk she handed it to him kissing his forehead.

"My babies all grown up and finally going to college..." a tear fell from her eyes as she started to wash dishes. Stevie smiled at his mom she was his number one fan even if it took him until he was 23 to figure out what he wanted to do. She supported him whole heartedly. Dialing the number on the note he waited.

A soft voice answered.


"Hi! My name is Stevie... I was calling to see if the room was available still?"

There was no response just and eerie silence from the other end.

"Uh... hello?" He asked worried.

"Oh... Uh... yes it's still available... When do you plan to be here?"


"Great... See you at 2pm." Click.

He stared at his cell phone for a moment then up at his mom who was watching him carefully.


"So... I got the place..."

She clapped her hands hugging him happily. Instead of worrying her with the uneasiness in his stomach Stevie went and packed up his things to prepare for a new adventure. A big steppingstone in his life to make his mom proud.

Taking the bus to the house on 3rd street across from the University his palms grew sweaty when the house came into view. Pulling the line, the bus screeched to a stop to allow him to get off. He wasn't sure if he wanted to. The sight of the house made bile rise in his throat. It had a dark and sinister vibe to it. Mom didn't say that it looked like a haunted house. Cringing slightly, he walked up to it ringing the doorbell.


Grasping his ears to save them from the dreadful sound that came from the button. A few seconds later a girl answered. She tilted her head smiling her white teeth on full display. She had sleek black hair, and a light blue dress on that hung loosely around her tiny frame. Her dark eyes felt like they were looking straight into his soul.

"Hi Stevie, We... I mean I'm so happy to have you here." She extended her pale hand to him which he took. Fear washed over him when he felt her ice-cold hand in his. Looking back up at her, her eyes were a bright red, and a pair of pearly white fangs were on display as she yanked him inside the door.

"Wait... Please!!" It was too late. She sunk her teeth in.

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