First 'Date'

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You are sitting at the library, waiting for Kai to show up. It's a Saturday, so you're not under much pressure from your mum to do homework.


You jump and simultaneously twist in your seat to see who it is, only to see Kai's smirk and amber eyes. "First Spinjitzu Master, don't DO that!" you whisper yell.

Kai just keeps smirking. "Interesting way of cursing..."

"Like you can do any better. Now, what should we go do?" you ask, standing up.

Kai smirks back at you. Already you are annoyed by it. "I don't know sweetheart, where do you want to go??"

I'll one-up him at his own game, you decide. Leaning forward and tracing your palm down his arm, you let your eyelids droop seductively and say, in your most seductive voice, "I don't know, sweetie. Where do you wanna go??"

Kai's eyes bug out of his head, and he leans backwards, a smile still plastered across his face, although now it is a goofy, silly grin. "Wow. Who knew you had it in ya??"

Smirking, you lean away, and say, normally, as though nothing had just happened, "So where do you wanna go??"

Kai taps his lip. You can't help but trace his scar with your eyes as he speaks. "Uhh... I think there's a frozen yogurt shop that opened down the street the other day. Wanna go?"

Shrugging, you get up out of your chair. "Sure, I'm up for something sweet."

You are about to just walk right out of the door, when Kai catches your wrist. "Um, (Y/N)?? We probably shouldn't just walk right outside..."

"Uhh... why not??" You obviously don't see why not.

Kai points out the door. You look out the glass door to see a crowd of fangirls running past the door. "Oh... I see. 'Cause you're the red ninja..."

Kai's eyebrows-- even the funny one-- shoot up. "How'd you know that??"

You just give him a deadpan look before pointing at his hair. "Hair." Then at his very noticeable (but very pretty) amber eyes. "Eyes."

Kai chuckles nervously and rubs the back of his neck. "Oh... right. OK."

You roll your eye and scratch your head in thought. "Hummm," you say, humming even as you think carefully, before snapping your fingers. "I know! I have some ice cream at my house. We can just sneak you over there--..." your face falls as you find the flaw in your idea. "...oh, no, that won't work..."

He crosses his arms and smirks at you. You have been real life friends with this guy for a grand total of one day and already that's getting on your nerves. "If it's just because you don't want me at your house, I'm not that naughty."

You don't even blink at this brazen declaration, you're so deep in thought. "No, it's just, I don't think my mum'll be stoked about the idea of having someone over..."

Kai raises his eyebrow. "Is she mean?"


"Does she dictate your life?"

"No.." you say, already starting to giggle at this.

"Does she control your every movement?"

"No! Stop these crazy ideas you crazy idiot!" you giggle, whacking him on the arm. He grins at you as your smile changes to a thoughtful expression. "She's just sort of strict about my study habits is all."

"Well what grades do you have?"

You lower your head momentarily to think before raising it again. "Um, straight A's, I think... why??"

"Do you study when you are required to?"

You nod, unsure where he is going. "Do you do all your assignments?" Another nod. "What's your GPA?"


Kai leans back against the door. "Well then, I don't see the point in reinforcing your study habits to such a high extent. I'll try to get her to stop piling so much extra work on you; just take me to your house."

"Thanks, but I don't think that would work. She'd just think I have an irresponsible friend and tell me not to speak to you again."

"Au contraire," Kai says, stumbling a bit over the French accent and making you laugh slightly. "I was actually a history teacher for three months, and I'm a famous ninja. I think I can get your mom to listen."


It takes smuggling him into your old black coat and pulling the hood up over his spiky head of hair (it seems a lot easier than it actually is), a pair of sunglasses, and a grand total of 16 minutes, but you finally manage to get him back to your house. Your mom is, to say the least, surprised to have such an influential guest in the house.

"So, Mr. Smith," your mom says, handing him a cup of tea, "what brings you here?"

"Well, I became friends with your daughter online a while back, but I officially met her yesterday--" he begins. Your mom turns to you with a raised eyebrow. "You didn't tell me you had a celebrity friend."

You sigh. "Because you wanted me to study, mum."

"Actually, Miss. (L/N), I have a bit of a... 'request'. See, I don't see the point in having your daughter study so often."

"To get her into a good college," your mum starts to argue, but Kai holds up his hand to forestall her. "If she has a 4.0 GPA, which is literally perfect, straight A's, and does well in school, I see no point in making her study things she may never need for the real world."

Your mum pauses. "... I never thought about it that way..."

"Trust me; I know what I'm talking about. I was a history teacher for a couple of months," Kai says, leaning back slightly. Your mum raises an eyebrow. "Hm..."

Then she turns to you. "I'll make a deal with you (Y/N). I will let you have a 10:00 curfew and allow you to do whatever you wish, AS LONG AS you complete all of your assignments on time and do well in school still."

You just stare at your mom looking like a halibut out of water, your mouth is open so big. Kai just smirks at you. You know for sure that that should probably be more annoyed by this and that you will be later, but all you can do now is stare at him and your mom in gratitude.

"Now, rather than us all sitting here like a group of fishes out of water, shall I go fetch some ice cream?" she asks pleasantly.

Kai's smirk fades into a real grin. "Heck yeah!" he shouts. All your shock drains right out of you.

Hopefully this friendship'll work out well.

A/N: I apologize for the major suckiness of this one, but my brain is dead.


You walk up to the monastery door. After doing a ton of research (and accidentally falling asleep at the computer while doing so) you discovered that Zane was one of the ninja. One of THE famous ninja. Your friend, (F/N) would've fangirled if it were her, but it wasn't, so...

You knock on the door, smoothing out your gray pencil skirt. A guy with spiky brown hair and almost pretty amber eyes opens the door, looking at you with an almost curious expression. You try to smile, but the best you can do is where your lips barely twitch up at the ends. "Hi... is Zane here?"

The boy doesn't answer your question. He just leans backwards and yells, "ZANE! Your girlfriend's at the door!" Which, of course, makes it obvious that Zane IS there.

"Kai, I've told you multiple times that she's not my girlfriend!" comes Zane's responding call.

The boy, Kai apparently, just smirks in response to this. "Yeah, yeah, that's what you say now..."

If you were as normal as normal could be, you would be blushing the shade of a tomato right now, but instead you are just watching him quietly.

Zane appears in the doorway, his silver eyes crinkling up slightly as he smiles. You smile back at him. "Hello Zane," you say with one of the biggest smiles you've had in a while.

"Hello, (Y/N)," he replies.

You just smile, reveling in the fact that you are happy, before taking his arm and tugging him down the steps. "So! What do you want to do??"

Zane blinked, a green binary code momentarily flashing across his eyes, before he says thoughtfully, "Well I believe there's a movie playing."

"Oh, all right!"

A couple minutes later, you are buying popcorn, when you overhear two (gossipy) girls wearing scandalously short skirts, high heels that are AT LEAST 5 inches tall, and shirts that reveal a little TOO much.

They first gossip about how bad the snacks are, about how stupid the movie is (i.e. Mission Impossible 5: Rogue Nations), and about something else when you become aware of the fact that they are looking at you.

"Aww, look, a cute couple on their first date!"

"Well, the guy is cute-- the girl looks like she's going out for a job interview!"

At this they both break into snickers. You realize they are talking about you and Zane and blush. You're not a couple!!

By now, you are aware that Zane is watching you watch the two of them. They continue gossiping. "But seriously, the guy should just break up with the girl. I mean, who'd date a girl who dresses like she's going to work on a date!"

By this point you've had enough and walk over, crossing your arms. "Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing you two--"

They turn to you, an irked expression on their faces. "Don't you, like, know it's rude to eavesdrop?" one asks in what you can only describe as a snotty tone. If this had been you five years ago, you would've blushed, apologized, and left. But now, you feel irked right back.

"Don't you know it's rude to gossip about people?" you retort. "And, for that matter, interrupt someone when they're talking??"

They gasp as if you just did something scandalous. Perhaps it would've made you feel worse if their skirts hadn't been about half a centimeter away from revealing their underwear. "Do you KNOW who we are?!" one asks angrily.

You give them a bored look. "The Queen of England perhaps? No? Then you can go find someone who gives a flying fig about this. ANYWAY," you say, speaking over them, "first, we are not dating. We literally just met in real life YESTERDAY. Second, this was the only thing available in my closet that didn't look like I was spending the day in my house, and lastly, even if I DID have anything else in my closet, I would much rather dress like this than a couple of airheaded girls with outfits that look like you're trying to attract men in a club!"

The two of them stare at you with their jaws practically hitting as you stalk back to Zane. Zane's watching you intently. "I don't like girls like that," you reply, taking the tub of popcorn from him with a slight smile.

He gives you an admiring look but says absolutely nothing.


"Oh, and then, that scene where Benji had the explosives strapped to him? They totally ripped off Sherlock with that-- it's almost exactly the same, but this one was SO much better!" you're laughing as you exit the theater.

Your mood has been much improved by now. The movie was amazing, the two of you laughing and sighing and even holding their breath at the appropriate parts in the movie. Since you came after the premiere, the theater was almost empty except for a few stragglers.

Zane had a matching smile on his face. "It looks like you had fun," he said with a big smile.

"I did!"

Several minutes pass of aimless talking, before Zane shrugs and smiles. "Shall we do this again sometime?" he asks.

"I'd love to," you say with a big grin crossing your face. He grins back, but right then you reach the monastery. You watch as he walks up the sidewalk, waving quickly at you. "I'll message you on PerfectMatch later," he calls, before disappearing through the door.

You wave back, even though he's no longer watching, and turn around to go to your house. About a block away, your smile grows until it's ear to ear.

If you can smile this big for one person more than you do a year, you know that this friendship is going to last for a long time.

A/N: Again, my brain is dead, I was trying to make it not romantic but slightly at the same time.. yeah no I don't think that makes any sense. But here you go anyway!


You're sitting at the arcade machine, playing Wreck-It-Ralph for fun, when someone taps you on the shoulder. You twist to see that it's Jay, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Hey there!" you exclaim, changing your position to a more comfortable one.

Jay grins at you. "Hey~," he practically sings.

You ask, "So what'd you like to do now??"

"Um... it's nearly lunchtime, so maybe we could go get some pizza??" he asks, scratching his head.

"Sure, that'd be nice," you say, smiling.

The two of you walk down the street. If this had been your ex, he would've waited for you to start talking about nothing, just so you could start a conversation. But Jay just chats and talks and keeps you laughing the whole time. It's a nice change of pace, to not have to start the conversation for once.

You walk into the pizzeria. Jay holds the door open and helps you into your chair, which is just so nice of him. Especially since your ex had always just kinda helped you but didn't push it in or anything.

"What do you want?" Jay asks, looking at the pizzeria's menu. You look at the menu as well. "Umm, I usually just get cheese..."

"What?! Oh no no no," Jay says, wagging his finger at you almost reprimandingly. "I insist we get this one!"

He points at one of the pizzas on the menu. You look at it carefully. "Uhh... bacon??"

"Yeah! Everyone likes bacon, don't they??" he asks, grinning at you. You shrug. "Sure thing." If it was your boyfriend, he would've just gone with what you wanted. But it was good to try new things every now and again, right??

Jay orders the pizza and sits back, smiling at you. "So, what do you usually do? Just go to the arcade?"

"Um, no, sometimes I go to the video game store," you note, with a nervous laugh. Well, usually I spend time with my ex... but he's not my boyfriend anymore, so...

"Hmm, I never see you there," Jay notes, sounding curious.

"Probably 'cause I never have enough time to go anymore," you say wistfully. Probably because my ex was the one who took me there...

Jay must sense you're uncomfortable, or at least notice that you've been rather quiet, but he lets it go and starts talking about how his favorite place in Ninjago is Borg Industries. You gratefully seize upon this subject and you two exhaust this topic by the time your food comes.

"So," you say, taking a bite out of the pizza and making a soft noise of appreciation, "where's your favorite restaurant?"

Jay grins at you. "There's this REALLY good place on the other side of Ninjago City. I used to go there with..." His grin turns rather sheepish. "Um, with my old girlfriend."

The silence that hung in the air was rather unbearable, so you just leaned back and grinned. "It's not as though she's poisonous. No need to be uncomfortable if you're talking about her."

It was still rather quiet, so you smiled. "My boyfriend used to do this with his pizza." And with that, you pulled off one of the pieces of cheese on the pizza and stuck it on Jay's nose.

Jay looked down his nose at the piece of cheese hanging off his nose, looking cross-eyed. He was giggling madly when his tongue reached up and pulled the cheese off, making the both of you laugh. He then proceeded to take a cheesy bit off of HIS pizza and stuck it on your nose.

After a rather amusing lunch, the two of you decide to go to the video game store for some fun.

"Eh, (e/n (ex's name), I know you like video game store, but I'd like to go to the park..."

You freeze at that all-too-familiar voice. Oh no...

"I need to pick up a copy of Halo 5," argued back a WAY too familiar voice.

You freeze in the doorway. DEFINITELY oh no.

By now Jay has noticed and turned to face you. "(Y/N)?? Something wrong??"

Your ex rounds the corner right at this moment, talking to your ex best friend. "Oh c'mon, (b/f/n), it's just a game. We'll check out, and then we can go have some fun."

"Fine," she sighs. You back up so fast your back smacks against the doorframe. No... nonono... don't notice me, don't notice me, PLEASE don't notice me, you beg God or the First Spinjitzu Master or whoever else.

Of course, it doesn't happen, and your ex spots you. "Oh... hey (Y/N)!"

You sigh and resist pinching the bridge of your nose. "Hello (e/n)," you say flatly. Jay looks from you to the guy and puts two and two together. "Wait-- is this your ex?"

You sigh again, your face plain and flat and annoyed. "Yes. (E/N), meet Jay. Jay, this is my ex. And that's my best friend... sorry, my ex-best friend."

Your best-- your EX best friend winces slightly at this. You do your best to ignore it and force a smile, your lips wrestling into a crooked line that tilts up at the ends. "Umm, so you're picking up Halo 5, huh (E/N)..."

"Y-yeah," he stutters. Somehow, he can't bear to look at you, his eyes darting all around the .

The two of you just stand there awkwardly. Finally, your best-- ex-best friend turns to Jay, a fake smile clenched on her face. "Um, so... are you (Y/N)'s new boyfriend??"

Jay turns bright red. In fact both of you are now the color of tomatoes. "... no."

Another silence before you say in a forced, bright tone, "Well, I forgot something at the pizzeria."

"Did we?? I don't remember you--" Jay begins rather obliviously, but you grab his hand and drag him out of there.

The cheerful mood has been sufficiently dampened, but Jay swears on pain of death he will text you again soon, and gives you a big hug before leaving.

You can't help but blush. You've only known him for a few days... but maybe you two could be more than friends??


You're eating a cupcake that you bought the other day on a bench outside of the bakery.

A tall, dark figure sat down next to you. They had a big gray hoodie yanked up over their head, and a pair of dark, ripped, blue jeans.

"Pst! (Y/N)!!"

You look around to see who it is. To you, it sounded like...

"(Y/N)! Right here!" the voice hisses, and you turn to your left, your eyes meeting a pair of dark brown ones under the gray hoodie.

"Oh my gosh! Cole?!" you whisper. Cole looks around so wildly his bangs fly off his face. "Shhhh!! I'm in disguise!" he whispers loudly.

"Not that good of a disguise, if you ask me," you mutter softly, before giving him a quick hug. "Why are you in disguise??"

Cole lets out an annoyed huff before glancing over his shoulder. "Fangirls! They just started following me the minute I left the house."

You cover your mouth to keep from laughing. "Oh Cole..."

Thinking for a moment, you smile as you have a sudden idea. "Ah--!! I know where to show you~!" you exclaim, clapping your hands with a laugh.

Cole raises an eyebrow at your suddenly childish behavior, but a smile sneaks across his face as he does so. "Oh?? Then lead the way, Miss (L/N)," he said, making a ridiculous bow.

Leading him into the alley behind the bakery, you simply start walking down the l-o-n-g alley. Cole follows, although he seems a bit apprehensive. "What?? Scared I'm gonna jumpscare you??" you tease, glancing back at him.

Cole stiffens. "N-no!!"

"I'm just messing with you, lighten up!" you exclaim with a soft laugh.

Soon, the stone floor of the alley melts into foresty undergrowth. It's a gradual change, but now you're suddenly surrounded by trees and bushes rather than brick walls and trash cans.

Cole whistles, impressed. "How'd you find this place??"

"Dumb luck. I was just wandering around the other day and came in here, and boom, forest after six minutes," you say, moving your hands around dramatically.

He grins at you, before you climb a tree. "C'mon, there's something cool up here I wanna show you!" you shout down to him. Cole stares at you dubiously before climbing up after you.

About ten minutes, three broken branches, and a bruised bottom (courtesy of Cole) later, Cole is finally sitting on the branch you're on, the one that seems like a giant bowl, what with the width and the way it curves.

"Whew... that was a woooooaaaah," Cole says, the view distracting him from his sentence. A breeze teases your hair to the side as you grin cheekily at him. "Better view than you expected, huh??"

Because from up here, you can see a vast majority of Ninjago City and it's more scenic, smaller shops. People the size of marbles are bustling around, and the smell of cake from the cake shop is much more evident from up here.

"This is amazing!!" he exclaims, looking around. "And it's a lot more quiet than the actual city itself."

"I know, right??" you laugh. Cole gives you an appraising look. "I never would've thought you were a nature-person."

You blush furiously. "You'd better not tell anyone!" you hiss, and Cole chuckles. "I won't. I want us to be the only people to know about this side of you."

Your cheeks go another shade of red as he says this statement.


Lloyd looks around and spots you at the counter, reading a comic. It's another slow day today, and you are leaning casually against the counter.

"Hey (Y/N)!" he calls. You look up, and a smile breaks out over your face, replacing the bored look on it. "Hey Lloyd!"

Hopping down from the stool behind the counter, you go over to him. Your dad calls, "Lloyd, have my daughter back by 5:00."

You blush. "Daaaad, it's not a date," you protest.

"Ohoho, are you sure about that??" Your dad wiggles his eyebrows at you, and your face goes even pinker. "C'mon, Lloyd, let's go," you say, essentially shoving him out the door.

"Bye Mother Doomsday!" Lloyd shouts to your dad, just as the doors close.

The two of you stand there and look at each other, not doing anything. "Um... do you want to go get some food or something, then??" he asks, checking his watch. It is about 1 in the afternoon.

You shrug. "Um... sure then."

The two of you walk towards the nearest place, which happens to be a small pizza place. You know for a matter of fact that even though it's filthy, about three people a day go in, and the owner is overly casual, they make the best pizza EVER.

Lloyd stops in the doorway. "Uh, maybe we should go somewhere else??" He suggests.

"Aww, but their pizza is amazing!" you mock-whine, giving him puppy eyes.

Lloyd can't help but laugh at your expression, and you break down into chuckles as well. "OK, I'll try the pizza."

The two of you sit down at a table, which you wipe off with some napkins that are in a small dispenser on the table. He looks around. "Wow, this place is really like a hole in the wall," he comments.

You chuckle at this unintentionally rude comment. "I know, but their pizza is seriously good."

"If you say so," Lloyd says, shrugging slightly. After a waitress takes your order, the two of you sit there rather awkwardly for several moments, before you clear your throat.

"Err, so what do you do in your spare time??"

Lloyd sits there for a moment before shrugging. "Well, usually I read Starfarer or go on the Internet. And lately, I've been talking to you."

You laugh. "Wow, glad to see I'm on the list of things you do in your spare time," you tease, and the two of you crack up.

"So... I've been noticing that Doomsday Comix isn't doing as well nowadays," Lloyd noted.

"Yeah. If it doesn't start doing better soon, Dad thinks we might have to close," you say, slightly sadly. Lloyd gasps. "What?! No! Where will I get my comics then??"

You punch him on the shoulder gently as Lloyd says determinedly, "Well I'll just spread the word around for the comic shop."

You blink. "You'd do that for us??"

"Of course. You two are some of my favorite people. How could I not keep my favorite comic book shop from closing??" Lloyd says with a casual shrug, sending a grin at you.

You smile at him. "Thanks, Lloyd."

Right then, your pizza arrives. You pick up one of the slices and take a BIG bite out of it. Lloyd looks a bit more dubious, but he follows your lead and takes a bite out of it. He blinks before he takes another slice. And another.

"Heey, don't hoard all the pizza!" you whine playfully, grabbing three slices away from him.

He makes a face at you. "Why not?? It's the best pizza ever!"

"I told you," you say, a smug smile flashing across your face before you steal another slice. "And because it's my precious!"

The two of you spend an amusing lunchtime, trying to snatch the pizza back and forth rapidly.

Afterwards, full of pizza, you head outside, regaling Lloyd with some of your dad's funniest moments. "Oh, what the BEST thing is, one time this kid was cosplaying as Darth Vader, and my dad was just like, 'Oh, are you dressing up as... uhh.. a.. robot alien thing??'"

Lloyd snorts through his laughter. "You think that's bad?? When I first met him he thought I was six years old, I was so short."

You crack up, although you have to wonder how Lloyd got such a HUGE growth spurt.

"Anyway, we should probably head somewhere..."

Right then, you pass the candy store. "Candy!" Before you're really aware of it, Lloyd's in the candy store. You roll your eyes and follow him inside.

When you come back out, Lloyd looks at your selection. He blinks. Then he looks closer. "Wow... you must be obsessed with Swedish Fish (just pretend it's your favorite if it isn't. If it is, you are awesome).

You chuckle slightly. "Yeah, it's my favorite candy."

Lloyd nods, as if making a mental note of that. "Cool, cool."


"Cool beans."


The two of you start laughing, and by the time you get back, you are full of food and laughter.

You wave after him as he leaves the comic book shop, promising he'll text you soon.

"You two make a cute couple."


A/N: Haha, a fluffy scenario... I hope you liked it and I'll see you next time! Peace!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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