Meeting the Family

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Lloyd walked into the hallway, holding (Y/N) tightly. Kai walked in with a big smile, which quickly faded when he saw what Lloyd was holding. "Lloyd...? Why do you have a kid with you??"

Lloyd set (Y/N) down-- his shoulder was killing him for some reason-- when Kai's look very quickly changed from confusion to horror. "LLOYD!! Your shoulder!! What happened?!"

Lloyd twisted his head to see his left shoulder, and was slightly surprised to see it covered in an almost black substance before remembering that (Y/N)'s mother had nearly shot him. Somehow he had forgotten.

Kai's shout did not go unnoticed, and soon the foyer was filled with people fussing over his shoulder and asking what was wrong. Lloyd tried to explain, but his head was spinning from all the questions being asked.

Suddenly something tugged at his side, and he looked down to see (Y/N), surprisingly, hugging a large white box with a red plus sign painted onto it-- the first aid box! He hadn't even seen her move, to be really honest.

"Sit down!" she ordered, pointing at the floor. Lloyd sat down puzzledly, before she carefully pulled away his shirt sleeve and started wiping off the blood with a cloth. There seemed to be a lot.

A few times, as she rubbed some ointment into his wound (it stung) and then wrapped a white bandage around it, Kai, Jay, or his father opened their mouth to interrupt. Each time, Lloyd put his finger to his mouth so they wouldn't distract (Y/N). For a five year old girl, she really knew what she was doing.

"Aannnd done!" she said happily, sitting back to admire her work.

"Thanks... but how did you know how to...??" Lloyd asked, confused. (Y/N) smiled prettily. "Well I sometimes scraped my knee, so Mommy taught me how to fix myself."

Her eye caught something, as she leaned forward to whisper, "Who's that??"

Lloyd looked where she was looking, to see his mother watching them baffledly. "Oh... that's my mom..." he said, slowly, unsure where she was trying to go.

(Y/N) turned to face Misako, staring at her for what seemed like a very long time, before she smiled and giggled. "You're pretty!"

Misako made a slight sound of surprise, before she smiled-- a genuine smile, with her eyes crinkling up at the edges. "Thank you."

"Can you guess who that is??" Lloyd asked softly, jerking his head at his father. (Y/N) squinted at him for a grand total of three seconds before accurately guessing, "Your daddy."

"How'd you know that??" Zane asked, scratching his head slightly.

(Y/N) merely giggled before pointing at Lloyd's hair. "Their hair is the exact same style!!"

"Good job. Who's that??" Lloyd asked, pointing at Sensei Wu.

(Y/N)'s face went blank as she stared at him for a moment before turning to Lloyd. "Your grandpa??"

Kai, Jay, and Cole practically exploded with laughter, although it was quickly silenced by Sensei Wu sharply smacking them on the back of the head with his staff. Lloyd covered his mouth and coughed slightly.

"Hehe, um, no, that's my uncle," he said, awkwardly. She blinked before smiling. "Okie!" She pointed at Kai suddenly. "What's Mr. Porcupine's name??"

An explosion of laughter from everyone in the corridor, even Zane. Kai squinted at her, although his lips were twitching up at the corners. "Hold up, did the little kid just call me a porcupine??"

"That's-- *cough*-- that's Kai," Lloyd replied, grinning despite his attempts not to.

"OK... is the girl with amber eyes his sister then??" (Y/N) guessed, pointing at Nya.

Kai blinked in surprise before regaining his composure. "Yeah! That's Nya."

"And the guy in blue is Jay," Lloyd introduced, before Jay cut in, "I invent things, do a little cooking, dabble in poetry--"

(Y/N) giggled, cutting him off. "You're funny!"

"I am Zane," said Zane, stepping forward awkwardly. Having not changed his appearance yet, he still looked 'mildly frightening'.

(Y/N), however, looked completely fascinated. "Silverrrrrrr," she giggled, rapping on his side. It echoed slightly with a metallic 'clang'.

"I'm Cole," Cole said with a smile, stepping backwards so (Y/N) didn't notice the fact that he was slightly green, slightly translucent, and completely intangible.

(Y/N)'s smile faded suddenly, and she stared at Cole with her big (E/C) eyes. Cole took another step back before (Y/N) said, her cheerful voice sounding rather frightened now, "Are you imaginary??"

Cole seemed taken aback, as did the others. "N-no, he's not imaginary, (Y/N)," Lloyd said, oddly.

"But... I've seen other green people too... and Mommy told me they were just in my head," she whispered. "And all of them listened to me when I talked to them... except no one else could see them very well..."

Sensei Wu's eyes widened, just for a split second, before his face relaxed. "Well, Cole is not imaginary," he said comfortingly. "But, if you would like, Lloyd could become your father."

Her smile redoubled back. "Okie!" she chirped, before hugging him with a ferocity that surprised everyone in the room. "Ah, yes, err... go wait outside so Lloyd can help you shop for some things later."

As (Y/N) skipped outside happily, Sensei Wu gave Lloyd an odd look. "The child you have brought back has some rather... interesting quirks..." he said to Lloyd quietly. "But, for now, just go shop with her for some things. I have to... go check something..."

With that, he walked off, leaving Lloyd to stare after him in perfect confusion.

What had his uncle meant by that??

A/N: ONLY THIS ONE still has Cole as a ghost and Zane with his appearance like... 'that'. The other ones have been altered to Zane looking like he did before and Cole... well, you'll see. :)


"Kai! Why... do you... have a kid with you??" Nya said, her expression changing from a smile to a blank look to a confused one.

(Y/N) was cradling her hands in her lap, for although she cooled her hands off with water and they had 'healed' over, they still weren't entire healed. She barely looked up at Nya with that haunted look that had permanently ended up on her face a few minutes ago before back down at her lap.

"Oh... hi Nya." Kai set (Y/N) down on the floor so he could whisper into her ear. As he explained in hushed whispers what had happened, Jay happened to come out. "Hey Nya. Hey Kai, do you have... my... foodWHY IS THERE A LITTLE KID RIGHT IN THE HALL?!"

Kai shushed him a second too late. "Jay shush!!"

If it was possible, his voice echoed through the hallway. Lloyd came careening out of the door and nearly ran into the doorframe, before stopping to stare at (Y/N), who was sitting on the floor in a state of shock. Not three seconds passed, however, before he was first run into by Zane, then by Cole, then by Sensei Wu, then by Sensei Garmadon and Misako, before he fell over onto his stomach with a grunt of pain. "You okay, Lloyd?" Jay asked, going over to help him up.

"I was, before Zane, Cole, Sensei, Dad and Mom flattened me," Lloyd grunted as he got up.

As everyone started to detangle themselves, Kai gave them a quick explanation: "Sorry about the short notice but I got Jay's food, but then I started back and some guy ran up and told me some place on Maple Avenue or whatever was on fire, so I ran in and found (Y/N)--" he waved at (Y/N) to punctuate his point-- "and she lost her mom in the fire so I promised one of her neighbors to take her in and here we are."

Kai finally remembered and handed Jay the bag of food, rather sheepishly. "Oh, yeah, here's your food by the way. I hope you don't mind, but I gave one of your cookies to (Y/N)-- to calm her down, you know?"

The others just stared at him in a state of shock. Sensei Wu finally cleared his throat and said, seriously, "Taking care of a child is a huge responsibility, Kai. Are you sure you're up to it??"

"Yeah, of course I am-- I took care of Nya from age 15 to 18, didn't I?" Kai argued. Nya raised an eyebrow. "I was only a year or two younger than you, Kai."

"Yeah, but I watched Mom and Dad do it. I can do it!"

Nya gave him a dubious look. "If you say so..."

"I can!"

Sensei Wu sighed, possibly just to cut off the flood of bickering that was about to occur. "If you think you are ready Kai, I will not stop you."

(Y/N) had finally looked up, and the first thing that caught her eye was Cole holding a thick metal bar. "Um... Mr. Cole?" she asked, very softly. Cole turned to look at her in astonishment. Evidently she had been paying attention when Lloyd had blurted out the names. "Yeah??"

"What are you holding??"

"Oh... it's a bar made out of the most recently discovered so called 'strongest' metal in Ninjago, adamant. I'm trying to see if I can bend it, but so far I can't. You wanna try?" he asked, politely. (Y/N) looked at it before smiling slightly. "O...kay..."

She took the metal bar from him and held it in her two hands. A look of pure surprise crossed her face. "Wow, it's so light..."

"Yeah, adamant is the lightest, strongest, hardest substance in Ninjago now," Cole said with a grin. His entire body flickered green-- just for a moment-- and then back to normal. Even though the curse had been lessened so that he was only half ghost, he still had trouble controlling it at times.

Thankfully, (Y/N) was concentrating on the adamant bar and on bending it-- so far she was having trouble as well-- so she didn't notice Cole's 'ghost mode'. Her face screwed up in concentration.

"What are you doing? If you can't bend it I doubt she can do it," Kai said, dubiously.

"It takes her mind off her parents, in the least," Cole said, taking his eyes off of her for a split second.

A sudden grating sound hit their ears, and they all whipped around to see (Y/N). The metal bar was beginning to crumple slightly in the middle, like an aluminum can. Her face was still concentrating incredibly hard, and suddenly the entire bar of metal SNAPPED like a stray piece of wood.

They all stared at her for a moment, totally shocked. (Y/N) caught her breath before looking down at the two separate pieces of metal in her hand. "Umm... yeah, sorry about breaking it," she said sheepishly.

Sensei Wu regained his composure a moment later. "It's fine. Would you like to make sure your hands are not infected??"

(Y/N) nodded and followed Misako out of the room, while Misako asked her things like, "How do your hands feel? Are you okay??"

Sensei Wu raised his eyebrow. "That is one... very interesting child you brought back, Kai."


A/N: OK, sorry, but I know that the one last time was horrible. Yeah, I'm sorry, I was totally out of ideas there. This one is better.

(Y/N) followed shyly behind Zane by a few paces. As Zane opened the door to her new home, she hid behind him a bit. A young man with almost bright red hair came to the door, a big smile on his face. It quickly faded when he noticed (Y/N), though. "Uhh... Zane why do you have a little kid with you??"

"Oh, hello Jay. This is (Y/N)," Zane introduced. (Y/N) peeked up at Jay shyly. "Hi," she said cheerfully.

His electric blue eyes seemed to pierce (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes for a moment before the smile came back onto his face. "Hey (Y/N)! You wanna meet the others? Of course you do," he said, not even hesitating before picking her up and carrying her into the building, with his shoulder in her stomach. (Y/N) let out a squeak of surprise.

Within a few minutes, he had set her down on the carpet of a warm room. There were a grand total of seven people staring at her. "Jay, what are you doing with a kid??" one finally asked, a guy with hair that looked remarkably like a porcupine.

"Well it's kind of a funny story Zane just came to the door with a little kid behind him and her name is (Y/N) and I thought she was pretty cute although I don't know why Zane brought her home still but you know it's not that big of a deal so I brought her in so here we are," Jay babbled in a single breath.

(Y/N) piped up to the chorus of baffled looks, "My mommy didn't want me so Mr. Zane brought me back."

Jay's smile faded again as (Y/N) felt the familiar sick feeling from a few minutes before return to her stomach. It's not exactly fun having someone abandon you.

"What (Y/N) said was true-- I believe her mother tried to abandon her in the forest, but we caught up to her. I brought (Y/N) back with me," came Zane's smooth voice.

Suddenly the porcupine guy looked right at (Y/N), his amber eyes glinting in the dim light. "What're you looking at me for, kid? You've been staring at me for the past minute." His voice wasn't angry, really, but it wasn't a very encouraging tone regardless.

"Don't scare her Kai," Zane warned, raising his eyebrow, but (Y/N) was already speaking in her serene voice, completely oblivious to the questioning tone in Kai's voice. "Well, I thought your hair looked like a hedgehog," she said mildly, and quite innocently.

Silence. A few muffled laughs from the blonde haired guy in the room. "Shut up Lloyd. I'll have you know my hair's very fabulous unlike what this little kid is saying," Kai joked. (Y/N) chirped back, "I didn't say your hair wasn't fa-fab-fabulous. I just said it looked like a hedgehog. Hedgehogs are cute."

The blonde guy let out another laugh and came over to rub (Y/N)'s head. His eyes were the loveliest shade of green, (Y/N) noticed with delight. Green was one of her favorite colors.

"Hey there-- I'm--" he started, but (Y/N) beat him to it. "Mr. Lloyd. I know. Mr. Kai just said!" she giggled. Lloyd raised one eyebrow and turned to look at Zane. "You picked up a smart kid, Zane."

The girl in the room chuckled and came over, along with the other people. They introduced themselves as Nya (the girl), Cole (the guy with black hair), Sensei Wu (the old man with the white beard), Sensei Garmadon (the man with gray hair and Lloyd's emerald green eyes), and Misako (the woman with a gray braid).

No sooner had Misako introduced herself, Jay let out a shriek. Everyone whipped around to see a spider the size of a quarter on the wall. "Ewewewew spider!" he yelped, trying to smash it and only succeeding in hitting the wall as the spider scuttled over nearer to (Y/N).

(Y/N) yelped, "Don't kill it!" as Kai raised his hand to smack it. He paused, staring at (Y/N) uncertainly at first, before his stare changed to one of shock as (Y/N) held out her hands in a cupped position and the spider crawled into her cupped palm.

"Don't worry," she said softly to the spider, carrying it over to the window, seeming almost totally unaware of the others in the room. "I won't let Mr. Jay hurt you." She set the spider on the windowsill and waved at it as it began to crawl out the window.

Nya blinked before rubbing her eyes. She might just have been imagining it, but she could've sworn the spider had waved back at (Y/N) before leaving.

Sensei Wu had noticed this as well. As he watched (Y/N) skip back over with a pretty smile, he said out of the corner of his mouth, "You brought back a rather... interesting child, Zane."


Cole was practically running down the street, the bag bouncing slightly as he ran. The first few minutes, (Y/N) had been quite quiet, making mild comments in response to his questions but quite pleasantly nonetheless. But after these few minutes, (Y/N) had yawned and shut her eyes, sleeping quietly.

That wasn't what was alarming. When Cole tried to wake her up to ask her something, she didn't wake. He tried shaking her a little harder, but the only response was the slight lolling of her head.

Cole ran up to the monastery door, almost running into it. As it was, he had been forced to pivot slightly so that he only shoulder-checked the door rather than ran face first into it.

Zane opened the door, a slight frown on his face, before it grew a bit more pronounced. "Cole, why are you--"

"I'mreallysorryZanebutonthewaybackfromthecakeshopImetthislittlekidhername's(Y/N)andshe'sreallysweetbuttheproblemisthatshe'ssickandshefellasleepafewminutesagoandshe'snotwakingupandI'mstartingtofreakout!" Cole blurted out in a single breath. Zane raised his eyebrows as his database tried to make sense of his blurred-together words before his eyes widened. "That... is not good."

He practically dragged Cole into the monastery. Zane wasn't very worried most of the time, but he was extremely serious about someone becoming sick.

As the two of them practically tore through the monastery towards the storage room, Cole couldn't help but bite his lip so hard it drew blood. Even though he had just met (Y/N) several minutes ago, he didn't want her to die... He REALLY didn't...

The door to the storage banged open, revealing a cot, several musical instruments that Sensei Wu had purchased in case the ninja wanted to take a break to try them out like a flute, a guitar, and a piano. Oh, and a rickety old chair with a splintered leg.

Cole set (Y/N) down on the bed as Zane rushed out the door again, saying rapidly, "I am going to go fetch the first aid box..."

(Y/N) seemed to be curling up like a frightened animal on the bed, her entire body shivering slightly. Cole pulled the comforter that barely fit the cot out from beneath her and covered her with it, not taking his eyes off her.

A moment later, he remembered the cake bag that he had been holding the whole time. His fist had tightened on the plastic so much it had torn. He took out the chocolate cake that he had bought and took a big bite, since he was still hungry. But for the first time, cake didn't taste at all good. In fact, right at this moment, it tasted a little like sawdust.

The door opened, and Cole looked up to see Zane with the first aid box and everybody else in the entire building. Cole handed Jay the bag. Jay looked into it with, at first, a look of confusion, before it turned to delight. "Oh! cake!" he said happily.

Behind him, Kai facepalmed.

Zane pushed Cole out of the room. "I will make sure she's all right. But in the meantime, I suggest you go do something to take it off your mind."

With that, he shut the door, leaving Cole staring at a wooden stretch of... well, wood as the lock engaged.


"HEYHEYHEY!!!! COLE!!" Jay yelled, waving his hand in Cole's face. Cole looked up with an annoyed sigh. "What is it this time, Jay?!"

"Zane said he was done. Don't you want to get the results??"

Cole moved so fast it was as though Jay had said, "Hey Cole! There's free cake!"

"She should be fine. She will need to rest for a few days, because her immune system is weakened, but she should be fine nonetheless," Zane was reporting to the others when Cole sprinted in. Cole let out a sigh of relief before Jay suggested playing some video games to take Cole's mind off of (Y/N).

As they started playing an intense game of Fist-2-Face 2, Cole kept hearing soft music playing from the direction of (Y/N)'s 'room'. It was calming and very skillful. He couldn't help but relax from the soft tune.

Zane walked in now. "It was a good idea to put music on in (Y/N)'s room, Zane," Kai remarked, eyes glued to the screen. "Cole seems more relaxed, at least."

Zane's expression changed into one of confusion. "What music??"

Cole's eyes widened. "Wait-- you didn't put it on?? Then..."

"Who did??" Lloyd finished the thought.

They all looked at each other, before Cole shot to his feet and bolted down the hall. "Cole!" Kai called, but Cole was sprinting so fast he almost got whiplash--

The door opened with an almost explosive BANG, and (Y/N) looked up from the (rather old) guitar she was holding in surprise. The guitar seemed to play a little longer than when she stopped, however.

"Cole?? Is something wrong??" she asked in her soft little voice.

Cole stared at her, chest heaving slightly as he panted. "Oh... I just... I thought maybe someone... came in here..." he panted.

(Y/N) shook her head with a smile. "No, no, just me. You wanna hear??" she asked, nicely.

Cole took a deep breath before smiling at her. "You know what, I think I'd like that," he said quietly.

As (Y/N) started to play again, both were unaware of everyone standing in the hallway. Sensei Wu raised his eyebrows. "The little girl Cole brought back has something... interesting about her," he said mysteriously.

All of the ninja shared a confused look. What could Sensei mean by that??


Jay eased the door open to the monastery. He had phoned Nya beforehand and given her and the guys the basics of what had happened. Sensei had NOT been all that happy, however he had given Jay permission to keep (Y/N).

Kai and the others were playing the FNaF game with Chromecast to get it on the TV. Well, except for Zane.

"Hey, Kai, hi guys. Where's Zane??" he asked, casually.

"Uh, he's over in the kitchen. I think he's trying to fix the microwav," Kai said, not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Oh, I'm gonna go help him. D'you mind letting (Y/N) play with you guys??" he asked, leaning against the wall. Remembering her dislike for FNaF, he added, "Uh, could you also... um.. change the game??"

(Y/N) peeked at them distrustfully. Lloyd looked away from the screen and turned to look at (Y/N). "Um... Kai's not gonna like that," he said dubiously, but (Y/N) shook her head. "Um... no, I'll be fine Jay."

"You sure??" he asked, dubiously.

(Y/N) shrugged with a weak smile. "I'm only scared because the boys at the orphanage don't listen to me when I tell them to do something. Speaking of which, Mr. Kai, you might want to check the left door."

Kai glanced at (Y/N) with a confused look, but he checked. Bonnie's face was illuminated in the door lights, and Kai slammed the door shut. "Whoa... thanks, kid," he said, looking back at (Y/N) with a grin. "Yeah, sure Jay, she can play with us."

Jay nodded and went to help Zane with the microwave.

(YOUR POV(finally!)

(Y/N) sat down next to Lloyd, since he was the only one she even sort of trusted. Kai went back to looking around on the cameras. He checked Pirate's Cove.

Which was empty.

"Oh no--!!" he yelped, about to click the West Hall camera, but (Y/N) shook her head. "No! No! No! Shut the door first!! It's only when you check the West Hall that you have a split second to shut the door!!" she informed him.

Kai switched his mouse to turn the camera off and shut the door before taking a peek in the West Hall. Foxy went rushing down the hall, and there were three bangs on the door.

"Oh. I didn't know that," Kai said, sheepishly. (Y/N) nodded. "Not that many people do," she breathed.

Kai then proceeded to go to the West Hall Corner. The poster there had changed to a gold bear. "What in the world??" he asked, bringing down the monitor-- coming FACE TO FACE with the gold bear, it's head lying limply on it's shoulder.

He did the most sensible thing someone would have done in his place.

He let out a scream.

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!" he screamed, (Y/N)'s voice mingling with his. "BRING THE MONITOR BACK UP, BRING THE MONITOR BACK UP!!!!" she shrieked.

Kai, having now learned that (Y/N) seemed to know more about this game than he did, hastily brought the monitor back up. "I'm bringing it up, I'm bringing it up!"

A few moments later, he lowered it. The gold bear had disappeared. Kai relaxed noticeably. "Whew... thanks... and WHAT WAS THAT THING?!"

So sparked a conversation between (Y/N) and the few boys that were sitting on the floor together. And, for one of the first times in a while, (Y/N) felt completely at home.

A/N: Yeahh... sorry the Jay one's kinda messed up. This took me THREE WEEKS TO WRITE.... ASFKDLAJFKLDJKLAJFDLKJDJFD

Anyway! I hope you liked my (very noobish) update and I will see you next time!

x.X. A.L. X.x

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