day TEN - Letter to Santapaws

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It's December 16th, and today we'll be discovering what each of us want for Christmas!

Each admin's going to write a letter to Santapaws detailing what they want this year, and if they're up to it, they might also describe what they think are the perfect gifts for the other admins. You can participate too! Post your response down in the comments.

list of admins in case you forget lol — duskie, briar, whisper, chrome, willow, anime, poppy, ren



Ohohohohohoho...rubs palms together. Let's see what I want, eh, Santapaws? I would like to request a new Mac, a new phone, the Apple Watch series three(I've got the first one), tickets to an Alaska cruise, decor for my room, bOOOOKS, maybe Wattpad Premium hm, an Animal Jam membership just so that I can satisfy my nine year-old self, a new tennis racquet, a scholarship pls, and possibly a donation to my county, they're really broke.

Now presents, right? I'd get myself all of the above. Briar would like a mass collection of aesthetics, I think. Whisper'd get an ugly Christmas sweater for her cat, Cheddar. Chrome's a loser who gets coal. I'd buy Willow a stable. Anime would get a complete collection of antique anime or something. Poppy, a $50 gift card to Teavana. Ren gets an ironic mug.


Well hello there, Santapaws my bud. I have many wishes for the holidays this year, and anyone who reads this is probably guessing what I want - and you are right.
For the holidays this year, I am looking for a contour felt saddle pad, a 15" barrel saddle, as well as some misc. items like treats. If be, I am looking for a new tack set for gymkhana of turq/pink. If possible, I was also wishing to change my tack colors for show to my lesson colors - turquoise and pink (hence why I want a headstall) - so a new show shirt would be just fine.
All valued at $100,000.
That's horses for ya.
Also, can we cure my horse's allergies?
So that she can actually stand in the rain.....

And eat normal foods....
Best wishes.

For the admins, I would get everyone a big book of memes.
I will be the Oprah of memes.

I was thinking wouldn't it be cool to take the profile pic and have it put on a canvas? That would be awesome in my opinion. Free canvass for everyone.

Sooo..... where's my stable?

(still in your dreams sorry -duskie)


Dear beloved Santapaws,
I've always had small Christmases throughout my life and have learned to find satisfaction with the small things in life. This holiday season, I wish for a job at someplace local so I may begin saving for a car, and so I might afford to buy my friends the gifts they deserve as well.

With that well-earned money, I would get Duskie a custom designed jacket that says "#1 WattyWarriors Admin" on the back.
For Chrome, he'd receive from me a cupcake inside a box, inside a bigger box, inside a bigger box, inside an even BIGGER box, inside a huge box the size of a car.
I'd buy Briar fifty aesthetic, homemade bathbombs of her favorite scents.
For Anime, a large poster of her favorite fandom to put on her wall.
I would also get Whisper a large tub of various cat treats, cat toys, catnip plants, as well as a painted portrait of Cheddar. And why not throw in a box of chocolates as well for Whisper herself?
For Willow, I'd plant her a garden of carrots for her horse.
And finally, to Poppy, a brand new drawing pad and stylus for her to digitally draw with.


Aha Santapaws, my dude, for this Christmas, I only want one thing:  for my dad to come back.  


As for everyone else, Chrome can get a tattoo of this:

(He secretly wants it and we all know it.) 

And Whisper can get a $300 starbucks giftcard as well as some boba tea.  Anime can get a 3yr CrunchyRoll premium membership.  Duskie can get a mug that says "World's Best Dad" in an annoyingly obvious neon colour, and for Ren they can get fancy paints and fancy brushes and a little bow for their kitten.  Willow can get a stable because there's nothing better than a good place to sleep, and Poppy can get an assorted set of cookies with a huge glass of milk and also I feel like she'd appreciate fairy lights so yeah get her that.  Also for briar get her money ktHX.


So what about YOU guys? What do you want? What would you get us, what would you get your friends?

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