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The ninja all were awake preparing the breakfast for them.

Skylor was sitting on her bed and she picked up her plane ticket to Countryside City. "Hey, Sky, Merry Christmas" Nya said. "Merry Christmas, Nya" Skylor said and Nya sighed. "Have you made your decision to tell Kai you're pregnant yet?" Nya said. "I am and I have made my desicion between staying here and moving to Countryside City and I'm going to tell you and the others later on today" Skylor said. "That's good, no matter what, we're still best friends" Nya said and she hugged Skylor. "Thanks for your support, are you ready to give your gift to Jay yet?" Skylor said. "Yeah, I am so ready" Nya said and she picked up a small box that was wrapped in blue wrapping paper. "I just hope he loves his gift" Nya said. "Noemi have been working on it very bad, Nya, he'll love anything you give him" Skylor said. "Aw! Thanks, Sky" Nya said. "Hey girls, it's time for the Christmas exchange" Pixal said and the two girls got up and they all head to the living room.

"Are you all ready for the Christmas exchange?" Iris said. "Yeah, we are, Iris" Lloyd said and the guys smiled. "Let's start doing it in different ways" Kai said and the guys all take out a small box.

"I'll start first and I need to tell Lloyd something" Iris said. "Oh!" The rest of the Ninja said. Iris give them the death glare and they become silent. "Open this, Lloyd" Iris said giving Lloyd a envelope. Lloyd opened it and he started to cry. "What happened, Lloyd?" Jay said and Lloyd hugged Iris. "We're adopting Nelson today, we're becoming parents" Lloyd said and kissed Iris. "Congrats, Lloyd, Iris, you both will be great parents to Nelson" Seliel said.

"I'll start next after Iris" Seliel said and she went up to Cole. "Come outside, Cole" Seliel said and Cole followed her outside. Outside was the capella group and his dad. "Cole, this is the capella group that didn't come to the concert and they heard so much about the new capella group, so I begged them to give you a concert by singing We Wish You A Merry Christmas, I love you love it" Seliel said and Cole kiss Seliel. "I guess that's your answer because you love it" Seliel said and Cole nodded. "Yep, now let's hear them sing" Cole said.

"Here's a gift for Zane, I love you love it" Pixal said and give Zane a box. Zane opened it and he hugged Pixal. "I love it, how do you make it?" Zane said. "Mother Nature help me make it, I realized it's beautiful for you" Pixal said.

"It's beautiful but you are more beautiful" Zane said and he kissed Pixal.

MasterofCupcakes I'm amazed that you give me this idea for Jay's gift. Thanks so much!
"I'm next and Noemi helped me a lot" Nya said and give a small box to Jay. Jay opened it and inside there was a ring.

Jay, you made my world full of love and joy! Ever since I met you, I know one day you'll be my husband! Blue is my favorite color which makes you my favorite thing in the world!
-love Nya💙

Jay blushed and he put the ring in his finger. "I love it, Nya, you are the best" Jay said and Nya smiled. "There's something in the box, Jay" Nya said and Jay lift the paper and there was a key. Jay picked it up and Nya sighed. "I begged my parents to buy a house for you and me, Jay, and they did, so Noemi made the key to our house" Nya said.

"Nya, I love you so much" Jay said and he and Nya kissed.

"I have something to tell you all" Skylor said with confidence and Nya nodded. Skylor sighed and she stand up in front of her friends. "I went to the doctor's appointment and there was a result that shocked me" Skylor said. The ninja were shocked and Skylor sighed. "I'm pregnant" Skylor said and Kai was shocked. "I'm becoming a father" Kai said and Skylor nodded. "I'm proud of you, Sky, I love you" Kai said and he kissed Skylor. "You know what? I'm not going to Countryside City anymore. I rather stay with you guys for the rest of my life" Skylor said and the girls hugged Skylor.

"Um girls, it's our turn, right?" Lloyd said. "Yeah, why?" Iris said. "Iris, let's go by the beach" Lloyd said and he take her hand to the beach.
"Sky, let's go by the Christmas tree in Town Square" Kai said and Skylor nodded.
"Nya, let's go by your parents house" Jay said and Nya smiled.
"Sel, let's go back outside" Cole said and he take her hand outside of the monastery.
"Pix, let's go by the park" Zane said and Pixal looked confused.

Readers, the moment's here where the guys do their Christmas gift to their girlfriends.


"Why are we at the beach, Lloyd?" Iris said. "Iris, your kind heart makes me glow like the sun. The first time I met you, I know that one day we'll have a future together, will you Iris Storm marry me for the rest of my life?" Lloyd said kneeling down with a small box. "Yes!" Iris said and they kissed. Lloyd put the ring on Iris's finger and they kissed one more time.

(Iris's ring)


The two love birds went outside and Cole snapped for the capella group to sing Hallelujah. "I love this song, Cole, it shows my kindness to you" Seliel said and Cole smiled. "Seliel, your dark heart turns to kind when I first met you. You show me that you love me and love cheering me up whenever I'm down. Will you Seliel Dawn marry me to show more happiness in my life?" Cole said as he kneel down with a box revealing a ring to Seliel. "I will love to marry you, Cole!" Seliel said and she kissed Cole. Cole put the ring on Seliel's finger and they both watched the capella group together.

(Seliel's Ring)


"Pix, nature's beautiful when you're around" Zane said and Pixal smiled. "Thanks, Zane" Pixal said and Zane picked up a rose and put in Pixal's hair. "Pixal, your mother created the most beautiful woman on the world which is you. Mother Nature is happy that you are the beautiful nature wielder since you cared about it so much. Will you Pixal Borg marry me for the rest of my life as a rose bloom?" Zane said. "Yes, Zane, my dear snowflake" Pixal said and they kissed. Zane put the ring on her finger and they watched the fireworks from the park.

(Pixal's ring)


As Kai lead Skylor at Time Square, it started to snow and Skylor smiled. "This is beautiful, Kai" Skylor said and Kai looked at her. "Skylor, when we met, the only thing that makes me like you is that you are pretty with your red hair, your hazel eyes makes me on fire, as we face difficult challenges in our lives, I knew that we always stay in love forever, you are the one I still live today, your mom give me permission to do this but will you Skylor Chen marry me like fire?" Kai said and Skylor smiled with tears. "Yes!" Skylor yelled which caught Dareth and Ronin's attention and they took out cameras to take pictures. Kai and Skylor kissed making Dareth cry and Ronin pat his back to calm him down. "It's okay, Dareth, Kailor fever might affect Kailor fans" Ronin said and Dareth sobbed.

(Skylor's ring)

Last couple: JayxNya

Maya and Ray went outside and they saw Jay and Nya landed their Elemental Dragons in front of them. "Looks like Jay's going to propose to Nya, Ray" Maya said and Ray nodded.
"Nya, the day we met, our eyes meet before our lips which created Water Lightning. Blue and Red makes purple and I would love our life to more exciting as it was right now. When I got my answer from you if blue's your favorite color, you answer it making me start to fall for you. I would love to kiss you forever. If one of us die, we will always remember our beautiful moments together. Water and Lightning creates love, it's like it mix if we ever have a baby. Will you Nya Smith marry me?" Jay said. "Yes, Jay!" Nya said and they kissed passionate.
"Looks like our daughter and son is growing up to be great adults" Ray said. "Yes, Ray, they are" Maya said.

(Nya's ring)

The ninja all head to the Christmas tree outside and many people started to clapped. "Ninja, we are honor by how brave you all save us. We want you all a Merry Christmas to you" the mayor said and everyone clapped. "This can be our last performance to give us all on Christmas" Lloyd said.

All:We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
All:Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
All:Now bring us some figgy pudding
Now bring us some figgy pudding
Now bring some out here
All:Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year
All:We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some
We won't go until we get some, so bring some out here
All:Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
All:We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Fireworks explode and Dareth and Ronin smiled. "Merry Christmas, Ninjago" Dareth said and Ronin laughed. The ninja all smiled at each other and they all watched the fireworks together.

"Lloyd!" Nelson said and Lloyd carried him. "Nelson! Merry Christmas, son" Lloyd said and Nelson hugged him. "Merry Christmas, dad" Nelson said and Iris joined the hug. "Merry Christmas, my dear family" Iris said and kissed Nelson's forehead. "Your mother will be proud" Iris said.

Kai looked at Skylor and sighed. "What's the gender of our kid, Sky?" Kai said. "I don't know, Kai, but I'm happy we're getting married and becoming parents" Skylor said. Kai and Skylor looked at each other and kissed.

Jay and Nya sighed at each other and Nya take a key out of Jay's pocket. "Do you want to make a kid, Jay?" Nya said. "Yeah, let's go to our new house and make one" Jay said and he lifted Nya bridal style to their blue van.

Pixal and Zane blushed at each other and Cyrus went up to them. "Zane, Pix have been begging me to give you a job at Borg Industries, and I realized since you're her going to be husband, I should, so you two won't be apart" Cyrus said and Pixal hugged her dad. "Thanks, dad, I can't wait for Zane working with us, my students will tease me a lot" Pixal said and Cyrus smiled. "No problem, Pix, Zane's perfect for you" Cyrus said and Pixal and Zane kissed.

"Cole, Merry Christmas" Seliel said and Cole smiled. "My dad's been begging me if you want to join his upcoming tour with the capella group" Cole said. "I will love to, Cole, plus I was hoping if we go to Paradise to do you know what" Seliel said. "Sel! I thought you weren't ready to make a baby" Cole said. "Well, right now I'm ready" Seliel said. Cole smiled and he kiss Seliel.

The ninja all now go to their separate ways after Christmas. They all stopped being ninja and become adults. Sensei Wu and Garmadon have turn the monastery to a school for young people to join and become ninja. Misako had now own a library for those who love reading. Dareth had now turned his dojo to a thrift shop and Clark's gift for Dareth was a picture of him and Clark by the Christmas tree at Town Square. Ronin give up being a thief and he trained the Elemental Masters to be strong warriors to protect Ninjago. Life was fair for the ninja and they all now have kids to deal with. To the ninja, we wished you all Merry Christmas!

To the people I followed on Wattpad, I'm going to wish you a Merry Christmas! 😃

Wait...... There's a Epilogue to complete this story! This Epilogue shows the ninja as adult in about 4 years.

Please comment or vote!!!!!!

-Sunnyninja13 out!

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