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The next day Kai was getting ready to go for the competition. At this moment he and Nya were outside and Kai was telling Nya what to do and what-not

"....and don't talk to strangers"Kai finally finished

"I know all of this Kai. You don't leave me alone for first time"Nya laughed

"I know, but I want to be sure you remember"Kai said kinda laughing too, after that the both siblings hugged

"I will miss you"Nya said

"Me too"Kai said. After that they pull from the hug and strokes her brother's horse

"Bye Flame"she said and smiled, after that her brother climbed on the horse, waved at his sister and walk away. Kai was traveling from some hours now. It was cold and Flame was tired. Suddenly from nowhere came wolves Flame go scared and dropped Kai, after that ran away. The wolfed ran away and Kai get up

"FLAME! FLAME!"he yelled, but Flame was really far now. He started walking around the forest he was in. Suddenly he saw that there was a castle. He go to the gates who was surprisingly opened. He entered and go to the castle's gates. He opened the and entered

"Hello?"he said, but nobody answered"Hey is there somebody? I am lost and I thought I can sleep here for tonight"Kai yelled again, but yet-no answer. He started walking looking around and not noticing two 'people' watching him. There was the clock who's name was Zane and the Candlestick, who's name is Lloyd

"The King won't be happy with this boy here"Zane said

"I know, but he get lost and outside is cold. We can't leave him die"Lloyd said

"Fine. Let's go to him"Zane said and the two friends go to the boy, but Zane was still afraid

"Hello mosur"Lloyd said when they were near Kai. He looked around to see how was talking"Ummm...down here"Lloyd added and Kai looked down. He knelt next to them confused

"Hello?"Kai said

"May I ask-what are you doing here?"Zane asked

"I was going to one competition, when Wolfes attacked me and my horse. After that my horse ran away and I get lost"Kai explained

"Ok then. May you want to sit and to give you hot tea?"Lloyd asked politely

"Ummm...yeah. Sounds good"Kai said and stand. Lloyd started walking to one blue armchair. The boy sat and suddenly he heard dog and after that he saw one footrest chair. Kai laughed and stroked him a little, after that the little footrest chair go under Kai's legs. The candlestick gave him one blanket

"Thank you so much"Kai said, but he didn't expect that someone is watching him. From behind the armchair was coming the King. He was full in anger

"Who are you and what are you doing on my chair?"the King said and Kai turned to him scared. He saw that the King wasn't a person. He was a...beast

"I am sorry. I just wanted to wait here until tomorrow so I can go home"Kai said afraid

"How you dare to come here"the King said and take him by the collar, then drag him to his prison. He trow Kai there and after that he go back down

"I though you King Jay will get mad"Zane said and after that King Jay go to them

"You better never let someone here. Am I clear?"King Jay asked

"Absolutely sir"Zane nod, after that King Jay go to his room

"Phew. He didn't do anything to us this time"Lloyd said

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