Chapter 1: The Water Guardian has awaken

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(Y/n age: 6)
There was a boy who was born with a very special power to control water itself and his name was Y/n. He never had a good life you can say because he was hated by his older sister, Father, and uncle, even his aunt. The only people who would take care of him is his mother Summer, his little sister Ruby, and their dog Zwei but that all changed for Y/n as on the day of his sisters birthday...

Y/n was sitting in his 'Room' petting Zwei until the door was kicked open to show it was Tai who kicked the door down

Tai: "So did you Take Ruby's present?"

Y/n: "No I didn't."

After Y/n spoke Tai got angry and punched him in the face and kicked him but before Tai could punch him again Zwei bites on his arm letting him go of Y/n and Tai walks away holding his hand and Ruby, and, Summer came in the room to see Y/n like this and Ruby comes in the room while summer grabs the first aid kit and began to patch him up as Y/n didn't even say a word

Ruby: "Bro are you okay?"

Y/n nodded as Summer soon left the room while Ruby hugs Y/n close and he looks down at her as she had tears coming down from her eyes

Y/n: "Ruby please don't cry."

Ruby: "Then promise me something then."

Y/n nodded as Ruby looked at him and wiped her tears away

Ruby: "Promise me you would be there for me no matter what."

Y/n: "I promise."

After Y/n promised Ruby that she then takes him downstairs to see the family and summer smiled while everyone else was looking at Y/n with disgust in their eyes to see him until as the party was about to end Tai 'Accidently' made Summer drop a boiling pot to where Ruby was at and Y/n covered her protecting her as the boiling water hit Y/n's back it left a huge cross scar on his back and as everyone looked at it and Summer even Raven gasp of how bad the scar looked. Qrow and Yang was just silent until Tai walked to Y/n and kicked his back over and over while Y/n was protecting Ruby until his eyes began to glow red and felt a surge of power flow in Y/n as water soon surrounds him into a vortex and his appearance was different

Tai looks at Y/n as he backs up slowly to grab a knife from the kitchen while Y/n gets up on his feet and looked at Tai before he attacked him with insane speed that not even Tai can't beat

(He attacked Tai like this)
Once after Y/n beated Tai into the wall Y/n looks at them then at Ruby as he waved her goodbye and leaves the house an Ruby tried to go after Y/n but she was stopped by Yang as she was pulling her back


Yang was silent as she still was pulling her back until Ruby bites on Yangs arm and runs after Y/n as she soon unlock her semblance and Summer followed Ruby as she left the ring on the tabel with a note saying were through and Summer used her semblance


Y/n was at the docks and catches a ship as Ruby and Summer headed to Beacon so they can stay there but as Y/n was looking at the water as he changed back and sees a giant whale a blue and red one to be exact and Y/n runs to the front deck to see it jump straight at them looking at them as the waves consumed the boat the people on the ship survived but Y/n was knocked out and was being taken to a Island with a mystical barrier. But as Y/n was slowly waking up he looks to see three females looking at him

(This is Xerneas)

???: "Ah he's awake thats lovely to see so why did you bring him here Kyogre?"

(This is Yveltal)

???: "Xerneas why must you be kind to this human?"

(This is Kyogre)

???: "Yveltal I sensed a great power within him thats why I brought him here."

As Y/n was looking at them he was clueless as in whats going on as until they looked at Y/n and explained who they are and what Y/n really is.

While for Ruby she was looking out the window to see the sunset and to see a dragon flying by them as she looked at the stars and held her hands together

Ruby: "I wish to see Y/n. That is all i ask for..."

But little she knew there was a creature watching her as it soon changed form to a crystal and Ruby sees this and holds on to it

Hey guys i been thinking about doing an intro for the series and i want to know if you like it and which crystal should Ruby have?

(This is the intro)

Crystal Vote

The Moon Crystal

The Sun Crystal

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