Day 9 (Dareth)

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Everyone in Ninjago love to buy gifts for love ones for Christmas. Everyone in Ninjago all have Christmas Spirit.

Lloyd and Kai were humming as they decorate Town Square's Christmas Tree. "Wow, guys, 17 more days till Christmas" Jay said as he fly up to middle part of the 20 feet tree to put the decorations around it. "That's amazane!" Cole said as he and Iris put the skirt around the Christmas tree. "Hello, ninja, nice tree decorating" Dareth said and the ninja smiled at him. "I can tell you have a strong spirit for Christmas, D, you must really love Christmas" Nya said and Dareth look at the tree. "Ninja, do you know that the ornaments on the left is based on Christmas Days?" Dareth said.  "Really? Let me check on those ornaments" Seliel said and she flipped one ornament representing happiness of children. "That ornament represent the happiness of everyone in Ninjago" Dareth explained. "That's amazane, what does this ornament represent?" Pixal said pointing at another ornament. "That represents nature's beauty of creating the Christmas trees on Christmas" Dareth said. "How do you know all of these ornaments?" Kai said. "I used to decorate this tree before you all become a huge team but it was a long time ago" Dareth explained. "Wow, that's cool, D, but how come you stop decorating the tree?" Lloyd said. "It's because ever since you guys save Ninjago couple of times, people will stop asking me decorating the tree and let you guys decorate instead. I decided to stop decorating the tree for the rest of my life" Dareth said with a sad face. "Dareth, it's okay, cheer up cause Jay's going to light the tree up at midnight" Nya said. "Yep, plus once I light the tree up at that time, all of the electricity cords will light the city with its electrical wires depending of what color it-" "Jay, no one don't want to any more details about the lights" Kai said. "Yeah, shorten it so everyone else can understand" Skylor said. Jay sighed and looked at the lights. "Once I light the tree, the whole city will be full of lights" Jay said and Kai and Skylor smiled. "That's much better, Blue bird" Kai joked and Skylor laughed. "The lights will show each of the Christmas meaning to it, for example a mistletoe: Stands for kissing" Zane said. "Ninja, you all will do a good job this year, I got to go to my dojo" Dareth said. "Thanks, Dareth" The ninja said.

Dareth went to his dojo and saw a old picture of him lighting the tree with the mayor of Ninjago. "That time use to be the best day of my life" Dareth said as he looked at the old pictures of him and very special person.

"Who will decorate this tree, mom?" A little boy said to his mom. "I don't know, Frank, let's go home and start our dinner with Daddy" The mom said and Dareth was humming 'Jingle Bells' as he went in a small store. "Hello, Dareth, good morning" the manager said. "Good morning, Clark, I'm planning to get decorations for my Christmas tree" Dareth said as he grabbed some ornaments. "Dareth, many people in Ninjago are sad that the tree in Town Square's not getting decorated this year" Clark said. "If no one's going to decorate the tree, then I am" Dareth said. "Are you sure you are going to finished decorating that tree before tomorrow?" Clark said. "Clark, I'm going to do it for the people of Ninjago. We are not going to let anyone lose their Christmas Spirit" Dareth said and Clark give him a box or decorations. "Here you go, Dareth, plus I'm very proud you are going to decorate it" Clark said. "Why is that?" Dareth said. "I'll help you decorate the tree with you" Clark said and Dareth helped the old man walked to the tree. Dareth smiled at the tree. He grabbed the first ornament and put it on the first branch. "Dareth, that ornament represent peace of Christmas" Clark said. "That's cool, how do you know what ornament represent in Christmas?" Dareth said to the old man. "I have a book that teaches me meanings of Christmas ornaments, Dareth" Clark said. Dareth smiled and he hum 'Jingle Bells' as he put each ornament in order. A little boy saw him decorate the tree and went up to him. "Can I help you decorate this tree?" The boy said. "Of course, boy, here's the ornament you put on the trees branches" Dareth said and the boy smiled. Everyone saw this and Dareth give them an ornament to decorate the tree. For the star, Dareth put it on the tree and it shone gold when the day turns night. Everyone cheered for Dareth and the mayor went up to him. "Dareth Mojo, you are awarded for decorating this tree with everyone of Ninjago" The mayor said. Dareth smiled and Clark went up to him. "Your Christmas Spirit won't be crushed as you grow up" Clark said. "Thanks, Clark" Dareth said.

5 more days till Christmas and Dareth run in the hospital. "What room is he in?" Dareth said. "Room E 25, sir" the nurse said and Dareth run to Room E 25. The doctor opened the door for Dareth and Dareth saw Clark in bed. "Clark!" Dareth said as he hold Clark's hand. "I'll leave you two alone to talk" The doctor said. Dareth looked at Clark and Clark wheezed really bad. "Dareth, you are a really special boy I have ever met, I want you to move on without me" Clark said and coughed. "Clark, why is that?" Dareth said. "After the day you are awarded, I was getting old and I fall on the floor. Lucky, a lady saw and call 911. Here we are at a sad moment that we get to talk to each other for the last time" Clark said weakly. "Clark, please don't die! I will be alone without you! You are my mentor, friend, and family to me" Dareth said. "Dareth, your Christmas spirit won't be crushed by anyone as you grow up. You have a strong spirit that no one in Ninjago ever have. Promise me that you are able to smile every day and help people out on Christmas. Dareth, I love you, my dear child, I have to be in a safe place called heaven. Remember me as you grow up" Clark said as he closed his eyes. The screen shows the heart rate stopped and many doctors ran in and take Clark away from Dareth. Dareth started to cry in the room by himself. The person he's close with passed away before Christmas.

At Clark's funeral, many people who are friends with him besides Dareth buried Clark's body in his grave. Before he end up going in his grave, Dareth touched his hand one last time. "I miss you so much, Clark, I love you as if you are my own father" Dareth said to himself and someone touched him. A spirit of Clark make Dareth smiled. "Dareth, your Christmas spirit won't be crushed by anyone as you grow up. Promise me that you are able to smile every day and help people out on Christmas. Dareth, I love you, my dear child, I have to be in a safe place called heaven" Clark's spirit said. "I will, Clark, be safe in heaven" Dareth said and the spirit disappeared and Dareth smiled.

The ninja start to put the ornaments in the top part of the tree and Cole growled. "Friends! Our tree looked stupid with white,green, and red ornaments" Cole said. Zane, Kai, and Lloyd growled at him and was about to hurt him but Jay stopped them. "Guys! Stop! Our tree don't look that stupid besides those ornaments are way too stupid. Whoever bought those are cheap?" Jay said and Nya, Skylor, Pixal, and Seliel growled. "Oh, Krux" Jay cursed and Iris was skipping with the star on her hand. "Whoa!" Iris said as she slipped on a ornament and the star end up shattering into pieces. "Iris! That's the only pretty star we can afford!" Lloyd yelled. "Really! Cause that star's stupid like you!" Iris yelled and the ninja start arguing.

A cloak villian laughed as he drain everyone's Christmas spirit making them argue. "Perfect, now no one can stop me from ruining their excitement of this holiday!" The villian said revealing to be Winged Wizard.

Dareth walked out of his dojo and he saw a little girl chasing a boy with a toy in her hand. "You are not allowed to play with my doll!" She said and Dareth stopped her. "Girl, stop chasing him. He's your brother" Dareth said. "Shut up, Doof!" The girl said and Dareth sighed. "What's wrong with people?" Dareth said and he saw the ninja arguing very loud. "Whoa! Stop arguing, ninja!" Dareth said to the ninja. "Dareth! Stop telling us to stop arguing!" Lloyd yelled. "Ninja! You are not acting like yourselves" Dareth said and he walked away from the ninja.

The winged Wizard count how many Christmas Spirits he had taken. "2.899 spirits, perfect, now everyone is arguing until Christmas hits" he said. "Sir, you miss 1 person for to get a Christmas spirit" one of his servants said. "What! Who?" The winged Wizard said. "His name is Dareth Mojo, sir" the servant said. "I'm going to find this Dareth guy or else my plan is ruin" the winged Wizard said and he left his liar to find Dareth.

Dareth walked around the city as he hear many people arguing. "What happened with these people? Why are they losing their Christmas spirit?" Dareth said and then a winged Wizard jumped in front of him. "Who are you?" Dareth said. "Name's Winged Wizard. Heard you have Christmas spirit and I need it" Winged Wizard said. "You are the main reason why many people and the ninja are arguing! You took their Christmas spirits away so you can ruin Christmas with hate!" Dareth said. "Smart boy, you are correct! Now beware my hate to you!" Winged Wizard said as he use his dark powers surrounding Dareth.

Dareth fell on his knees feeling the darkness crushing his Christmas spirit. Then someone stopped it and went up to Dareth. "Who are you?" Dareth said to the figure. The figure smiled and laughed at Dareth. "Don't you remember me, Dareth, I was like a father figure to you" the figure said. "Clark, is that you?" Dareth said. The figure laughed and Dareth was right. It was Clark's spirit. "Yes, Dareth, it's me" Clark said. Dareth went up to the spirit and hugged him. "This beast is trying to destroy your Christmas spirit but he can't destroy it automatically" Clark said. "What do you mean, Clark?" Dareth said. "Your Christmas spirit is stronger than his power. You have the ability to weaken this beast with your Christmas spirit" Clark said. "Are you trying to say that I have powers to defeat this beast on my own?" Dareth said. "You are not going to defeat him alone, D, cause I'm helping you defeat him" Clark said. "But how can you defeat him? You are not mortal" Dareth said. Clark laughed and touched his shoulder. "I can defeat him when I'm with you. Everyday I guide you in your life as you grow up. You are a grown man and I'm proud of who you become" Clark said. "A Brown Ninja?" Dareth said. "Nope, D, a caring man full of humor" Clark added. "Thanks, Clark, let's defeat this villian together, side by side" Dareth said and Clark grabbed Dareth's hand and deep orange powers were coming to Dareth. Clark's spirit went in Dareth and Dareth's brown suit had bright orange armor.

"His spirit is getting weaker! He can't survive my dark magic" Winged Wizard said. Then the dark magic disappear by some type of power. "What?! How can he break free of my magic?!" Winged Wizard said. "I have the power of Christmas spirit, beast, get ready to get weaken" Dareth said as he use his powers trapping Winged Wizard in a box and Winged Wizard tried to use his powers to break the box but the spirit powers weaken him making him disappearing into pieces.

The Christmas Spirits were coming back to everyone in Ninjago and everyone was confused. "What happened?" Lloyd said and Iris grabbed the broken pieces of the star and sighed. "Don't know but the decorations are ruin for the tree" Iris said. Lloyd hugged Iris and Nya and Jay picked up the ornaments that are not broken. The other ninja sighed at the tree as Pixal recreate the Christmas tree. "I guess the tree won't be decorated this year" Skylor said.

Dareth saw the ninja sad at the tree and Clark went out of Dareth's body. "D, before I go, I want to tell you that you have to help them decorate the tree. It can lift their Christmas spirits up for the people to see the glorious tree and lights" Clark said. Dareth take out his armor and sighed. "I will, Clark, with the decorations I used to decorate the first tree" Dareth said smiling at the beautiful view. "D, I'm very happy you save everyone's Christmas spirits, you are a hero to them, and I'm very proud of you" Clark said. "Thanks, Clark, I'm going to miss you so much" Dareth said. "D, I'm going to be with you for the rest of your life guiding you" Clark said. "What do you want for Christmas?" Dareth said. Clark laughed at Dareth. "I already got what I want, silly, it's you, plus have you opened my gift before I passed away?" Clark said. "What gift?" Dareth said. "It's in your room, D, I hope you love it" Clark said. "I will, Clark, bye, have fun in heaven" Dareth said as he grabbed a box if decorations. "Bye, D" Clark said as his spirit disappeared.

"Hey, here's some decorations I want you ninja to decorate this year" Dareth said. "These are beautiful, Dareth, beautiful for the tree" Pixal said passing out the ornaments to her friends. "Can we help you ninja?" A group of kids said. "You kids can, have fun decorating the tree" Dareth says and the kids help the ninja decorate the tree.

After 2 hours, Jay hand Dareth the star. "You can put the star on top of the tree, Dareth" Jay said. "Thanks, blue bird" Dareth said as he climb on the ladder and put the star on the tree. "It's getting dark, Jay, time to light the city" Nya said. Jay went the wires and use his lightning powers for the lights of the tree to light up. Everyone cheered and then the city's lights glow into different meanings of Christmas. Dareth smiled and the photographer went up to them. "I want a picture of you and the ninja" she said holding her camera to Dareth and the ninja. "Okay" Dareth said and he and the ninja smiled as the photographer clicked her camera and Zane clicked on a button revealing the picture the photographer toke on the buildings.

Clark smiled at Ninjago and sighed. "Dareth, you are like a son to me, happy holidays" Clark said as he disappeared and Dareth heard what he said about him and looked at the stars. "Same here, Clark" Dareth said and he and the ninja danced around the tree.

Whoa, what a Dareth Christmas Day. 😁 Dareth's one of my favorite side characters of Ninjago so I decided to do a chapter about him.

Have a tree decorating 17th day before Christmas!!!!


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