Chapter 215-Satisfying Curiosity

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So actually really annoyed because my computer finally broke so I had to waste my whole weekend getting a new computer and now rewrite this whole chapter...and still haven't gotten my hands on an HDMI to recover a bit of Project Far Shore. T_T;

"Well...well what do we have here. A fight between Juniors?" Suddenly a light feminine voice came down from the sky and the trio turned to face the sky as Muareen stepped off a cloud and appeared. "Jateirus what's this about? Surely your cultivation base is high enough that you don't have to resort to fighting someone who hasn't even reached the Celestial Realm?"

"Senior Sister Muareen, this Divine Realm cultivator which Aileen so conveniently found right when my brothers went missing claims he beat multiple Drakewraiths. I think you know the power of a Drakewrath well. If he is truly not lying then he should be able to handle a simple exchange of fists with me, no? Unless he IS lying..." Jateirus snorted as he expected Muareen who was senior than him to protect Lineir on account of her higher status. However, something unexpected...

"Mmm that is a fair point. Why don't you two exchange pointers then? I will officiate to ensure the fairness of the match." Muareen simply acquiesced in front of the horrified Aileen. Lineir smirked in his heart. Clearly the elders are watching. I bet if I used my Madness Eyes right now I'd find many eyes in this courtyard.

"Sister Muareen! How can you allow such a thing? Lineir is my GUEST!" Aileen tried to complain but instead received a sound transmission from her elder sister. 

"Shush sis. Our faction is not in a good place right now. And there is quite the curiosity amongst the elders about your guest. Letting them fight will make sure that curiosity does not turn to suspicion. Don't worry, I will make sure no one gets hurt. And besides, if he really DID defeat a Drakewraith Jateirus shouldn't be able to do much to him anyway."

"Buuut Sis...." Aileen was forced to let it go.


Meanwhile Lineir had more or less guessed exactly what was going on. He was actually fairly indifferent inside. This Jateirus was merely somewhere in the Celestial King Realm and he didn't appear to be a particularly strong demon genius. With the Midnight Armor Lineir doubted he could take damage even if he wanted to. Of course, he couldn't reveal his trump cards with the elders watching. But he DID have some techniques he had been practicing which he wanted to try out.

"OK you two! No one is to fatally injure or cripple the opponent..." Muareen began to say but unexpectedly Lineir took the initiative to finish her sentence,

"-But fists and feet have no eyes. If we injure each other in the heat of battle...that would just have to be accepted as an accident no?" He smiled coldly and Jateirus also grinned. This brat actually took the words from my mouth.

"Wow, our esteemed guess actually has some spine. Very well, shall we begin?" He said and Muareen could only frown sensing that something seemed off about the whole thing. What kind of Divine Realm cultivator had this kind of confidence against a Celestial King? Was this random cultiator Aileen had found on the side of the road secretly a genius sent from the other clans in disguise?

"Well...I guess that's how it is. Begin!" Muareen announced and backed away as the two youths faced off!

"Be careful...I don't want to be blamed if you die too easily!" Jateirus yelled as he closed his fists and fiery flames appeared which swirled into pillars of flame! Spiraling around and around he created two columns of fire which he then pointed at Lineir with both fists and unleashed!

Flame Pillar!

It was a simple opening move and Lineir didn't even bother engaging it directly. He recognized that while he had methods for openly fighting it, it made more sense to dodge. Lightning slash would not be very effective against a fire type move unless I pumped up the Darkness Qi levels. If I did, I could use the weight of Darkness to counteract the flames but it wouldn't be efficient. instead...


Lineir flickered and reappeared from inbetween the two columns, rapidly closing in on the demon. Immediately the demon cut his flames off and prepared for close combat.

"I was going to go easy on you on account of your cultivation base but if you really want a beating, then come on in!" He yelled as he hardened his fists. Neither combatant drew their weapons as this was still nominally a friendly bout. Lineir also channeled a large amount of Darkness Qi. However, as the two closed, face to face, about to engage in a frontal battle, Lineir flickered and appeared behind Jateirus!

"Fast...but predictable!" Jateirus had anticipated Lineir's strange movement technique this time and was already turning as soon as he saw Lineir disappear. However, Lineir was fighting smart, the reason he had done this was not because he was afraid of a frontal confrontation but because doing so would reveal too many cards such as the Midnight Armor. Instead he ducked in with a rabbit punch under Jateirus's fist!

Nine Hell's Fist!

Darkness Lightning Punch!

The demon's first punch sailed over Lineir's head, the fiery flames heating the hairs on Lineir's scalp! Meanwhile, Lineir's fist connected with Lightning speed, and the demon felt a surprising weight drive directly into his abdomen!

"OOF!" He grunted as a large amount of air was forced out of his ribs and then immediately backed off as a strange electrical energy began to constrict his meridians! "Impossible, a Divine Realm cultivator is capable of infecting me with Lightning Qi??!" 


Naturally Lineir was not going to allow Jateirus to regain his breath. He had planned all this from the very beginning. He instantly followed up by stepping in and not allowing the demon any time to breath!

"Want to escape?" He stared Jateirus deep in the eyes and the simple question made the demon rage inside. You get one lucky punch and now you want to talk **** punk!!

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