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A cool breeze washed over me from the open window making me shiver, pulling my blanket tighter around my shoulders I snuggled deeper into my pillows. I love the Fall season however I was not feeling the open window right now. Groaning I rolled out of my bed slamming the window shut and locking it, quickly shuffling back to my bed diving back under the covers. Just as I was about to doze off my phone chimed. Who the hell was messaging me at 2AM?

((Toby: Hey... So, like what are you doing?))

Oh, nothing just trying to get some fucking sleep. I thought but I didn't say that.

((ME: Tobs... Its 2AM. What's wrong?))

((Toby: Is it 2AM? Damnnnn...))

((Toby: Anyways... Can I like come over?))

((ME: No.))

There was a long pause between messages.

((Toby: pleeeeeeeaaaaaaase))

((ME: FINE))

He didn't respond again so I got up from my bed heading down to the kitchen to get a glass of water for my serious case of dry mouth. Sipping on the water I wandered into my living room when the TV flickered to life. That was strange seeing how I didn't touch the remote. That static displayed on the screen kept fading into a News Channel but the date it was showing the incident was at 5am this morning. It's only 3AM right now. So, how is that possible?

Confused I sat down on the couch watching as the story unfolded before me.

BREAKING NEWS: "Today at around 5:15am a younger girl was murdered in her home. It is said that there was no sign of forced entry and we are standing by for more details from OFC Bun. "

The caution tape billowed behind the lady in a pink pant suit her hair fell in bouncy curls around her shoulders. She seemed nice enough but that's not what caught my attention. The black car behind her stood out... It looked a lot like mine.

Hold up.

BREAKING NEWS: "They say that was someone close to her... At this moment there are no indications of struggling. They were able to slit her throat causing her to bleed out instantly... There's a note... Yes, it says. 'I've always loved you.'"

What kind of News channel gives all these details? What idiot writes that kind of note at a murder scene. It would take no time for them to find the dumbass. I shook my head as the screen went dark. It's definitely panning out to be a strange day. Something was gnawing at the back of my mind. I was missing something. Something very important...


Must be Toby... as I opened the door, I looked to the Grandfather clock in the foyer. It said it was 4:45AM, I guess I watched that longer than I thought. Opening the door Toby was dressed in all black, smiling he pulled me into a hug. I guess you could say I saw it coming... But I didn't. So, he killed me.

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