Chapter 10 🌼

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Pixal and her family put Zane on a chair and Wu and the other animals went up to them. Pixal grabbed some ice and put it on Zane's left arm to make it cold. "What happened to Zane?" Kai asked Cyrus and Cyrus looked at his daughter who looks pretty sad. She doesn't want Zane to melt, she wants to make sure the rose won't turn frozen so that the curse can be lifted.

"Zane's left arm is melting because he was attacked by Treehorns but don't worry much, Pixal turn them back to regular horses" Cryus said and the animals were shocked. "Pixal can heal Zane" Wu murmured and Garmadon nodded. "Ice can't heal an Ice figure but only Nature. He won't be back to normal but his left arm is back to before he got hurt" Garmadon explained to Cyrus and Lloyd went up to Pixal.

The lion cub is the youngest out of all of the animals and pretty much have a good heart to everyone. To Lloyd, Kai's like a father figure to him and Skylor as a mother figure.

The lion cub grabbed a blanket and put around Zane. "Thanks, Lloyd" Pixal said and the lion cub smiled. "No problem, like my mom always say, Helping others makes you a good person just like you" Lloyd repiled back and Pixal smiled.

Zane started to groaned weaker more than earlier. Pixal looked at the mountain lion who was drinking tea in front of her. "Wu! What's a way to heal the Prince before his body melts?" Pixal said and Wu smiled. "Heal him with your powers" Wu repiled back making the blonde confused. "Heal him with powers I have? I don't have any powers" Pixal said.

"Only 1, dear, and that's nature" Cyrus said reminding her of what she did to those Treehorns who are now royal horses. Pixal nodded and she started to put her hands on Zane's left arm.

I'm gonna stand strong Nothing's stopping me I'll be loud, you'll hear me now I'm gonna stand tall Take it to the top I'll be free, can't bring me down

Pixal sang softly as her hair started to change into a strand of pink green highlights. Her hands started to glow green causing it to heal Zane's left arm. The other animals were shocked at Pixal and the Ice Prince just smiled at her.

Pixal's hair turned back to normal and Zane's left arm was healed. Instead of saying Thank you to the blonde, he end up hugging her. Pixal blushed a little bit and hugged him back. "Awwwww!!!!!!!!" The animals said and Pixal and Zane stopped hugging all of the sudden.

"You and your family have to stay here for a while" Zane said in a calm tone. "Okay........" "Zane, that's my name" "Hmm, that's a nice name" Pixal said and Lloyd went up to them. "I'm sorry of causing the fruit fight earlier, I just want to have......" Lloyd stopped talking and hid behind Pixal. "Ll-" "Zane, reply back to Lloyd kindly" Pixal reassured the Ice Prince. Zane kneeled down to the lion cub and sighed. "Lloyd, it's okay, you just want to have fun and I think you and the others can have 5 minutes of having fun before bed" Zane said very kind and Lloyd smiled and hugged the Ice Prince. "Thank you, Zane. You're starting to act kind to us" Lloyd said and before he go to his friends, he looked at Pixal. "Thank you, Pix" Lloyd added and he smiled.

"Wow, Lloyd seems to be not afraid of me" Zane said very surprised. "That's because you repiled to him with kindness" Pixal said. Zane smiled and he take her right hand leading her out of the living room. "Where are we going?" Pixal said. "Let's say to the best part of the palace" Zane repiled back.

Cyrus and Cryptor laughed and they end up drinking tea with Wu, Misako, and Garmadon.

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-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!!

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