Day 10

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A/n: Hello! Today's prompt is "Please can we get it?". So, let's have some fun with our black, blue and green beans!

"Please can we get it?" Cole asked.

"For the bazillionth time Cole, you've already eaten one whole cake today! And if you eat any more, you'll break the diet plan Zane set for you!" Replied an annoyed Jay. He never understood why Cole was so addicted to cake, and how his stomach could fit more than one inside of it. Besides, the Ninja were at the Ninjago Christmas Market to buy decorations and clothes, not food. And he really wanted to hand Cole over to Kai so that he and Nya would be able to go shopping.

Cole, though, was now sulking. Like, seriously! What kind of friend doesn't give him cake? Oh yeah. Jay. He bet Jay doesn't even know how much cake means to him. Jay didn't even accept his motto, 'Cake is love, Cake is life' even though it very clearly stated cake's importance in the world.

"Seriously, Cole, you gotta chill out and not be so obsessed with- OOOOOOHHHH!
Cotton Candy! Imma get some!" Jay said, or rather got distracted, at the sight of his favourite food.

Cole, however, had other ideas. "Nuh-uh!
If I can't have cake then you can't have cotton candy!" He said, holding the collar of Jay's shirt and pulling him back from the stall.

"Oh come on! How's that fair?" Jay asked, exasperated with Cole and his attitude. Cole would never understand how much Cotton Candy meant to Jay. It was the very essence of sweetness and life, leaving a taste in your mouth that always makes you want more.

"Hey, guys! Would you mind buying a little something for me?" Another voice rang out. Cole and Jay turned to see Lloyd, standing their with the biggest of smiles pointing towards a Candy stall.

"Only if you get Cole off of me so I can get some cotton candy!" "Only if you buy me cake!" Said Cole and Jay, simultaneously.

"Woah woah. How about a deal? I buy Cole's cake, Cole buys Jay's cotton candy, and Jay buys my candy. Deal?" Lloyd said.

"Well, I guess a little cake might not be that bad for Cole.... Deal!" Jay replied.

"YES! I FINALLY GET CAKE! IT'S A DEAL!" Cole practically screamed.

And, let's just say, Zane was not happy when he saw Cole, Jay and Lloyd eating such high sugar content............

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