Day 17(Jay got his blessing from Ray)

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Jay was walking around in his room holding a small box in his hand freaking out of Ray's reaction that he's going to marry Nya, his daughter.

"Ugh! Ray's a 2.0 Kai and he's much worse than Kai! How am I supposed to tell him that I want to marry Nya?" Jay said to himself and Cole, Zane, Lloyd, and Kai went in his room. "Hey guys, why are you all in here? Care to see me die when I tell Ray that I want to marry his daughter?" Jay said. "Well, we're all here to have a nice chat with you of how to tell a Kai 2.0 that you want to marry his daughter" Lloyd said. "Plus we want to come with you to convince my father for you to marry Nya for support" Kai said. "And, we want to see you die when you tell him too" Cole added and the rest of the guys except Jay. "I'm happy you all coming with me for support but I need tips to ask Ray for his blessing, care to tell me your stories of you all got your blessings" Jay said as he lay on his bed.

"We will love to each of us got our blessings in a different way" Zane said. "Yeah, plus some of us get to have a nice chat with our girlfriends' parents to see if they can trust us with them" Lloyd said. "For me, Scarlett's pretty much calm and she seem to ship me and Sky so she had Kailor fever thanks to Dareth" Kai said. "The king is busy at Sun Kingdom, good thing, he and I talk for about 10 minutes but it turns out pretty good" Lloyd said. "Cyrus hates me but good thing he now learn something pretty good from Pix, she's such a kind flower" Zane said. "I convince Stephen to marry Sel by doing another concert with a different song by Pentatonix but he accepts me to marry her" Cole said and Jay smiled.

"You guys have different talents of convincing people, for my talent, it's just be a stupid blabbermouth in the team" Jay said. "Jay, don't put yourself down, you have talent, plus you are able to save Nya a lot of times showing the fact you love her" Zane said. "Thanks, Zane, but look at me, why would Nya love a stupid blabbermouth freak like me?" Jay said. "Jay, you're not a stupid blabbermouth, you show more than that, you show the team that you are able to be confident of fighting off villians by yourself like Nadakhan, you are the only ninja who still hold your last wish in order to defeat him" Lloyd said. "I agreed with Lloyd, Jay, Nya was the first to lay eyes on you before you ask her if you like blue" Kai said. "Jay, look at yourself, your talent is being the bright caring one in the team, I think you'll do just fine" Cole said. "You guys care about me but why?" Jay said. "Jay, you are the one who created the big plan for the girls. Without you, we won't able to face difficult challenges to ask their parents" Zane said. "I agreed with Zane, Jay, you represent awesome plans with that smart brain of yours" Cole said. "Thanks so much, guys, for getting me feel......." "Feel what?" Kai said. "Feel amazing. Thanks, guys" Jay said and the guys hugged Jay.

"Let's go to 4 Weapons to see Ray and Maya" Jay said. "Yeah!" The guys said and they all leave the monastery to 4 Weapons.

"Maya! Have you heard about Kai lately? He's planning to marry Scarlett's daughter if she say yes to him" Ray said. "I know, Ray, she called me earlier about it, let's hope Skylor will say yes!" Maya said and she end squealing. "I hope so, Maya, plus Nya text me about her boyfriend's gift! That bastard freak!!!!!!" Ray said. "Calm down, Ray, our daughter is dating Jasmine's son, master of Lightning" Maya said. Ray sighed. "I guess you're right about that fact, it's been a long time since we seen Jasmine" Ray said. "Don't worry, Ray, Jay will see Jasmine soon but I'm not sure when" Maya said and she grabbed a snowflake decoration to decorate the tree. "How would you react if Jay is going to marry Nya?" Maya said. "I feel like I'm going to explode but I realized I should accept the fact that our daughter is happy with an Elemental Master of Lightning" Ray said. "And you should realized how much Nya loves Jay, there can be a chance that would actually happened if Jay ever ask you to have his blessing to marry Nya" Maya said. "Maya, I'm always ready no matter what" Ray said.

The guys walked up to 4 Weapons and Jay carefully knocked on the door. "Who's at the door, Ray?" Maya said. "Let me check, Maya" Ray said and he opened up the front door revealing to be Jay and the guys. "Hey, Ray, can I talk to you alone?" Jay said. "Looks like I jinxed what I said to you, Ray" Maya said and Kai hugged his mom. "Mom! It's been a long time since I see you" Kai said and Maya smiled at her son. "Same here, Kai, plus congrats talking to Scar yesterday" Maya said. "Yeah, it was pretty fun to talk to her, she's always calm" Kai said. "Scar's  always calm to talk to, now you and your friends can help me on your friends' gift" Maya said leading Kai and his friends to the kitchen.

"Wow, looks like we're alone" Jay said to Ray. "I need to know what you want to talk to me, Jay" Ray said. "Uh, hey um, you ask me any questions about anything?" Jay said. "Anything? Hmm" Ray said as he thought many questions to ask Jay. "First question, are you brave enough to protect Nya?" Ray said. "Yeah, I'm brave enough to protect her, Ray, whenever she's in danger" Jay said. "Hmm, alright, one more question, do you know what song fits you and Nya?" Ray said. "There's a lot of songs that fit us but the main song I love that fits me and Nya is A Thousand Years" Jay said. "That's good, now if there's anything you want to tell me, Jay" Ray said. "Ummmm, hey Ray, I want to marry Nya with your blessing with your permission" Jay blurted out and Ray leave the living room. "I can't give you my permission to marry Nya daughter" Ray said and Jay sighed and walked out of the house.

"Ray, how's the talk with Jay?" Maya said. "It was pretty good except the part that he wants to marry Nya, our daughter" Ray said. Kai and the guys were shocked and Cole and Lloyd was about to punch Ray but Kai stopped them. "Let me handle this, guys" Kai said and he went up to his father. "Dad, why won't you let Jay marry Nya?" Kai said. "He's stupid, annoying, and scary cat for Nya, Kai, I don't my daughter to marry that type of guy" Ray said very harsh. "Dad! Jay's not stupid, annoying, and he's not a scary cat to Nya. He's caring, sweet, and very brave to protect her. If You haven't noticed the fact who actually planned the whole thing for me and the guys to talk to our girlfriends' parents, it wasn't Lloyd or Cole who planned it, it was Jay who planned it" Kai said. Ray was shocked and he looked at Maya's reaction. "It was Jay that plan the whole thing? I'm impressed how smart he is" Maya said. "He can be smart and dumb at the same time, but once you get to know him more often, you'll be fine hanging out with him" Cole said. "Ray, Jay loves your daughter so much, your daughter loves him back too, so please give Jay a chance to marry Nya" Lloyd said. "But......" "Ray, please think about it, Jay's more than to meets the eye" Zane said. "Without Jay, we won't have the confidence to tell our girlfriends' parents to marry them" Lloyd said. "Father, Nya won't be happy in her life without Jay, look at this picture" Kai said handing Ray an image of Jay and Nya.

Ray looked at it and he started to cry. "I'm such a bad father, you guys are right about this guy, Nya's never this happy when she was young. She always get angry at everything" Ray said. "But when she meet Jay, she felt happy around him, being his girlfriend was the best thing she have ever been in her life. Jay shows love to Nya especially when he use his last wish to save her from dying" Lloyd said and the guys nodded. "I guess I can get Jay his blessing from me to marry Nya after what you guys all said about Jay, it change my mind of saying no" Ray said and Maya smiled. "I'm proud of you, Ray, for saying that now go and find Jay" Maya said and Ray left the kitchen to find Jay.

"Jay! Where are you?" Ray said and he saw Jay sitting on a bench outside looking sad. Ray walked out the house and he went to sit next to Jay.

"Jay, I am really sorry about earlier, I was afraid to give up my daughter to a freak like you but after all what your friends and my son told me more about you loving Nya, I was surprised that you are the one making my daughter happy forever and I want that everyday in her whole entire life, you are really lucky to have good friends and a good heart like lightning" Ray said and Jay looked at him and smiled. "Thanks, Ray, but since you're telling me this, is it okay for me to marry Nya with your blessing by your permission?" Jay said taking a small box opening up to reveal the ring. "Jay, you have my blessing for you to marry my daughter but you better not break her heart" Ray said and Jay smiled. "Don't worry, Ray, I won't break her heart plus I love her" Jay said. "Let's go in to get some tea for you and your friends" Ray said and they both head back to the house.

"Here are the teas with shrimp" Maya said. "Thanks, Mom" Kai said and hugged his mom. "Your welcome, son, friends, enjoy" Maya said and she went up to Ray. "So how's your talk with Jay?" Maya said. "It's pretty good, Maya, I give him my blessing for him to marry Nya" Ray said and Maya started to sniff. "Our kids are growing up to be well grown adults who are going to be married" Maya said. "I agreed with you, Maya, but we're always our kids' parents no matter what" Ray said.

"Hey, Ray, in case you want another picture of me and Nya, you and Maya should keep this picture" Jay said handing Ray an image of him and Nya.

"I'm think I'm having Jaya fever, Maya" Ray said and Maya and Ray put the picture on top of the fire place with the other pictures. "We are calling this picture: True Love's Kiss" Maya said and Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Cole, and Zane smiled at the picture. "Thank you, guys, so much for helping me convincing Ray to give me his blessing to marry Nya, you guys are the best" Jay said. "No problem, Jay, you come up the plan that we all should get our blessings from our girlfriends' parents, so we owe you by convincing Ray to let you marry Nya, that's what friends are: they always had each other's back" Lloyd said. The guys all replied back to Jay.

Maya and Ray went up to them with smiles on their faces. "You all should go back to the monastery to check on your girlfriends to see if they're okay" Ray said. "You're right, Ray, guys, we had to go back to the monastery to check on them" Lloyd said. The guys nodded and Ray touched Jay's shoulder.

"Please make sure Nya would say yes to you, so if she ever say yes, you'll be the only one to take care of her with love and care" Ray said. "I will, Ray, I'm hoping what's her answer when I asked her" Jay said. "Jay, you had to wait of what your future awaits" Ray said to Jay and Jay smiled with hope. He looked at a cherry tree next to 4 Weapons and smiled. "I really do have a talent and it's caring for others" Jay said and he put away a small box in his pocket.

"Ray! Jay's gift is almost done! Noemi is sending it at the monastery tomorrow" Maya said. "Oh crap! Jay lives at the monastery! We had to call the ninja except Jay that he cannot opened the front door! They had to keep him out from the monastery" Ray said and Maya handed him the phone to call the ninja.

"Hello?" Nya said.
"Nya! There's something we should tell you and your friends except Jay!" Ray said. "Oh my God!" Nya said knowing what her father's about to
tell her. "It's about Jay's gift isn't it"

What a Jay chapter in this countdown! 😃
Jaya! OTP!!!!!

Have a amazing 9th day before Christmas! Keep a lookout for the next chapter!
Tell me in the comments what's your favorite part of this chapter! Or Vote!!!!!!!.

Jaya, a true pair of Ninjago! #Jayaiscute! Enjoy this tribute about Jaya!
-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!!!


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