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Kai's pov

"KAI STOP PLEASE JUST STOPS!"y/n bangs on the door. She is yelling from the other said of the door. I have locked myself in the bathroom. It's now or never.

I take the knife and hold it to my chest. This will be how it ends..


We had a kid a few weeks back. I don't deserve to be a father. I want to leave this world. I take the knife and plunge it into my heart. I fall to the ground and blood poor out of me. Y/n breaks down the door, but it's too late..it all goes black..forever.

Coles pov

Y/n and I decided to go mountain climbing today. I was really excited and happy. I have been bugging her to go mouth in climbing with me for ages but she is scared of heights.

I told her I would make sure she didn't fall. She still didn't want to go, but when I told her that if she did fall the clouds would catch her she decided it was safe. I know it's uncool to lie but I really want to go.

"Cole I'm scared,"y/n says.

"Don't worry baby just step on that ledge and then pull your self up to the top of the mountain,"I instruct her.

She does as I say. I follow closely behind her. Once we get to the top I wrap my arms around her and kiss her forehead.

"Was that so hard?"I ask her.

"No, I overreact-"y/n slips off the edge of the mountain but I grab her hand quickly. She begins to cry,"I'm going t-to die!!!!"

I pull her up,"I wouldn't ever let that happen my princess,"I say to her.

She hugs me tightly. "I-I don't want to be here,"she says.

"Okay we will climb down. I'll go first so if you fall I can catch you. Kay?"I ask.

She nods and we begin to climb down but I make a mistake. I knew I shouldn't have stepped on the wobbly step but I did and slipped falling to my death..

Lloyds pov

I look at my self in my full body mirror. I just got done taking a shower. I have a towel wrapped around my waist. I look in the mirror. I have a feeling I'm fat..even though I have a 6 pack. I don't know why.

I start looking myself in the mirror. I'm so ugly God. How could I get a beautiful girl like y/n?

"Lloyd why are you looking at yourself in a mirror?"y/n asks.

"Uh hi y-y/n what are you doing here?"I ask nervously.

"OMG LLOYD LOOK AT THAT SPIDER!"She yells pointing at my mirror.

I look at the mirror and see a huge ass spider. I use my powers to shoot the spider. The energy ball bounces back at me. I fall to the ground and I hear y/n screaming for help. I die.

Jays pov

I was in my room. I was working on and invention and yeah it blew up. So u died.

Zanes pov

I malfunctioned and died.

Sorry if this was ruined for some of you and it wasn't as exciting. I'm sorry but it was bothering me this didn't have closure. So this is the end because the ninja are now dead.

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