Day 12(Gingerbread Man Adventure)

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Iris was making a gingerbread man with the ingredients to do make it. "Hey, Iris, nice gingerbread man you're making" Nya said. "Thanks, Nya, do you want to help me?" Iris said. "Of course, Iris" Nya said. Skylor, Pixal, and Seliel walked in the kitchen and they saw a gingerbread man. "You are making a gingerbread man, Iris" Skylor said. "Yep, I'm making it, you all can help me make this before the guys end up eating it up" Iris said. "I love the other gingerbread mans you made, Iris" Pixal said. "Thanks, Pix, I'm naming the main one, Ginger" Iris said. "That's a cool name, Iris" Seliel said. "Especially for a gingerbread man, that name really suits him well" Skylor said. "I'm going to chant some sprinkles for the gingerbread man" Seliel said and she chanted some sprinkles for the gingerbread mans. She closed her eyes to concentrate but a small rat pushed her and her spell end up going off. "Whoa! My spell!" Seliel said and the girls moved away from the sprinkles but got hit. "Aaah!!!!" The girls said as the spell turn the gingerbread mans and them into a size of a actual gingerbread man.

"Where are we?" Nya said as they got up. "Why is the table bigger than us?" Skylor said. "I don't know, Sky" Pixal said. "Are we in a different dimension?" Iris said. "I hate to say this but we had shrunk from my spell" Seliel said. "Is there a cure to turn us back to our normal size?" Nya said. "Apparently, we have 3 hours until the spell wear off" Seliel said. "Looks like we are in a adventure" Skylor said. "You are, humans" someone said. Iris looked who said that and she freak out. "Girls! A gingerbread man is talking to us!" Iris said. "What should we do, Iris?" Pixal said. "I'm going to slap him!" Iris said and she went up to the gingerbread man and slapped him. "Ow, Iris" the gingerbread man said. "How do you know my name, cookie?" Iris said. "Iris, you made me with these decorations" The gingerbread man said taking a chocolate piece from his belly. "Ginger? You can talk?" Iris said. "Yes, apparently, my people can talk too due to your friend's spell" Ginger said. "We had 3 hours until the spell wears off, Ginger, can you lead us to your people?" Seliel said to the gingerbread man. "Of course, follow me" Ginger said and the girls followed him. "Let's hope the guys won't come in the kitchen and start cooking dinner" Nya said. Then footsteps start walking and the girls saw Kai, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd coming in the kitchen. "Hide under the table" Pixal said and Ginger and the girls run under the table just in time to not get squash by Jay's foot.

"Let's listen to music while we cook dinner for the girls" Lloyd said. Cole take out his phone and he smiled. "Let's sing one of the Frozen Songs since the girls are Christmas Shopping" Cole said. "Yay! Our girlfriends complained of our singing of a Frozen Song" Jay said and Kai grabbed 5 knives and give one to each of his friends. "Here's some vegetables and meat for the dinner" Zane said grabbing the ingredients.

The girls heard and they all growled at their boyfriends. But apparently the guys can't see them since the girls are about a same size as a gingerbread man. "They will get hurt when we go back to our normal size if they sing a Frozen Song!" Seliel said. "Let's go up to the sink! Pix, we need your nature vines!" Skylor said and Pixal use her nature powers to create vines for the girls and Ginger to climb. The girls climb up on the sink and they carefully walked on it.

"Good, Zane, now let's jam out some Frozen" Kai said holding his knife in the air. Lloyd pressed a Frozen Instrumental song and they all grabbed some food to cut.

Guys:Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining(Kai holding his knife in the air and the girls run before the knife hit the chopping board)
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining(Jay take a meat and start cutting it but the girls teleport to not get hit)

Guys: So cut through the heart, cold and clear
Strike for love and strike for fear
See the beauty, sharp and sheer
Split the ice apart!
And break the frozen heart(Lloyd and Cole throw carrots at each other and they cut it and pour in the pot while the girls walked around the pot with Ginger)

Guys:Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!(Skylor throw daggers at a broccoli and the girls climb on it with Ginger and Kai end up holding it and was about to put in the pot but Seliel teleports them in a different position)
Hyup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!(Jay put tomatoes in a bowl for it to rinse and Nya use her water powers for her friends and Ginger to go across the sink)

Ice has a magic, can't be controlled
Stronger than one! Stronger than ten!
Stronger than a hundred men!(Lloyd grabbed a another pot and put it over the girls and Ginger and Iris use her light powers for her friends to see and knocked the pot over and they all run behind the salt and pepper)

Guys:Hyup!(All of the knives were on the boards placed by the guys)

Guys:Born of cold and winter air
And mountain rain combining!
This icy force both foul and fair
Has a frozen heart worth mining!(Kai and Cole were mixing the pots and the girls were on top of the cabinet. Skylor grabbed her dagger and climb on one of the skinny ropes and cut it for her to go across the pots by doing spinning about 3 times. "That was fun" Skylor said. Her friends and Ginger were scared so Seliel chanted a spell for them to teleport where Skylor's at and they all hide behind a wooden spoon)

Guys:Cut through the heart, cold and clear!
Strike for love and strike for fear!(Zane grabbed the spoon and start adding different flavors of the pots and Pixal use a nature dome over her and her friends with Ginger)
There's beauty and there's danger here
Split the ice apart!
Beware the frozen heart...(At the end, the guys cheered while the girls go behind the vegetables)

"That was close for us not getting spotted from the guys" Seliel said and they all on the counter. "Your boyfriends are so crazy of cooking" Ginger said. "I can't wait to see your people, Ginger" Iris said and Ginger smiled. "C'mon, girls, my people are in that corner" Ginger said by pointing at a corner where a couple of gingerbread people were at. "Let's have a blast coming down from here" Skylor said and Nya felt confused. "I'm not sure I'm having a blast because-" "C'mon, Nya, it's fun, plus I tied you all with a rope" Skylor said and throw the dagger to the ground. The girls end up leaving the counter to the ground"Let's hope it's not that DANGEROUS!!!!!!!" Nya and Seliel said and they both screamed. Iris cheered for fun while Pixal's squealing of fear. Ginger laughed and he and Iris cheered out loud. "This is so fun!!!!!" Ginger said. "I know, right, Skylor's always the active training girl of fun!!!!" Iris said and Skylor did a front flip for her to land on the ground. "That was the colesest thing I have ever done in my entire life!!!" Skylor said and Seliel, Nya, and Pixal sighed. Skylor take out the rope for her friends to be free.

Pixal saw the village and she was amazed by it. "Ginger, this village is marvelous, do you who decorate this?" Pixal said. "Apparently, yes, it's your friend, Iris" Ginger said. Her friends looked at Iris and Nya hugged her. "You must really love decorating not only gingerbread mans but a village for them" Nya beamed. "Thanks, N, plus there's something I want to add before we end up leaving" Iris said and Nya let go of her.

Iris take out a peppermints and put it on the floor for the Gingerbread man or woman to walk over. "I'm impressed of what you are doing" Skylor said. A rat sneakly grabbed a candy cane making the house of cookies start to collapse on the gingerbread family. "Vortex Vines!!!!!" Pixal said and many vines start to hold the house. "Thanks, Pix" Iris said. Seliel spotted a rat with a candy cane and notice it's the same rat that made her messed up the spell. "Girls! Look what I just saw!" Seliel said. "A rat! Gross, but did he create that house to collapse?" Skylor said. "Apparently, he did, and more are coming this way!" Ginger said pointing at a herd of rats. "Looks like we had to stop these rats before they run the village I made!" Iris said.

The herd of rats jumped into the air jumping over the girls and Ginger and they all spilt up. "Rose Branch!!!!!!" Pixal said as a rose created where two rats were at and branches were growing out going over the rats tying them up.

"Water Tide!!!!!!" Nya said and shoot a big beam of water at 3 rats. "Phantom Light!!!!!!!!" Seliel said and a bright light goes around the rats making them blind. "Fire Whirl!!!!!" Skylor said and a fire whirls around the rats making them knockout by the heat. Iris and Ginger saw a lot of rats around the village. "Star Stare!!!!!!!!" Iris said and her eyes are red and many rats stare at her as their eyes were dizzy with stars. Iris' eyes turned back to hazel and Ginger clapped for Iris. "Nice one, Iris, that was powerful!" Ginger said and someone grabbed Ginger from Iris. "Ginger! Let him go!!!!!" Iris said. "I can't, sweetheart, you and your friends have about an 1 hour in a half before you all turned normal, this gingerbread man is going to be my treat" The person said and she run away from Iris. "We had stop her before she end eating Ginger" Nya said. "Agreed, but we had 1 and a half left, we have to leave before the clock turns to 6" Seliel said. The girls left the village to save Ginger from an unknown person.

The unknown person laughed as she tied up Ginger with ropes. "Who are you?" Ginger said and the person laughed. "Name's Candy Witch, I collect sweets so I can gobble them up" Candy said. Ginger gulped with fear. "You're going to..... Eat me Up!!!!!!" Ginger said with fear. "Yes, Ginger, and no one won't stop me because you are the main reason the girls can go to their normal size, and I'm making sure you won't be alive for the girls to get back to their normal size" Candy said and one of the rats went up to her. "The girls are coming here to save Ginger!" The rat said. "Good, now get those girls! I think it's time for the girls to say bye to this gingerbread man" Candy said and the rat nodded and he looked at the other rats and they leave the area where Candy and the rat are at.

"Did I just rats coming straight in our direction?" Seliel said. "Yep, they're coming, girls, time to kick some rat butt" Iris said but the rats tie the girls up with ropes. "The witch want you girls to see someone before he dies" The main rat said. "Ginger!" Iris says to herself as she and the girls got up and start walking to the liar.

The guys were still mixing and cooking dinner but didn't realize there were rats. "Jay! Have Sky asked me to add radishes in the soup?" Kai said. "Yeah, Kai, I think" Jay said and Kai already add the radishes in the soup. The guys did not know that the girls have shrunk as a size of a gingerbread man.

The rats bring the girls in a deep dark liar and Candy clapped slowly. "Hello, girls, heard you have 45 minutes left before the spell were off but apparently your friend will get eaten by me, and you won't turn back to your normal size!!!!!" Candy said and Iris growled. "You would not hurt my friend, Ginger, witch! I created him to be part of a great dinner the guys and us girls make!" Iris said. "Whatever about that dinner, darling, I rather eat your friend than that ugly food!" Candy said and she went up to Ginger. "Rats, grabbed my sword so I can cut this gingerbread man into pieces" Candy said and the rats leave the girls and went to find Candy's sword. "I'll use a spell to take this rope off of us" Seliel said. "Do it, Sel, before the rats come back" Nya said. Seliel chanted a spell for the rope to get off of them. "Perfect, we have about 35 minutes left" Seliel said. "We are not letting the witch eat Ginger up" Iris said. "What's so great about that gingerbread man?" Skylor said. "He reminds me of my friend when I was young. We were pretty close but one day, he committed something he shouldn't do" Iris said. "What is it, Iris?" Pixal said. "He committed suicide because he gets pick on a lot, I was the only one who can comfort him throughout his life telling him that people are jerks but he didn't listen" Iris explained and her friends hugged her. "Let's save Ginger, Iris" Nya said and the other girls agreed. "Good, now how about a glare burn these rats?" Iris said and many rats saw the girls and Iris stared at them and they end up getting cooked. "Nice one, Iris" Seliel said and Candy got mad. "You girls think you can stop a witch!" Candy said. "Apparently so, witch, now hand Ginger over!" Skylor said. "Never! This gingerbread man is mine!" Candy said. "If you say so, now let's do a sliver tornado of elements" Iris said to her friends. "Alright, let's use it" Seliel said.

The girls got in position of a heart and they saw their elements making a tornado of sliver. Then they released it by taking the witch and end up exploding candy. The girls cheered and Ginger went up to Iris. "It's almost time for you girls to go back to normal" Ginger said. "I know, Ginger, but don't worry, I won't forget about you, plus you are going to eaten by us and the guys" Iris said and Ginger laughed. "I can't wait to get eaten, Iris" Ginger joked and they hugged.

"2 more minutes left, Iris, let's go out of this liar" Skylor said and Iris and the girls with Ginger left the liar just in time for them to turn back into normal size. "Where's the guys?" Pixal said. "They're at the dinner table, Pix" Skylor said and they all went to the dinner table. "Hey, girls, what took you so long?" Lloyd said. "Let's say that we have a tiny situation to deal with" Nya said. The guys looked at the girls and they laughed. "You are too funny, girls!" Jay said and Iris grabbed Ginger from the tray. "Who can't wait to eat this gingerbread man?" Iris said. "Me!!!" Her friends said. Iris looked at Ginger and he winked at her making her smile. Iris grab a knife and cut small parts of Ginger and give it to her friends. "Enjoy!" Iris said and they all enjoy the dinner and dessert.

The guys were talking about the girls' gift. "I hope Nya will love the gift I'm giving her on Christmas" Jay said. "What is it, Jay?" Kai said. "Kai, I want to marry Nya, can I have your blessing before your parents?" Jay said and Kai smiled. "Of course, Jay, plus I was having the same thing" Kai said. "Same here!" Lloyd, Zane, and Cole said. The guys were shocked and Jay smiled. "I have a plan for us to do on Christmas" Jay said and the guys smiled at Jay and they listened carefully for Jay to give them the plan.

Another wonderful chapter! With hints of a Christmas chapter but days are coming by fast so look out for that chapter.

Have a cookietastic 14th day before Christmas! Tell me in the comments what's your favorite part of this chapter? Or Vote!!!
-Sunnyninja13 out!

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