Axi Bio

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Name: Axi Malthus
Nickname: Misty and cooker (stems from his tendencies to either turn people to mist or burn them alive)
Callsign: Nightlight
Height: 6'4"
Age: 32
Skin Color: Caucasian
Race: Human
Hairstyle: Bald
Eye color: Deep Brown

Blood Type: O-

Special Features: is almost always seen wearing a gas mask

Personality: INTJ-A, 66% Introverted, 100% Judging, 74% Assertive

Affiliations Before Joining: U.S. Army

Occupations: Pyro expert and heavy machine gun user

Rank: Captain

Nationality: American

Place of Birth: Amarillo, Texas

Date of Birth: October 31st, 1992

Combat Gear: - IOTV (Heavy variant) with a grey camo scheme
- Custom-made Flame tank or custom-made heavy ammo box
- FM 53 with Enhanced Ballistic Visor
- Sapper Equipment
-x4 M67 grenades
-x2 Bricks of C4

Main Primary Weapon: - Custom-built mobile M2 Browning (Shoots incendiary armor piercing rounds) or a custom M2 Flamethrower (a mix of napalm and plasma) depending on the mission. Both are fed ammo via custom-made backpacks

Second Primary Weapon- M550
Dragons Breath rounds

Main Sidearm Weapon: - Glock 40
- .10mm Incendiary ammunition hollow point

Melee Weapon/s: Trench club

Scars: burn marks in various areas of the body from his time serving in WW3, and a mechanical left leg

Relationship Status: trying to work up the courage to ask out Elegg

Love Interest: Elegg

Likes: Designing things that burn and/or turn people into mist. Reading, tinkering, and cuddles

Dislikes: not following protocol and when his inventions fail

Hates: Wehraboos, commie-boos, and Kaiserboos

Favorite Food: BBQ

Pastime: see what he likes

Background/Backstory: Unknown, he doesn't really speak much prefers grunts and nods

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