When he asks you out

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You were in your room cleaning when your phone dinged. Kai texted.

Kai:Want to go out on a date with me

Y/N:Your asking me out by texting


Your phone starts to ring. You look at the number. It is kai.

"Hello kai,"you say.

"You want to go out on a date with me,"kai asks.

"Calling is really not better then texting,"you say.

"Ugg fine,"he says and hangs up the phone. Then someone face timed you. And yes again it was kai. You acept the call.

"Now will you go out with me,"kai asks.

"Kai face timing is not better,"you say and smile.

"But you can see me,"he argues.

"Still,"you say.

"Fine,"he says and hangs up. You go back to cleaning your room. Then you hear a knock on the door. You run to it and open the door and see kai. You smile.

"Ok i have done all ways of commuticating known to man now will you go out with me,"kai says. You smile widens.

"Of course,"you say and peck his cheek.


You were in your room messing with your phone. All the sudden the door bell rings.

"O/B can you get that,"you yell.

"Sure,"he yells back. "There is a cake here for you."

Cole. Thats the first thing you think. You run down to the kitchen where O/B was putting the cake.

"Let me see it,"you say. He gives you the cake. You open it and there was a note next to the cake. You open the note. It said.


Your sweeter than cake. Will you go out with me?


"Who is cole,"you here o/b say.

"A person,"you say and take the cake into your room. You get out your phone to text cole.

Y/N: Yes

Cole: Yes to what

Y/N:The cake thing

Cole:Just making sure

You roll your eyes to coles responce.


You were coming home from school when lloyd calls you.

"Hey whats up,"you say.


"Is everyone alright,"you ask.

"NO TIME FOR QUESTIONS RUN,"He yells again. You run to your house and open the door. No one was there. You run up to your room and look on the floor. There was candy on the ground that spelled out 'will you go out with me'

"Lloyd you scared me half to death,"you say to him catching your breath.

"Whats your answer,"he says.

"Yes but did you really have to scare me like that,"you ask.

"It is the funest way to do things,"he says.


You are walking home. When you got there you walked into the garage. You were trying to finish a robot that would do anything for you. But you coudnt figure out one part and it was really upsetting you. You felt like giving up. When you walked into the garage the robot was done and jay was standing by it.

"You finished it,"you say.

"Yep but i would like something in return,"he says.

"What is it,"you say.

"Will you go out with me,"he asks.

"YES,"You say and hug him and he hugs you back.


You came home from your walk in the park. You went in your room and there was a note on your bed. You opened it and it said-


Will you go on a date with me


You look at the card. You froze and read it over and over.

"So whats your answer,"you hear someone say from behind you. It was zane. You ran up and huged him.

"Of course i will zane,"you say and he smiles.

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