When the team catches you cuddling

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You were at the bounty doing homework. Stupied usless homework that's you will never use i the real world. That what you were think as you put random answers not really caring about not getting a good grade because it is homework. Its not that important. Right? What if i get grounded for getti g a bad grade on the test because i didnt pay attiotion on the homework. Now i wont be able to hang with kai. I can text right. What if they take my phone. No not my phone.

You start to erase your random answers roughly. Just thinking about losing your phone scares you. And your mom would hit you to. You erased faster. Then you felt a pair of arms wrap around you. You turn around and see kai.

"Kai im busy,"you say swiping the eraser bits off your paper.

"Im board,'kai whined like a little kid.

"But i might get grounded then my mom will take my phone no soical media, no texting, or calling, and what about the video games,"you trait off, but kai picks you up and sits you on the couch. He cuddles up next to you.

"Kai what are you doing," you ask.

"I want to cuddle,"he said.

"I need to do my homework,"you say and try to get up but kau pulls you down. "Ugg fine,"you say a snuggle up to kai. You lay there for a few minutes enjoying your time with kai.

"No PDA,"lloyd says and covers his eyes. Kai lets go of you and you shoot up and see everyone there look at you trying to contain there laughter.

"Whatever,"you say and go back to your homework and they boys start to laugh.


You were practicing a dance routine in the training room. You had ni where else to go and cole let you practice there. You cant get the last part of the move right. You keep triping and falling.

"Why cant i do this,"you think out loud.

"You look stressed,"you hear cole say as he approached you.

"You think," you say sarcastically.

"I know the cure for stress,"cole said.

"Cole i dont have time i need to do this move right,"you say and try to do the move again but you fail again.

"Come on y/n please,"cole said with his begging face on. You cant say no to that face.

You sigh in defeat "fine,"you say.

Cole pulls you to the living room and lays on the couch. He motions for you to join him. You roll your eyes and lay next to him. He hugs you tightly.

"Us your stress going away,"he whispers into your ear.

"Maybe,"you whisper back and cuddle next to cole.

"Hahahahahah,"you hear all the guys laughing. You look up and see all of the guys. You blush a dark shade of red.

"Shut up," you yell. All cole does is smirk. Ugg i hate this. You get up and go back to the training room to practice.


You were in lloyd's room looking through his comic books eating his candy. You knew he would get mad, but you didnt care because you ran out of candy and money. You were sucking on a green apple lollipop when you finally found the latest starfare comic. You open it and start reading it.

Fear, fear isnt a word where i come from he runs to attack when-

Your reading was intrupted when lloyd walked in. He saw you on his bed, reading his comic book, while eating his candy.

"Um hey lloyd want some candy,"you ask holding his bag of candy up.

"Your are using my stuff without asking i can never forgive you,"he says seeing how far he can push you.

"Dont be a baby lloyd,"you said.

"Hmph,"he says then he crosses his arms and looks away.

"Lloyd dont be like that i'll do anything just dont be like that,"you say relizing what you just said. "Wait i take it back."

"No,no,no you said it you cant take it back,"he said smiling.

"Ok what do you want to do,"i asked.

"Cuddle,"he said like a little kid and hugged you and pulled you to the bed.

"Lloyd i dont-,"you got cut off by lloyd.

"You have to you said anything,"he said a nuzzled your neck.

"Ok,"you said and lloyd hugged you tighter.

"And i though lloyd didnt like girls,"you hear kai say.

You see all of the guys standing at the door way. You laughed and got up while lloyd shot death glares at the guys.

"Why did yoy come in here the door was closed,"lloyd ask obviously annoyed.

"Sensei needs us to train,"cole says. Lloyd gets up. "Dont eat any of my candy,"lloyd says to you and walks out of the room. You continue to eat his candy and read the comic book.

Yummy candy.


You were working on a robot. It was going great. You were almost done when jay walks in and intrupts you.

"Can i help you,"you ask.

"Yes,"jay said.

"What do you need,"you ask and he grabs your hand and pulls you into the living room and pulls you to the couch. He hugs you tightly and rests his head on your neck.

"Jay i was in the middle of something,"you say. Not wanting to stop cuddling but you needed to finish your robot.

"Take a break," he begged.

"Jay please,"you say streching the 'e'.

"No your mine now,"he says and hugs you a little tighter but it didnt hurt.

"Only for a minute,"you say egar to get back to work.

"Yay,"jay says. He kisses your cheak and you snuggle next to him.

You heard snickering behind you. You turn around and see the boys. You blushed. Oh great now im blushing. You thought.

"Hello love birds,"cole said. Your blush got darker.

"Your just jelouse,"jay said. You tried to get out of his grip but he refused to let go.

"Whatever,"cole said and all the ninja walk out.

"Alone at last,"jay says and you smile and you go back to cuddling.


"ITS SNOWING," Jay yelled. What it can be snowing. Its the begining pf august. You though. You look out the window.

"It is snowing but how,"you ask out loud.

"All me,"you hear xane say from behind you. Then he throws a snowball at you. You run after him outside into the forest he finally stop and you ran into and fell.

"Oww,"you said and rubbed your head. Zane sat next to you and put his arm around you and you both fell backwards. Zane scoots closer to you.

"Zane what are you doing,"you ask completly clueless.

"We are cuddling,"he said.

"You tricked me,"you said and punched him playfully.

"Yes i did,"he said. "Now cuddle with me."

"Ok,"you say. You lean against zane and close your eyes a drift off.

You open your eyes and see the guys laughing and taking pictutes. You grab the camera quickly and break it.

"MY CAMERA,"Jay squealed.

"Go away,"you said and layed aganist zane and went back to sleep.

Ok crazypup110 reqested this. Thank you so much. @jbugluna101 helped me. Next one iv'e been waiting to do for a long time im so excited. WE HE CATCHES YOU SINGING!

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