day TWO - Bad Poems

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We promised awful rhymes in the description, didn't we?

Well, we shan't fail to disappoint!


:: REN ::

— a passionate poem about culinary inclinations —

I'm certainly a food junkie

Soups hot, stews chunky

I eat bananas like a monkey;

By the bunch and peeled all funky

Some people say I'm obsessed

I prefer the term, "a hot mess"

I'll eat from boredom, I'll confess

Yet that won't convince me any less

:: DUSKIE ::

— a bunch of words that happen to rhyme —

I'm making up this poem

Out of nowhere.

Thinking "ho hum"

From thin air.

Isn't Christmas great?

Now I'm just talking to my crazy self

Gotta say I agree, mate.

And trying to find a helpful elf.

That was a terrible rhyme.

Now here's a dime.

What? Why?

Don't ask. Bye.

:: BRIAR ::

— pros and cons of winter 2017 including a weather forecast  —

It's wintertime, 

Children are playing all the time, 

Snow is falling all the time, 

But not in Maryland. 

 It's wintertime, 

Leaves are crunching all the time, 

You can smell fires all the time, 

Because California is on fire. 

 It's wintertime, 

Ads for overpriced toys are on all the time, 

It's hard to end every verse with "all the time", 

I hope you all don't die this Christmas.

:: WILLOW ::

what even —

I like the holidays, they're super lit

Scarfs, beanies, boots, and mits

Too bad,

I have zits

I now like proactive,

Even though I'm not active,


I'm still relatively attractive

I like ugly Christmas sweaters,

They get soggy, I'm a bed wetter

Thank god,

I might be getting better

Wait, holidays?

Oh yeah, the best part is at the end you get to weigh,

Let's just say,

widen the doorway.

Yeah, completely off topic,

but let's just say, sadness microscopic,

And after food,

I might be isotopic

But then there's family,

And Black Friday, I now stare happily

before me,

Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, whatever the heck you celebrate,

It all lies here, in this reality.


That was beaut, eh?

We're sorry if you were forced to utilize eye bleach — we'll pay for your dental coverage! Don't know how that's supposed to help your eyes, but companies usually promise that.

Until tomorrow, good folk!

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