day FOURTEEN - Christmas Decor?

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It's December 20th, and today's the day for a spoof!

Written by Ren, our resident spoof master.


The WattyWarriors admins are gathered around a huge tree, eager to start decorating. Anime and Briar have brought down several boxes of old ornaments from the attic, and Chrome is on the floor playing with tinsel. Ren is passing around mugs of eggnog while Duskie, Whisper, and Aqua continue untangling the ribbons and lights. Poppy excuses herself to go pull the gingerbread cookies out of the oven.

Whisper: Okay, I think I got it! *tugs at a couple wires, only for it to get more tangled*

Aqua: Why is this so hard?? >:|

Duskie: Well maybe if sOmEBODY had only organized them before putting them away last year... *pointedly looks at Aqua*

Ren: Hey, let's not argue, y'all. Have some eggnog! It's almost Christmas!

Anime: I don't like eggnog.

Ren: Well eggnog dOESN't liKE yOU!

Briar: *sorting through the ornaments* Awe, look! It's the ones we painted last year, remember?

Chrome: Heh, that one looks like a moose on steroids!

Briar: Uh, Chrome, that one's yours. You said you were trying to draw your mom.

Duskie: *bursts out laughing*

Whisper: I ship it!

Chrome: I heard that... -_-

Poppy: *returns from the kitchen* The gingerbread cookies are ready! Come try them!

Everyone shuffles to the dining room where Poppy's baking efforts are sitting on a cooling rack.

Duskie: *bites into one* Ow!

Poppy: Oh, are they too hot?

Duskie: No, they're really h-

Ren: *interrupts Duskie* –hard to eat! They're so...pretty! I just can't stand to eat something so...*they stare at the cookies, trying to think of a word* ...delicate.

Aqua: *breaks one in half, and watches it crumble* I guess that's one way to put it.


Anime: *grabs a handful of tinsel and tosses it onto the tree* Ta da!

Chrome: Guys, check this out. *plugs something in*

Nothing happens.

Chrome: OH COME ON!!

Poppy: Welp. Looks like the lights won't work this year. Again.

Whisper: Pshh, we don't need lights to have a pretty Christmas tree. We have rIBBONS!! *throws red and gold ribbons everywhere in no orderly fashion whatsoever*

Ren: You know, there's a right way to go about this, guys. *reaches into ornament box, then suddenly screams* SPIDER!!!! EEEEK!

The whole room erupts into chaos. Ren is standing on the table pointing wildly, Chrome and Briar are running around looking for a broom, Whisper, Poppy, and Aqua are trying to get a good look at the arachnid, while Anime and Duskie stand awkwardly not knowing what to do.

Thunder: *suddenly appears, smashes the spider, and disappears*

Briar: *rubs her eyes* Did anyone see that?

Whisper: See what?

Chrome: Hey, I got the lights to work, everyone!

Anime: Aw, it looks beautiful, Chrome! Good job!

The tree is lit up now, covered in mismatching ribbons, tangled clumps of tinsel, and ornaments scattered unequally, but no one seems to care.

Aqua: Aww, I love you guyssss *brings everyone in for a group hug*

Chrome: *squirms away*

Poppy: *eats one of her own cookies and spits it out* Well dang.


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