4. Solar Eclipse by @siena_sunflowers

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Matches Category: 5/5

Plot: 13/15 | I am OBSESSED with the intro with the dusting. Even if the story isn't finished, it has clear direction. Story has exposition, rising action, it seems to end on a climax, but again, it's clear that the story has direction.

Foundation: 9/10 | Dialogue is consistently correct, and other than some unnecessary all caps moments, no mistakes distracted from the story.

Creative: 6/8 | There are some moments especially as the story progresses where it reads more like an Avengers: Endgame with Nico di Angelo as a supporting character. Without Nico, it's sort of lacking as a crossover. Perhaps utilizing more PJO characters in the earlier scenes without Clint and Nico would be beneficial for engaging the audience. Avengers crossovers are kind of common, but this one seemed to have its own twist to it, and didn't play into common tropes like Percy getting adopted by or being related to Tony Stark, so awesome job there!

Canon/Fanon: 13/15 | Characters are accurate to both Rick Riordan's and Marvel's depictions. As this is being scored as a PJO fic, my only complaint is that there should probably be a little more introduction to the Avengers for readers who may not know them. I can absolutely see Nico going down a path like this in this universe.

Enjoyment: 13/15 | I definitely found myself fangirling a bit! Only complaint was that the time skips were sort of awkward. Really fun and engaging story with a solid writing style.

Overall Score: 59/68 | This was so fun to read! PJO/Avengers crossovers are typically so full of tropes, but this one actually brought something new to the table, so I appreciated that. The writing style was super engaging and fun to read. My major critique with this one is that several of the scenes were essentially Avengers: Endgame written as a novel, especially when no PJO characters were present. It was hard to choose a favorite part of the story, but I really enjoyed the snap at the beginning and the scene where Nico and Clint have to get the Soul Stone (but I'll avoid spoilers). Really solid fanfiction, and I definitely will be here for the next update!


Matches Category: 5/5

Plot: 13/15 | This story was greatly planned. Even being incomplete you can tell that it's very sturdy and will have an ending. With an exposition, rising action, a climax, so far, it's a great plot and really interesting. White reading, I could definitely tell that there was some serious planning involved.

Foundation: 9/10 | This story is written fantastically, I noticed next to no spelling or grammar errors. I would like to point out that there were a few mess ups in the dialog, and some unnecessary cap locks in the writing.

Creative: 5/8 | This crossover trope of Infinity Wars rewrite with the demigod family is, in my day of searching, a fan favorite and overused. Every other PJO x MCU Crossover is of this. Still I like how the author wrote it around Nico, Clint, and Will. A very different character chose than the normal Annabeth or Percy. I would've liked to see the Infinity War plotline to be more unique. I did like the Tateraus side plot, though.

Canon/Fanon: 10/15 | I really liked the author's characterization of Nico and Clint, and later in the book Will's POV was the best. It was very on mark with the respected canon characters. I will have to say that a few of the side characters seemed one dimensional and not very canon/fanon accurate. Nico and Clints actions were some that I could see happening in canon.

Enjoyment: 14/15 | This story was SO entertaining!! I normally don't enjoy Riordanverse and Marvel crossovers around Infinity Wars, but this one left me at the edge of my seat multiple times. I screamed when I read the latest cliffhanger and, unexpectedly, craved more. Keep up the good work, author!

Raw Overall Score: 56/68 | What a fun and exciting read! Overall I really liked the story, and some of the plot points were so engaging and left me on the edge of my seat. Like I stated before I'd like to see some more unique situations rather than a retelling of the Marvel Movies. The author did a really good job with bringing the Riordanverse characters into the Marvel Movies. I will be continuing with the author's updates!

Final Overall Score: 56/68


Matches Category: 5/5

Plot: 13/15 | Love the plot. Love the narrative. Love the pace of the story and the distribution of the story. Unlike most other stories, this one has proper building up the suspense, working it out, and hopefully you will do it a proper ending. The planning is great, although it is heavily centered on actual MCU events with just Nico with them. But still, your way of story telling had me grasped.

Foundation: 9/10 | I couldn't really find any errors as such. It's going pretty good.

Creative: 5/8 | Well, because it was heavily centered on actual Infinity War events, I can't give you a full score. But I appreciate the ideas from PJO that you added. Also maybe having a more unique way of having Nico introduced to the Avengers would be nice, because in most of the fanfics, its just that the avengers find a kid doing un-kid-ly stuff and hunt him down. You kinda used that same thing in the beginning and that can be improved.

Canon/Fanon: 13/15 | Can't really say much about this. Most of the character descriptions were more or less accurate. I can see most of the events happening in real. Nico's character was great. Loved it.

Enjoyment: 12/15 | The beginning could have been made more interesting. You did a great job in keeping the humor packed in the story. The action in the last parts are intriguing. I hope you can end the story with a proper bang.

Overall Score: 57/68 | Unlike most other PJO x MCU fanfics, this one is quite different. Well got a bit boring at times with just Nico from PJO in the beginning, but well. . . for the sake of the story and the plot, that had to be the case. Anyways, wish you all the best!


Imagery: 5/10 | This story reads more like someone describing a movie than like a novel. Obviously, this book is based on a film, so that is to be expected at times, but it really lacks the flow that many readers might be looking for. It would have been great to see some insight into how the characters are feeling throughout this story. There is a ton of action, and the way it's described feels pretty flat and matter-of-fact. This hurts the engagement in what would be otherwise very exciting scenes.

Writing Style: 6/10 | It is a little difficult to decipher the author's writing style because a lot of what's going on in the text belongs to Marvel and is taken directly from Avengers: Endgame. I would have really liked to see more creative liberties on the author's part so that their writing style could be more prominent in this. When I can see the author's style (specifically in the Tartarus scenes that don't appear in the film), it's really strong. I would have loved to see more of this writing style applied to the rest of the book!

Theme: 5/10 | It's hard for me to find a theme in here other than perhaps "teamwork" and "perseverance," neither of which are expressed in the language of the story,

Character Development: 8/10 | I think it was really interesting to see Nico's character digress after the snap and then watch him change after going through Tartarus again, and then become whole again after the dusted characters come back.

Dialogue: 8/10 | The dialogue consistently follows grammar rules, and definitely flows like a natural conversation for the most part. My only complaint with the dialogue is that a lot of it is unoriginal, and directly taken from Avengers: Endgame. It would have been nice to see more of the author's creative input in the dialogue.

Tone/Mood: 9/10 | The tone is super consistent throughout. I really liked how the new content (Nico's POV of the snap, Tartarus) were in a tone that was consistent with the movie. There was a more expressed mood in those scenes than in the scenes the readers may have seen on screen, but overall, really nice job.

Hook: 7/8 | The introduction was definitely one of my favorite parts of the story. I think it for sure makes readers want to find out more about the situation. It also tells the reader that this really isn't a cliche kind of story (Nico being the central focus rather than Percy, and that this isn't one of those stories where someone gets adopted or Tony Stark is someone's uncle). The introduction may risk being specific to only people who have seen Avengers: Endgame, and because of that, other readers may not feel compelled to read. Also be careful that some readers for some reason like to skip past intros, prefaces, prologues, etc. and just get right into chapter one.

Overall Score: 48/68 | This story is so good and I'm really happy I got to give it another look for the contest! The strongest points for this story were during the Tartarus scenes and the intro. Because these scenes weren't tied so directly to the film Avengers: Endgame, the author's creative input and writing style were able to shine, and I really enjoyed that. I wish that this author's creative input and writing style had been more heavily applied to the scenes that comply more directly with the plot of the film; those scenes are a little weaker according to this criteria; they lack imagery, and ruin the suspense of the story. I overall really enjoyed this book, and am looking forward to recommending it to others! Definitely one of my favorite Avengers/HoO crossovers out there!

Congratulations to our Forth Place Winning book: Solar Eclipse by siena_sunflowers | Crossover

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