Play With Me!

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You skipped into the room, beaming brightly. Lloyd looked up from the scroll he was reading, studying a new move. "Hi, (Y/N)-- what's up?" he asked, a big smile replacing the slight frown on his face he'd had a few seconds ago.

You held out the new video game Lloyd had bought for you the other day. "Play with me!" you said, beaming. You'd played it multiple times already, but it was a little lonely doing it alone.

Lloyd grinned and took the video game from your hands. "Okay. What's this game again? Mario Kart? Okay, to the living room!" And he picked you up and 'flew' you like an airplane to the living room, to your extreme delight.

You now loved Lloyd as though he were your real daddy or your real parent, and you absolutely adored him. He really liked you as well, so the two of you got along like fire and wood-- an analogy your 'uncle' Kai had made the other day. 

He set you down on the couch before entering the game. "Do you wanna be Mario?" he asked, pretty generously. Mario was pretty fast.

You shook your head. "Princess Rosaline for the win!" you crowed, holding your tiny fist in the air.

Lloyd poked you in the ribs, making you shriek with laughter and squirm away wildly. "Oh, yeah? Well Luigi is going to kick Princess Rosaline's butt!" he teased you right back, picking Luigi and then lunging at you and tickling you wildly.

"No he won't-- Princess Rosaline is awesome!" you retorted through your wild giggles, finally taking up the controller after he ceased the tickle attack.

Despite you being a little kid, your reflexes and steering were actually pretty good after playing the game about twenty times, and you pretty much smoked Lloyd at the game-- using your items to trip him up, and steering the right way while Lloyd sometimes steered off and fell off the track, or fell into the void. You ended up being in first place while Lloyd ended up in 8th.

Lloyd's mouth fell open-- partially to make you laugh and partially because he was really surprised. "How did you do that?!" he demanded to know, eyes the size of drink coasters.

"I told you, Daddy-- Princess Rosaline is awesome!"


Kai was in the middle of training when suddenly a small pair of arms wrapped around him and a tiny, adorable voice squealed, "Daddy!!"

He glanced over his shoulder to see the tiny girl clinging to him with this big smile. "Hey, kiddo!" he said, reaching back and ruffling her hair so that it stood up at all these funny angles. "Did you need something?"

(Y/N) squeezed him again. "Play with me!" she squealed.

Kai frowned slightly and scratched his head slightly. In this situation he wasn't sure how to do this, he didn't know that many games...

Then something clicked in his head, and he grinned. "You wanna know my favorite game?"

"Okay!" (Y/N) chirped happily.

Kai flipped her off of his back and dangled her upside down, making the little girl shriek with laughter. "Tickle Tag! Whoever gets caught gets tickled!" he shouted over her laughter, before releasing her. "I'll give you a three minute head start!" he called as she sprinted off, squealing with laughter.

He waited patiently before going off in the direction he'd seen her run in. "Ready or not, here I come!" he called.

A few minutes passed with him passing several people and rooms before he caught a glimpse of (Y/N)'s eager face. It ducked behind a door, and he grinned and followed.

(Y/N) rushed into the garden, squealing delightedly as Kai gave chase. Of course, since he was older, he managed to catch up to her in no time at all and tackled her (as gently as he could, since he didn't want to hurt her) to the soft, springy green grass. "Gotcha!" he shouted, to delighted screams as he pinned her down.

Then he started tickling her. (Y/N) squealed and laughed, trying to protect her neck mostly. The two of them sat in the grass for a while longer until he finally relinquished (Y/N), who relaxed into a hug, her grip around him tight. "I love you, daddy."

Kai smiled slightly, hugging (Y/N) back. "I love you too."

"... bet you can't catch me again!" And to his slight bewilderment, the little girl twisted out of his grip and tore off towards the monastery again.

He sat there for a moment before grinning, jumping to his feet, and running back towards the monastery. "I'll take that bet!"


Zane was working on the falcon when a little (h/c) head popped out of nowhere. He jumped a bit before realizing who it was. "Oh, hello (Y/N)."

"Hi daddy!" you said happily, beaming at him.

Zane smiled slightly and patted you on the head. "Is there something you need?"

You held out one of the ninja's old video games that you'd seen lying around on the couch one time and then played with Lloyd. "Play with me!" you said happily.

Zane blinked before looking down at the game. It was an old one, he believed it had a story to it. They'd gotten to the last boss monster when Sensei Wu had pulled the plug on their gameplay-- literally.

"Ah, okay." He came with you to the living room and helped you start up the game, before sitting next to you with a controller. 

You happily picked the pink character while Zane picked the white one. "Okay, now you pick a job class," Zane explained to you. You immediately picked a mage class.

Zane raised his eyebrow as he picked the ninja class. "Okay, but the mage class is at a distinct disadvantage for the first several boss monsters for beginners," he warned you. You shrugged. "Magic is cool!" you declared happily.

Zane raised an eyebrow. "Cooler than being a ninja?" he asked, smiling at you kindly. You nodded brightly. "Yep! In a video game, anyway."

Turning back to the screen, the first monster popped up. You immediately attacked it with magic, standing at a good distance away. You'd played quite a bit against and with Lloyd in your spare time, so you knew how to work the game to your advantage. 

Ducking back and forth as the first monster attacked, you relentlessly shot attacks and beat the first monster with Zane's help within a minute. It was quiet, but you didn't mind that at all. It helped you both focus on the game.

"Good job," Zane uttered quietly, and you nodded brightly. 

Within the next two hours, you got to the last monster. Zane and you had both leveled up multiple times, and were now prepared to attack it. "Daddy, have some potions!" And you gave them to him cheerfully. 

Zane smiled back and took them. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

The two of you simultaneously attacked, your power growing so strong that the health bar was whittled down to a measly two. Zane was about to attack again when the rock monster hit him back, and his avatar died. "What?! It's that powerful?" he asked with a slight sigh.

"Don't worry, daddy, I'll avenge you!!" you said cheerfully, before 'killing' the rock monster.

Zane smiled slightly, hugging you gently. "Thank you, (Y/N)," he repeated.


Cole was reading a cookbook and trying to figure out what to cook for dinner-- it was his turn tonight, to what seemed like the extreme chagrin of everyone else-- when you hopped onto his lap. "Daddy!" you said cheerfully. Cole smiled and ruffled your hair so it was standing up every which way. "Hey there, kiddo. How ya doin'?"

 You quickly moved your hair back into a neater, prettier sort of style, before beaming at your adopted father. "Play with me!" you requested, holding out a box.

Cole thought for a moment about it before nodding and setting down the book. "Okay, what do you want to play?"

A few minutes later you'd set up the Monopoly game board and appointed your father as the bank owner. Cole stared at the board game as you rolled to see who would go first. He then took the dice and did it himself. "Wouldn't you rather play a video game or something, kid?" he finally asked.

You shook your head mildly, either not noticing or just plain ignoring his reluctance to play it. "No thank you," you replied, before rolling the dice.

Cole sighed slightly. Well he didn't like board games much, much less Monopoly, but he supposed he could play a round or two for you. Just for you, mind you. 

Well, despite your young age, you had a very quick mind, and you managed to bankrupt Cole within the next two hours. You could've done so MUCH earlier but there was a reason you didn't, this time around.

Cole stared at the board, his brown eyes wide with shock. "..."

"I win!" you cheered, before going and bringing back two cupcakes. "And here's your consolation prize!" you said cheerfully.

Cole's eyes lit up and he practically grabbed the chocolate cupcake out of your hands. "I like this game," he said between bites of cupcake. "When can we play again?"

You giggled in response to this. Cole checked the time. "Oh... dang it," he grumbled, "I ran out of time to cook something. I guess I'll just order a pizza..."

"Okay... sorry, Daddy," you said, folding your hands and giving him innocent eyes. Cole's scowl lightened, and he rubbed your head again. "Oh, no, it's not your fault, kid. My bad. I'll go order the pizza now."

And with that, he left the room. A few minutes later, Kai came in and grinned. "Thanks for keeping him busy, kid."

"You owe me," was your reply as you walked off.


"Daddy!" you shouted, tackle-hugging your dad and knocking him flat on the floor. Jay let out a little groan but grinned up at you. "Hey, kiddo, what's up?"

"Play with me!" You started chanting 'play with me' and bouncing on his back, making him grunt a little with each press. "Okay, okay! Um... do you wanna play FNaF?"

"Okey!" you said cheerily, sitting next to him as he started the game up. He opened up the game and started a new game. 

The two of you sat there, with you saying occasionally 'Oh! Shut the door!' Or 'Check the Show Stage' and saving Jay's butt about twenty times throughout the first three nights.

On the fourth and fifth night, Jay noticed you seemed to be talking nonstop throughout the gameplay, calling out to Jay before he messed up so often that he had to rush about working at it. 

Then the sixth night, and then finally, the seventh night. Jay took a deep breath. He was pretty sure that he was going to lose, like usual-- he always lost.

You were not deterred, though, and jumped up and down. "Come on, daddy! Let's try!" she chanted, and Jay nodded. "Okay." 

The seventh night began.

You immediately started talking. "Okay, check the Hall Lights on both sides, then check Show Stage and Pirate's Cove, and then put down the monitor. ALWAYS CHECK THE SHOW STAGE EVERY TIME, Daddy, that's important..."

Jay was moving so quickly that it looked almost as though he had multiple arms. "Okay, kiddo," he said quickly.

"Okay, Daddy, Freddy's out, so this time before raising the monitor shut the right door..."

"Daddy, don't forget to check Pirate's Cove, we're at 4 AM and have 15% power, so keep going, okay?"

"Daddy, good job, but be careful about Freddy and Chica, okay?"

"Daddy, shut the left door!"

Jay shut the left door and heard Foxy bang on it. Now there was 3 % left, and it was 5 AM.

"Daddy, you're doing a good job. Keep going, okay? Now, quickly, shut the left door."

"Daddy, we're at 2%, don't worry about it."

"Look out!"

Jay shut the right door, just as the power cut out. "Oh crap!!" he exclaimed.

"Daddy, don't move anything!" you ordered, and Jay kept the mouse perfectly still. The jingle began playing, and it was definitely the longer one. The both of you held your breath.



Then the bells rang, and Jay jumped up and cheered. "YEAH!! Thanks, (Y/N)!" he picked you up and squeezed you tightly in a hug.

He almost forgot the fact that you'd managed to guide him through the 7th night in exactly one try.

A/N: And yeah! So I hope you like it, and I'll see you next time! Short chapter is short. Better short and fluffy then nothing at all, I suppose.


x.X. A.L. X.x

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