Day 8

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A/n: Today's prompt is, 'Fun in the Sun'
So, without further ado;

"Let's Partaayy!!"

It was a fairly nice day when the Ninja had decided to go to the beach, along with the Chicken.

Everyone was having a wonderful time. Jay and Nya were playing in the water, Cole was building a sand castle with Lloyd, Zane and Pixal were sitting in the sun and Skylor was trying to convince Kai to at least have a little touch of the water. So, well, almost everyone was having fun.

Jay was having loads of fun. He knew this beach party was a good idea! He looked around to see everyone was also enjoying themselves. When, suddenly, he got splashed with water!

He turned back and saw Nya giggling with a bubble of water floating around her. Two can play at this game, he thought before diving underwater, and swimming over to her.

Nya looked around to see where Jay was, but she could not find him. She frowned. It wasn't like Jay to just leave like that. Then, she wondered, if she had offended him. "Jay! Jay! Look, I'm sorry if I offended you!" She called out, but to no avail. When suddenly, a pair of arms grabbed her!

"Hey! Let me go!" She shouted at the mysterious arms, struggling and unsuccessfully attempting to escape.
Then, a head popped up from the water.
Jay! She thought, and said, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Jay grinned as he fully rose up, and turned Nya around to face him. He wrapped his arms around her waist now, and leaned in, with Nya also doing the same. And just as their lips were about to touch;


"Ow! Hey! What was that for?" Nya pouted, pulling away from him and and inspecting where he had zapped her. It was just a small zap, so nothing was wrong there. Good, she thought to herself, I'd have given him a few scratches on his back if he'd left a mark.

"You know what you did, Waterlily." He replied, the smug smirk never leaving his face.

"Mmhhmm. So?" She asked.

"Consider this my revenge. Hehe" He replied.

Then, Nya got an idea. "Y'know, if you're done now, we could have some real fun."
She offered with a smirk, aware that Jay couldn't resist on such a nice day.

Jay though, knew the game his yang was playing. It was tempting to immediately say yes, though he had a bit more of joking around to do.

"Oh, if you mean Splashing Kai, then I'm in!" He said, acting clueless.

He saw her pursing her lip a bit, exhaling, and then saying, "Sure, like splashing Kai."

He laughed, got closer to her, and wrapped his arms around her, before whispering in her ear, "It's okay. I know what you really mean by 'fun'."

"You do?" Nya asked, still unsure if Jay had gotten her hint.

Jay smirked, before pulling her as close to him as possible and meeting her mouth with his.

He then briskly pulled away as if nothing had happened, and said to Nya;

"Let's have some fun in the sun".

I'll leave the rest to your minds XD.

Anyway, please tell me how you enjoyed the story! See ya!

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