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Nya was in her brother's cage crying. After a while the beast came back to her

"Y-You didn't let me to say bye to him. I-I won't see him again"Nya said between tears. The beast felt kinda guilty for a moment, but then push these felling away

"Come on"he ordered

"W-Where are we going?"she asked fearfully

"You don't want to sleep here, didn't you?"King Jay said and Nya only nodded. Nya stand from her spot and followed him around the castle. Jay was giving her a tour

"...and you can't go to the west wing"he finished

"What is in the west wing?"Nya asked looking interested

"Nothing"he said

"Then why I can't go?"Nya asked kinda confused

"YOU JUST CANT GO THERE, OK?"he yelled at her and she again just nodded. After a while they finally reached to her room. Jay opened the door for her

"This is your room. Be ready for dinner after around an hour"he said and shut the door. Nya fall on her bed crying for her brother who she won't see again. She miss him so much now

"Hey, honey don't cry please"someone said. She turned and saw her wardrobe moving and with face. She looked at it with kinda scary, kinda confused look

"So now we are going to choose dress for your dinner with the king"she said and opened herself. From her she revealed dresses, shoes and accessories.

"I won't go to eat with him"Nya snapped

"Oh, dear. If you get to know him better you will see that he is good"the wardrobe said kindly

"I still don't want to eat with him"Nya snapped again. In this time Jay was walking around his living room-thinking

"But, your majesty she can be the girl who can save us"Zane said

"I know, but who will love someone like me?"Jay asked his friends

"If she will love you she won't watch what's outside, but inside"Lloyd said

"We will see. Now I am going to take her for dinner"Jay said and he started walking to Nya's room. Lloyd and Zane were right behind him. After a minute he arrived in front of her room and knocked

"Who are you?"Nya asked kinda angrily

"I am...ummm...Jay. I am here to take you for dinner"he said kindly and politely as much as he can

"I am not hungry"Nya suddenly snapped shocking Jay

"Ask her more kind"Lloyd said

"Please will you come with me to eat dinner?"he asked trying not to sound angry

"I said no"she snapped again. The King face palmed at Lloyd and Zane, then turned back to the door

"You will come to eat now, or else..."he said

"Or else what?"she asked making him more angrily

"That's it. You won't eat. If somebody of you give her food, you will pay. Am I clear?"King Jay said very angrily now and Zane and Lloyd both nodded. After that Jay stormed to the dining room to eat by himself how always

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