Chapter 207-I Was Trying to Run Away...

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Thanks for the support guys! 

Also, I will probably do a rush of NPOA in a month or two to promote my new novel, Project Far Shore when the first draft is done but until then, my effort is still split between the two. Happy Turkey Day all hope the holidays were good for everyone!

"Come...on..." Lineir panted in the shattered ice crater he had formed upon impact. Twin shadows of Drakewraiths floated above him, even larger than the Dragon Princess he had met in the mortal world. He got his feet out from under him and lifted himself up. Muscles empty of Qi, he stood the Midnight Armor dispelling into black tatters of aura before dissipating. It would not return until the moment he needed it. He couldn't even afford to keep it active passively as he was that low on Qi.

"This...I feel like someone has it out for me." He stared above as the shadows grew larger and locked eyes with his attackers. Both dragons were diving at him from different directions with their talons out. He prepared himself to try to evade, even if it truly meant losing himself and unleashing his Madness abilities when he noticed something. Smirking he began to casually walk away. Those Drakewraiths aren't even going for me. They're attacking the corpse...greedy lizards. But even if I want to harvest the core, I don't have the energy for it at the moment. I better just leave quietly.

Lineir was in the midst of activating his stealth techniques and simply fading away into the icy tundra when a voice came which made him freeze in his tracks! DAMNIT YOU IDIOTS!!

"Hey you lizards! Over here! This demon will feast on your bones today!" The reluctant voice of Jeirsus called out and attracted the attention of the dragons who turned their heads from their dive. However, upon spotting the lone demon who had appeared some several thousand meters away on a rise, they ignored him completely and continued towards the other Drakewraith's corpse! Of course to the Baraz clan on their hill it looked completely different-

"Shoot yell again! He's going for Lineir we need to buy him time to recover from that forbidden technique!" The panicked Aileen could be heard and Jeirsus sighed. Is it really worth risking all of our lives to save this random wandering cultivator?

"Damnit Aileen you're too soft. Lysus do you really think this is wise for some stranger? Sure he helped out before but do we really know the simplest thing about him?" Jeirsus was rather indignant but Lysus was also a little fed up with Aileen's soft heartedness. Her pleading eyes were on him but he could shake his head helplessly and stand up.

"Once the Drakewraith are finished with him, they will remember our slight. Remember they are of the dragon bloodline so they are quite proud, they will not forget this. We should leave now. Aileen, forget about him, there are no eternal enemies or allies, only benefits, and there are no benefits to be had here..." Lysus nodded to Jeirsus and they both stood up. Aileen trembled at a loss. She truly felt like she owed Lineir a blood debt as he had technically saved all three of them and couldn't believe how callous her older clanmates were.

"Bu-but?"She tried to call but her companions were already leaving. Clearly they expected her to come with them. Her hands by her sides she hung her head in dejection having failed to aid Lineir. "is this really all the Baraz clan's honor amounts to in this day and age? FINE!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU TOO WERE SUCH...SUCH ***** PEOPLE!!! GET OUT YOU TWO! I HOPE I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN!" She turned away from the two, banishing them from her heart though they were her clanmates. Behind her, her two clanmates could only shake their heads.

"All this for some random wandering cultivator. It's a shame but Aileen really needs to grow up. This can be a good lesson for her. We'll go slowly and harvest some Arctic Tundra Wolves. Once that youth is consumed by the Wraithdrakes Aileen will naturally have no choice but to come find us. Agreed?" Jeirsus whispered and Lysus tacitly sighed and spread his palms in agreement.

"Let's go..."


"Oh thank the Heavens...they stopped freaking attracting the Drakewraith's attention." Lineir sighed heavily in relief as the dragons finished diving down on the corpse and as they were snacking on the core he quietly sidled away. Stepping gingerly away from the crater he felt he was home free as their attention was entirely focused on devouring the flesh of the other drake. Except-


A sharp gushing wind shot over his head and smacked into one of the Drakewraiths. A fiery blossom of fire appeared which caused the unsuspecting lizard to hiss in pain!


Immediately it looked around for who had caused it to hurt so bad. Mere meters away Lineir froze yet again in his tracks cursing vehemently!

"LINEIR CAN YOU HEAR ME? RUN AWAY WHILE I DISTRACT THEM!" Aileen called out at the top of her lungs while unleashing consecutive wind attacks which contained the Fire Laws which caused particular irritation to the Ice Attribute Drakewraiths!

Blazing Zephyr Blossum!

Blazing Zephyr Blossum!

Blazing Zephyr Blossum!

While she was shouting to him and chaining together as many attacks as possible Lineir, stuck below the dragons who were flailing about in anger, wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. He didn't dare call out back. Run away? What do you think I was trying to do before you came! He could only internally moan and complain at his bad luck and curse Fate itself being broken.

"Come on, where are you!" Aileen grew increasingly desperate as she tired and the Drakewraiths had finally given up on finishing their meal. Eyeing each other warily, afraid that the other drake would find and steal the core of the corpse while they were distracted, they turned and faced this sudden annoying gnat which had randomly decided to try to buzz in their faces. Shaking their scales, which were beginning to show some serious singing after so many attacks, they roared and charged forward together!


"I got their attention! Run away Lineir...wait...I got their attention...OH HELLS RUN AWAY ME!!" Aileen paled as she realized that a few thousand meters was not actually that far from the Drakewraiths...

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