Meeting your family/friends part 1

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You were in your room texting as usual. Your mom was gone. Thank god or she would have hurt you.

You and b/g/f we're starting a game of truth or dare. She forced you to play. You hated this game because you didnt give out good dares and you always got humilated or something.

"Ok b/g/f truth or dare,"you asked.

She thought for a minute then she decided. "Dare."

"I dare you to,"you stopped and thought for a minute. What would make her mad. You thought of something even though you knew she was going to get revenge. "To dye your hair neon green."

"WHAT,"She screamed. "HOW CAN YOU BE SO EVIL!"

"It was your idea to play now go dye your hair,"you said.

"Fine but I will get you back,"she said and walked off.

30 minutes later

You sat in my room waiting for b/g/f to come back. You couldn't wait to see her with her new neon green hair. The door knob moved and the door opened. As soon as you saw b/g/f you burst out laughing.

"SHUT UP,"she yelled. But you couldn't contain you laughter. She made the scarest face of anger in existence. As soon as you saw her face you stopped laughing. She smirked.

"Your turn,"she said. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth,"i said and b/g/f frowned.

"Come on pick dare,"she said.

You sighed. "I know im going to regret this, dare,"you said and she sqealed with happiness.

"I dare you to try on kai's gi,"she said.

"Wait what,"you said.

"Try on kai's gi,"she repeated.

"What if he sees me,"you whined.

"That would be funny,"she said and you sighed.

"Ok i will be back i will send you a pic for proof,"you said and walked out of the room.

At the bounty

You knock on the door and jay opens it. "Hey y/n, do you want to see kai?"jay asked.

"Um no i just left something here,"you said. Jay let you in and you walked to kai's room. He wasnt in there thankfully. You look around his room until you found his gi. You put it on over your reagular clothes. You took a selfie with it on and sent it to b/g/f.

"What are you doing,"you hear kai say. You turn around and see him standing there with a smirk on his face. You blushed the color of kai's gi.

"Ummm it was-,"you were about to tell him it was a dare. But you phone beeped and inturupeted you. You look at it. A text from b/g/f.

B/g/f~ you cant tell him it was a dare if you get caught

Its like she read my mind.

Kai looked at you with a smirk still on his face.

"Ummm im not allowed to tell you why, but i can write it down,"you say. You grab a piece of paper and a pen and wrote~

Me and b/g/f were playing truth or dare. I made her dye her hair green so she dared me to try on you gi which is really big on me.

You give him the note and he smiles while he reads it.

"She told me i cant tell u but technicaly i didnt tell you,"you said. You didnt break any rules.


You and cole went shopping and cole bought a new outfit. He bought a black shirt with jeans. When you got back to your home he changed into his new clothes. You talked for an hour or so until he had to leave. Once he left you relized he left his ninja gi here.

You decied to wash it. It was really dirty so why not. After you finish washing it you look at it. "Maybe i should try it on,"you thought to your self. You change into coles gi.

You take a few pictures of you in it. It is so warm and cozy. You look at your phone you got a text from cole. You look at the text.

Cole- i left my gi i will be at your house in 10 min to pick it up

"How long ago did he send that,"you thought. You look at your phone. He sent it 10 minutes ago. He should be here any minute what am i going to d-

Knock knock

You started to panic.

What am i going to do

Knock knock

You start pasing around the room, you open the door and see your brother. Thank god.

"Took you long enough,"he said.

"Yeah whatever,"you say.

Knock knock

B/n opens the door and cole was standing there. Cole looks over at you and sees you in his gi. He lets out a small chuckles. You blush.

"I see you have something of mine,"cole says.

You hug yourself. "Its so warm,"you say in a childish voice.

Cole laughed "you can keep it we just got new ones,"cole said.

"YAY,"you say jumping around. You got to keep coles gi. YAY


You were in lloyd's room playing around with his stuff when you saw his gi. You looked at it. You touched it and it felt soft. You look around and make sure no one is watching and change into the gi.

After you change you look in the mirror. You smile. Your smile fades when you see lloyd in the mirror behind you.

You jump up and turn around to see lloyd.

"Hey lloyd whatcha doin here,"you ask.

"This is my room,"he states.

"Im so stupied. THIS IS LLOYDS ROOM OF CORSE HE WILL BE IN HERE,"you think to your self and metally face palm.

"Uh-i- uh um i can explain,"you said.

You turn around so lloyd wont see the deep blush on your face. You feel arms wrap around your waist. Someones breath hits ear. "You look sexy in my gi,"lloyd whispers in your ear witch makes you blush more.

"Uh uh uh,"you studder not knowing what to say.

Suddenly lloyds lips hit yours but only for a split second before he pulls away running out of the room.

Oh he is teasing me, i really dint like him sometimes.

You think


Why? Why did he have to do this today? Jay was meeting you in the park, but he was late and he was suppose to be here an hour ago. He is never late. You start to worry.

You walk to the bounty and knock on the door, but no answer. You knock again. Still no answer. You start to get really worried.

DID HE DIE!?!?!?

You thought to your self. You start banging on the door. It opens up but no one is there. You walk in and go to jays room. You look around but he wasnt there.

You see his gi, you start to calm down.

He is not wearing his gi so he is not on a mission

You touch the gi and it was really soft. You look around to make sure no one is watching and you put it one. It was all warm and cozy. You LOVED it. Especially since it reminded you of your jay.

You fall asleep in jays bed.

When you wake up he still isnt here. You walk out of his room, no one is there still. You walk home forgetting your still in his gi. About an hour later you get a text.

Jay: hey y/n sorry i wasnt at the park i feel so bad

Y/n: its fine why were you gone

Jay: oh kai broke sensei staff and we had to replace it

Y/n: wow

Jay: hey i cant find my gi do you no where it is

Y/n: ummm no


Zane left for a few days for a mission. You were house sitting for the ninja. You didnt mind. You liked doing nice thing for you boyfriend and his friends.

You walk into zanes room and see he has a pile of landrey. You pick up the basket. You decied to do his landrey because you were that kind of person.

You seperate the whites and colors. Well there was nothing but white and gray and black. You put the clothes in the washing mechine and leave to let it wash. Later you took the clothes and put them in the dryer.

*1 hour later*

You take the clothes out of the dryer and start to fold them. You pick up his gi about to fold it.

It is SO soft. Maybe i should try it on

When you thought that thought you imedinatly put on the gi.

It felt warm inside and cozy like a-

"Y/n?,"you hear zane say behind you.

"Um hey zane i thought you weren't going to be back for a couple of day,"you say very embarassed.

"Well, we finished the mission earlg, would you please explain,"he says.

"Well you see iwasdoingyourlandreywhenisawyoutgiitlookedverycomfysoiputiton,"you say really fast.

Zane smiles. "Ok, but i will need that back,"he kisses your forehead and leaves.


You thought

, she is very abusive.

Y/n: so yeah i was really mad that she did that

You and kai were talking about how friends could be annoying. You told kai about the time b/f/n printed copies of your dairy and gave it to random people.

Kai: well at least she didnt delet ALL of your scores on your video games

Y/n: that would be horrible

Kai: <3 <3 <3

You blush at kais text.

"Watcha doin,"b/g/f says. You jump un suprise.

"How did you get in here,"you ask her. She shurrged. And grabbed your phone.

"Ohhh texting kai arent we,"she said in a teasingly voice. You grab your phone back.

"Yeah now gooooo,"you begged her.

"I want to meet him,"she states

"No,"you say plainly

"Pleasssse,"she says

"No,"you say again

"Pleasssse,"she begs.

"Will you stop bothering me,"you ask.

She shakes her head yes.

"Fine,"you say in defeat.

"YAY,"she yells and runs out of your room.

You text kai

Y/n: my friend wants to meet you

Kai: is she violent in any way

Y/n: if you make her mad

Kai: ok i will, does she get mad easily

Y/n: if she likes u no, if she hates u yes

Kai: welp i hope she likes me

You smile and put your phone down and go to sleep


You come home late because you were hanging out with cole. Your dad never notices your gone. He is to involed in his work. You walk into your home and see your dad. He had a mad look on his face.

"Hey?"you say, but it comes out as a question.

"Dont you 'hey' me where have you been?!,"your dad questioned yelling at you.

"I was out,"you say.

"Out where?"dad asks.

"With cole,"you answer. You dont want to tell your dad your dating cole, but just hanging out doesnt mean dating.

"Who is this cole you speak of,"your dad asks.

Say something. What do i say. I cant say boyfriend. I dont know how he will react. Why did he chose now to start caring.

You thought to your self. O/b walks into the room.

"Hey dad whats up,"he said a little suprised he is not at work. Yeah like i said my dad was always at work.

"I was just asking y/n who this cole person was,"dad told o/b.

O/b smirked at you. You gave him the dont-you-dare-tell-him-or-i-will-kill-you look.

"Cole is y/n boyfriend,"o/b said leaving.

I seriously hate him right now

You thought.

"BOYFRIEND,"your dad yelled.

"Yeeaaaah,"you said.

"I need to meet him,"your dad said.

"Bu-,"you said but your dad inturputed you.

"I must meet him. Tommarow night at dinner,"your dad said a left.

"SO ITS NOT UP FOR DISCUSSION,"you yell. But the was no responce. "Guess not,"you tell your self. You grab your phone and text cole.

Y/n: tommarow you will have dinner with me and my family

Cole: is that a question or a demand

Y/n: demand

Cole: K i will be there

You put your phone on the charger and go to bed.


"But mom,"you whine.

"No buts, now give me your candy,"she says sternly.

"Im sorry for being late, please dont take my candy i beg you,"you begged.

"I dont care, give me your candy, and since your arguing with me comic books to,"she says.

Your mouth drops open. "Mom, im sorry, please dont take away my babies,"you say hugging your candy and comics.

"Y/n hand it over,"she says.

You give her the comic books and candy.

"Now why were you out late,"she asks.

"I was with mmmmmm,"you say. You were with lloyd but you didnt want your mom to know, or she would ask a bunch of questions.

"With who,"she asks.

"Mmmmm,"you mumble his name so she cant hear.

"Y/n sweety speek up or i wont be able to hear you,"she says.

"Lloyd,"you finally say clearly so she can hear.

"Lloyd? Do you have a crush on him? Are you dating? Have you kissed? Where did you meet?"your mom dtarted paraiding you with questions.

"Mom mom calm down,"you say.

"Well...."she says.

"He is my boyfriend,"you say.

"EKKKK thats so awesome i want to meet him,"she says excitedly.

"Mom ple-,"you start but your mom inturups.

"Bring him here tommarow,"she says.

"Bu-,"once again your mom inturups you.

"I cant wait to meet him,"she says and leaves the room. You grab your phone and text lloyd.

Y/n: you have to meet my mom tommarow

Lloyd: what of i dont what to

Y/n: tuff luck you have to

Lloyd: fine

You smile and put your phone down. You eat candy from you emergency candy pile. (Please say im not the only one with an emergency candy pile) And read the comic books you hid under your bed.


B/g/f wad at your house. You and her were hanging out. But instead of talking to her you and jay were having an emoji war (everyone has those right?)

Y/n: 0.0

Jay: -_-

Y/n: :3

Jay: <(•.•)>

Y/n: ×.×

Jay: ^.^

Y/n: @_@

Jay: <3 <3 <3

"Y/N,"b/g/f screams.

"What,"you ask.

"You have been on that phone for the past half hour,"she states.

"So,"you say.

"What are you even doing,"she asks.

"Nothing,"you say.

She reaches over and grabs your phone.

"Is jay your boyfriend,"she asks.

"Give me my phone,"you say reaching for the phone but she moves.

"Answet the question,"she said.

"Yes! Now give me my phone," you say.

"Fine,"she throws you your phone. You catch it and she leaves.

You look at your phone and see b/g/f messaged jay when she had your phone.

Y/n (but acually b/g/f): hey you need to meet b/g/f

Jay: why?

Y/n (but actually b/g/f): bc she is awesome, funny, pretty, cool, and did i say awesome

Jay: well if you want to meet her then sure

Y/n (but actually b/g/f): ok tomorrow at my house

Jay: see you and her then

You roll your eyes. B/g/f can be so annoying sometimes.


"Where are you. Your always gone,"b/g/f asks.

"Im with zane and his friends,"you say.

"Who is zane? Is he that guy that saved us from the nindroids,"b/g/f asks.

"Yeah,"you say.

"Is he your boyfriend,"she says streching out the word boyfriend.

"Um um um,"you studder.

"Ohhhh y/n has a boyfriend,"she says which makes you blush.

"Y-yes i guess that is w-what you w-would c-call it,"you say studdering.

"I MUST meet him,"b/g/f says.

"N-no you MUST not,"you say.

She smirks. "I will be back tommarow bring zane and we will hang out,"she said getting up.

"I-i dont think t-thats necessary,"you say but b/g/f is already gone. You sigh and pick up your phone to text zane.

Y/n: b/g/f wants to meet you. So can you come to my house tommaow night

Zane: sure, i would love to meet her.

Y/n: Great!

You put your phone down. And lay on your bed listening to music wondering why b/g/f had to be so annoying sometimes.


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