When you hang out

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You and kai have been texting for a month now but you never hang out in person. You really want to but your to scared to ask.

Kai:Hey Y\N whats up

Y\N:They sky duh

Kai:You no i h8 when u do that

Y\N:Then why do u ask

Kai:bc i feel like it anyways i need to ask u something

Y\N:Ask away

Kai:Do you want to hang out in person sometime

Y\N:Sure i love to

Kai:be at your house in 5

*skip time*

You were in your room waiting for kai to show up.

*knock knock*

You run to the living and open the door.

"Hey," you say and move out of the way so he could come in.

"Hi my brothers were being annoying so i wanted to leave,"kai said.

"Its fine so what did they do this time,"i ask.

"Jay and cole are fighting over a video game lloyd is mad because he has no more money for candy and zane is trying to figure out why everyone was so mad,"he explained.

"I have no idea who those people are but i have a mean mom and an anoying older brother,"i tell him completly confused.

"So what you want to do,"he asks

"Um my brother has some video games in his room,"i say.

"Cool," he responded. I found mortal combat.

"Hey lets play this,"i tell kai. Kai looks at the game.

"I love this game,"he said. We sat down on O\B bed. You get the game started.

"Ok whos is your favorate character," you ask him.

"Smoke. You?"

"(You say your fav character and if you dont have one use mine katana,"you say. You play the game for an hour. It was 5 to 5. A tie. You hear foot steps down stares. Its O\B.

"Kai hide,"you whisper yell. He jumps under the bed. O\B comes into the room.

"Y\N what are you doing in here,"he asked.

"Playing video games,"you say. O\B looks at the second remote.

"Who is here with you,"he asks.

"No one well my friend just left,"you lie. Apparently kai had his phone uder the bed because he texted you.

Kai: how am i getting out of here.

"Who is that,"O\B asks.

"No one,"you say. You text back.

Y\N:I dont no aren't u suppose 2 be a ninja or something

Suddenly you phone got swiped out of your hands.

"HEY,"You yell.

"Who is kai,"O\B asks.

"No one," you said and snached your phone back. O\B got suspicious and started to look around his room. He looks under the bed but kai is gone. You run out of the room to your room.

"Were you just gonna leave me," a voice said. You turn around and see kai.

"How did you," you ask not finishing your sentence.

"Im a ninja,"he said and jumed out the window.

You and cole have been texting back and forth for the past month. You dont ever see each other in person because he quit the team. He has to be a ninja so you get it. Plus he was your best friend. Well best guy friend. But cole asked if you could hang out at the mall. You agreed and you were really nervous. You dont like him as a boyfriend you like him as a friend and you dont want that change. So you get in casual close. A F/C shirt that stops right above your belly button with skinny jeans. You leave you H/L H/C down. And you were black converse.


"Over here,"you here cole yell. He was buying a cake. He sat in a booth and motioned you to sit next to him.

"Really,"you ask.

"What? You dont get any,"he says. You cut off a peice and start to eat it.

"Hey this is my cake,"he says. You take another bite.

"Stop eating my cake,"he says in a serious voice.

"Okay i wont eat it but i will do this,"you grab the cake and shove it in his face. He looks at you and you start to laugh.

"Okay you can stop laughing,"he said.

"This is for not letting me eat some cake,"you grab your soda and dump it on him. You start to laugh.

"Im not mad,"he said calmly "just give me a hug."

"No dont touch me,"you say and run away. He chases you. All of the sudden he jumps in front of you and gives you a hug.

"Eww cole your mess,"you say. You had cake and soda all over you. Cole started to laugh. He lets go of you.

"Ugg now i smell like F/S(FAV SODA) and cake," you smell your self. "Actually i smells good." cole laughs at your comment.

"Ok well i got to get home i'll see you later,"cole said and ran off..

"Bye,"you yell.


You and lloyd have so much fun texting. You talk about comics, candy, and pranks. But you have been texting for a month but haven't hung out in person. But you and lloyd dont really care. You decied to get some candy from the candy store because you ran out. When you got there you went for the F/K/C(FAV KIND CANDY) You got 3 bags filled. You knew you would regret eating it tommarow but you did not care.

"Thats alot of candy,"you here someone say. You turn around and see lloyd.

"Hey Lloyd,"you say all pepy because your excited about the candy. Then you see lloyd has 3 bags of candy to.

"So you want to go to the comic book store after this,"he asks.

"Well i kinda want to eat my candy but we can afterwards,"i respond.

"I am going to join you,"he asked no he told you.

"Okay,"you say and walk up to the counter to pay for your candy. After you and lloyd pay for your candy you walk to the park and sit on a bench and start too eat your candy.

"We are going to have a mager sugar rush if we eat all our candy,"you say and lloyd smirks.

"Lets see who can eat all the candy thee fastest,"lloyd challanged.

"Challange excepted," you say and eat your candy as fast as you can. You finish frist. "DOnE."

"YAy yOU WoN,"Lloyd said with his voice going up and down. Suddenly you wanted to run so you ran away screaming. Lloyd followed you.

"THiS sO FUn,"you yell while running.

"YeAH sO fU-"Lloyd doesnt finish because he passes out from to much sugar. You get right in lloyds ear and yell "ARE YOU OK."

He nods and dosses off then you pass out from to much sugar.

You and jay text alot. I mean ALOT. That is all you've been doing for the pass month. You and jay talk about how horrible your brothers cooking is and talk all jay talks nerdy sometimes but you pretend not to know what he means. You also talk about your ex's. Those are the main topics but you talk about anything you want really. You and jay planned on hangging out in your garage where you get all nerdy and invent stuff. You never showed your nerdyness to anyone. Anyways he was coming over to your house. You decieded to let your brother cook to prove to jay how horrible he was. You decied to work on your new invention. You were trying to build rocket boots. You start to mess with your invintion.

"Whatcha doin there,"you heard someone say. You freak out and drop the rocket boots you were working on. Thankfully they did not break. You turn around and see jay.

"Hey jay you scared me," you look down and see your invition you quickly move and grab it before jay sees it.

"Sorry um so what are you doing,"he asks you hind your invition and hide it and pull out a remote control car. (You have it their so if anyone walks in they will think your changing a battery)

"I am changing the battery on this car,"you say. He starts to look around. You have a bunch of cool tools so jay was getting suspisions.

"So who's are these,"he said pointing at the tools.

"Um my my my dads yep my dads,"you say lying.

"Ok so can i use it,"he asked.

"Totally,"you reply. He grabs a bunch of stuff and starts to build.

"So whatcha making wait is that an ultra blaster made with a zeen conster and a fa complint," (im tottally making up this stuff) i asked.

"Yeah how did you know,"he asks.

"Well the red wire that conects to the side show that it is a i mean lucky guess,"you say and jay smiles.

"Haha your a nerd,"he yells.

"Dont you ever ever tell a soul,"you say holding his shirt.

"O-Ok,"jay said very scared.

"Diner is ready,"your o/b yells. You run to the kitchen with jay.

"Who is this,"o/b asks.

"Oh this is jay and he is my friend,"you say.

"Dont you ever hurt my sister if you do i will kill you,"o/b threatens.

"He is not even my boyfriend so he cant hurt me anyway diner,"you say because you want to see jay eat his food.

"Here,"o/b said and handed me and jay a bowl of chille. I am not eating this you thought. You watch jay take a bite his eyes start to water and he spits it out. You start to laugh.

"That was worse than coles cooking,"jay said wiping his tounge.

"Told you come on lets go to the garage,"you tell jay and get up. Jay follows you to the garage.

"I got to go see you later,"jay said and left.

"Bye," you say and wave


You and zane text alot. You have never had a friend that was like you. You've always had human friends never a nindroid like you. Zane and you have tetxted for a month now. You both have so much in common. You talked about meeting in the forest today. When you got there you saw zane sitting in a tree. You walked over and sat by him.

"Hey Zane,"you say.

"Hello Y/N,"he greeted.

"So what do you want to do,"i asked.

Zane looked around and saw a pond and he jumped out of the tree."Jump,"he yelled at you.

"If your forgetting im not a ninja like you,"i yelled back.

"I'll catch you,"he said holding his arms out. You hesitated to jump. "I promise i will catch you." You jump. You fell into zanes arms and he put you down. He grabed your wrist and dragged you to the pond.

"Ok you want too swim,"i say.

"No,"he says and frezzes the pond."skate."

"Zane i cant skate,"you tell him.

"Well you will learn,"he said and held your hand and pulled you on to the ice. You fell down. He helped you up and help your waist and started to skate. So enough he let go and you were skating by your self. Zane get off the ice and let you skate. You skate up to him.

"Thanks for teaching me how to skate,"you thank him.

"Thank your for giving me a great day but it is getting dark so i have to go,"zane said.

"Yeah it is almost passed my cerfew but i dont think i will make it,"you say. Then zane forms his elemental dragon.
"I'll give you a ride,"he said and held out his hand. You took it and hoped on to the dragon. "Hold on,"he yelled as the dragon lifted up off the ground. You held on to his waist tightly. Soon enough you were at your house you hop off the dragon.

"Thanks zane,"you yell as he leaves.

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