Chapter 6: Heated argument and the nine tailed fox

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The engines of the yellow 1914 Stutz Bearcat roared as Nikolas drove to the forecourt of the university where haggard-looking Ford model Ts were parked. All eyes followed his rare supercar as he turned it off. Benjamin seemed to visibly shrink in his seat at all the attention they were getting.

"Why are they looking at us, Nik?" He asked, holding tightly to his drawing book. He usually used it to avoid conversations.

"They're are looking at us because," Nikolas honked, startling a young man who was gazing dreamily at his car, "their poor arses haven't seen such an exquisite car before."

"Rich people go to this school," Benjamin said.

Nikolas dragged the lapels of his black suit jacket. "We're not rich, Benjamin. We're crazy rich."

The brothers walked out of the supercar, students assessing them as they walked by. Nikolas didn't have time for such frivolous mannerisms. He was here to be a blessing and it wouldn't be a surprise considering the way they gazed upon him like he was a Greek god.

Nikolas looked up at the neoclassical edifice before him. The glass cupola at the centre was so large it sent its shadow before the front of the university. This building was the only thing Nikolas could say was up to his standard. But the humans—they all tried to look rich but appeared to be the epitome of beggars who wore rags.

"It's quite the structure," Benjamin said, holding the lapels of his grey morning coat.

"I agree. It's the only thing in this vicinity that's eye-pleasing," Nikolas said and glanced at his daylight ring. The sunlight bounced off its silver surface and he breathed in the fresh morning air. This was one of the rare occasions since he came to London that he came out. He and his siblings spent most of their time indoors and drinking blood, just like their father accused.

Benjamin whipped out a piece of paper from his coat's internal pocket. "It says here that we have a class with a certain Mr James."

"The bloody history teacher."

"How did you know?"

Nikolas smirked. "I'm always prepared brother." He patted Benjamin's shoulders. "Let's go in. And try not to shrink to the size of a ball."

"I don't act that way." Benjamin frowned as they both advanced to the wide entrance of the building. Students weaved in and out of the structure, ridiculous smiles on their faces. What were they happy for? Oh, yes. Nikolas had arrived and they just realised what a blessing he was.

"Just try your best brother," Nikolas said. The lobby of the building was massive and was twice the size of the lobby back at Knight estate. Heads turned with each distance the Knight brothers covered and thanks to Nikolas' super hearing, he heard what they were saying.

"Who are they?"

"I've seen them somewhere before."

"Those are the Knight brothers. Heir to the Knight dynasty fortune."

"Gracious, they're handsome."

"I want the white one."

"Give me some chocolate, please. I love the darker one."

The two brothers looked at each other and smiled. Humans and their sweet words. There was nothing Nikolas loved more than praise. He deserved it considering how superior he was to humans.

"You see, it's not that bad," Nikolas nudged his brother's arm, "she wants some chocolate."

"And she's not getting any." Benjamin frowned. "I find it quite insultive being compared to chocolate. I'm a genius blessed with a photographic memory."

"Who's being arrogant now?" Nikolas asked, smirking.

Benjamin rolled his brown eyes. "Oh, please."

Nikolas did his best to prevent his jaw from dropping once they entered the classroom. It was amphitheatre-themed and reminded Nikolas of his days when he watched the gladiator fight with his family.

"Please everyone take your seats," a man who Nikolas assumed to be Mr James said. He was standing before the blackboard, chalk in his hand. Nikolas and his brother took a seat in the second row.

Once everyone had sat down, Mr James continued speaking. "Today," he wrote "History" on the board and turned back to the class, "we'll be talking about the victorian classic, Beautiful Minds. Which of you is willing to speak on it?"

A brown-skinned hand at the front row rose to the air and Mr James pointed at the person.

"Yes, Miss Smith?"

The person stood up and it took all of Nikolas' strength to keep his jaw from dropping. Her full afro curls were perfectly oiled, her grey eyes intense and glamorous. What was more astonishing was the way her wide hips hugged the skirt of her black suit, her long lashes clapping together as she blinked.

"I would like to say that Lady Ella Stark has to be one of the most inspiring characters in the book. Lord Robert Stark wouldn't have made his invention without her help."

Why did beautiful people have to be the dumbest? Nikolas had such high hopes for this young lady and she had to ruin them. What she said was purely nonsensical. And one thing he couldn't stand was when people said stupid things like that.

Nikolas raised his hand into the air.

"Have you read the book?" Benjamin asked, his eyes wide with alarm.

Nikolas nodded. "I happened to come across it some weeks ago. It was quite a lovely piece of literature."

"We have a hand in the air," Mr James said, pointing at Nikolas. "Do you have anything to add to what Miss Smith said?"

"Indeed," Nikolas confirmed, standing. Miss Smith turned to him and her grey eyes flashed with shock as their gazes locked. What could Nikolas say? He was handsome and had this effect on every woman.

"What's your name?" Mr James asked.

"Nikolas," he raised his head high. "Nikolas Knight."

Gasps and murmurs fluttered through the room, everyone turning to look at him.

"Are you one of the Knight brothers?" The teacher asked.


Mr James pointed at Benjamin. "That's your brother?"

Isn't it obvious? They were both handsome with superior genes. "He is."

"Can you please introduce yourself to the class?" Mr James asked.

Oh no. Benjamin began hyperventilating, his fingers drumming nervously on his laps. The eyes gazing at him weren't helping matters either.

Nikolas bent so he could whisper into his brother's ear. "Say your name and I'll buy you the first edition of pride and prejudice."

Benjamin's brown eyes burst wide with realisation. Clearing his throat, he stood, his hands behind him.

"I'm Benjamin. Benjamin Knight."

"You're welcome to my class Benjamin. You can sit down."

He did as he was asked and tugged on Nikolas' trousers. "You better get me that copy and fast."

"Sure," Nikolas said, smiling.

"You can continue with what you wanted to say, Mr Knight," Mr James gestured for him to go on.

"Miss Smith's entire take on the book is wrong." Her lips parted at Nikolas' words. This was just the beginning. "Firstly, Ella wasn't with Robert when he initially made his invention. She was just a parasite who fed off his success."

"That's quite an interesting take you have there," Mr James said, rubbing his jaw, his ruby ring glowing.

"If Ella didn't save the metal from drowning, Robert wouldn't have been able to complete his invention. He needed the metal as the final component," Adeline said, her hands on her hips.

"She was stupid for jumping into the river all in the name of saving the metal. Without her, the invention would've been made," Nikolas enlightened the dumb girl. "Ella should've stayed in the kitchen and do what women did best, cook."

The men in the room erupted in laughter and you could see the steams of rage escaping Miss Smith's ears.

"Would you look at that? We have a misogynist as a new course mate." Adeline glared torpedoes at Nikolas.

Misogynist? How dare she jump to conclusions? What sort of brain did she have? Did it have porous holes where common sense leaked from?

"Are you always a prejudiced twat?" Nikolas asked, inclining his head.

"Come closer and ask me that question then I'll show you what twats do." She gestured for Nikolas to come closer, her grey eyes carrying a great sense of ferocity.

"Please be disciplined, Miss Smith. You're a woman." Nikolas smiled teasingly.

"Students," Mr Knight motioned for them to tone down the argument with his hands, "please, this doesn't call for a heated argument."

Miss Smith pointed at him. "He started it."

"Women," Nikolas scoffed. "They never take accountability."

They never did. Men are always the fault. Can women for once act with logic? Jumping to conclusions would be the death of them.

"Please, you both should seat down," Mr James pleaded, his hands doing the same.

With one last deadly glare at Nikolas, Miss Smith sat down. He didn't like her. She was too prejudiced. And that made her stupid. Nikolas didn't like stupid people.

"No more talks on Beautiful Minds. Let's talk about something else," Mr James said and switched the topic.

At the end of the class, a ginger-haired young man dressed in suspenders walked over to Nikolas. The young man scratched the back of his neck, a grin spread across his freckled face. What was so funny?

"I'm Jimmy Suther," He said, his voice coated in a thick Scottish accent.

"And of what relevance is your name to me?" Nikolas asked, leaning back in his seat.

Jimmy laughed. "Ah, you're funny mate."

"I don't think I said a joke."

"Goodness, you're quite something," Jimmy smiled, his hands on his waist. "Do you play football?"

"Do you mean that children's game?"

"Well, children do play it."

"And why do you want to know if I can play this mundane sport?"

Jimmy clasped his hands. "You see, I'm da Captain of da new university football club. I'm recruitin'."

"Not interested."

"Ye 'ave da build for a striker. Tall and athletic. We could use your help."

"I'm not interested, Jimmy." Nikolas shewed him with his hands. "Now off you go."

Jimmy's green eyes carried a tone of disappointment. "Well think over it, will ya?"


"I'll get ya on the team. I swear." Jimmy waved as he walked away. What a man. Nikolas kind of liked him. Probably because of his persistence. Nikolas admired it.

"Don't you think you were harsh on him?" Benjamin asked, drawing a bookshelf on his drawing book.

"That was me being nice."

"I'll be going to the library." Benjamin stood up from his seat. "Are you coming?"

"No, I want to take a stride around the school." Nikolas looked outside the window. Luscious umbrella trees lined a brown path, their shade licking the grass. "Let me use the opportunity to acquaint myself with the school."

"Alright. I'll meet you at the forecourt in the next hour."

"Bye, brother."


Benjamin bit the butt of his pen as he looked at what he had finished drawing. Something seemed odd. The drawing was the replica of the library he was in-the long aisles of bookshelves, the tall windows designed with mosaic paintings of different catholic saints and at the middle was a young man drawing on a desk.

"Isn't that me?" Benjamin muttered, rubbing his fingers over the image. What was wrong with him? The first unusual occurrence that happened was his dream from this morning.

Now, this.

The image of the scary being from his dream flashed before his eyes and he flinched, his pencil flinging into the air.

"Shh," the lady sat next to him said, her finger over her lips.

Benjamin sneered at her. "Read your bloody book you cankerworm."

It appeared she didn't like being addressed that way. She picked up the book she was reading and left. That was a good thing. One less human around him. He couldn't stand being around lots of people. It gave him the ick.


Benjamin turned in his seat. A beautiful lady with hooded dark eyes and dark bob-styled hair stood behind him, a book clutched to her chest, her body covered with a slim black blouse and skirt. She was beautiful. But he could never tell her that. That would happen the day he lost his mind.

"I'm Mei Lin," she said, smiling adorably. Benjamin wanted to tell her to piss off. But his heart was panting so rapidly for him to even comprehend a word to say.

"I notice you don't like speaking much. Is there a reason for it?"

Yes, there was. He didn't want to be judged for who he was. Whenever he tended to get close to people, they left him once they found out what he was—a blood drinking monster. So all he did now was to keep to himself.

Mei Lin chuckled nervously. "It's awkward that I'm speaking while you stare at me."

Shite. I was looking for too long. The last thing he wanted her to think was that he found her attractive. That would be embarrassing.

"Well, I wanted to welcome you to the school," she said, standing on the ball of her feet. "I hope you enjoy your stay."

She turned on her heels and skipped away. What sort of person skips? His eyes narrowed at a vague figure appearing behind her. After seconds of staring, it became clear.

It was a white fox with nine tails walking behind her. It appeared to be guarding her. Benjamin rubbed his eyes with his hands and looked again. The fox was gone.

Groaning, he rested his forehead on his drawing. He has been seeing things since today. Were his nightmares getting worse?

It had better not. He didn't know how long he could keep up with this new wave of unusual visions.


Author's note: I hope you enjoyed the chapter. An image of the Stutz Bearcat is above.

Yours truly

Lord Victor Hastings.

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